Preamp with XLR input under 1k?

Hello all,

I have ProAc D18, Hegel HD 25 with SOtM dX-USB HD and Quad QSP.

I would like to add a preamp to my system.

I don't care if it's used or brand new?

What should i look for?

Yes Zd542,

I saw it. Thank you

But my power has only RCA input.

I think 5i doesn't have RCA output.

And we use 240 volt in here. This might be a problem.

Thank you again
Someone just listed a BAT 5i. They are asking $1500 for it but it looks like the seller may negotiate on price. You would probably have to spend a little more than your budget allows, but I say its worth it. The preamp is the most important component in the system to get right.
save for a BAT VK-3ix, They actually show up used here from time to time but are worth every penny new
Oh yes Timrhu, you're right. Unfortunately i can't try most of them in my country so i have to decide without listen them. That's why i want to be sure.

I read good things about Avant Pre.

How about it?

Thank you
Mahlerian, I would not have guessed English was not your first language by your postings.
What I meant by my post is, only you will be able to decide which of the suggested preamps will work best in your system.
Thank you all for help

So what pre will be best with my system?

I should John McEnroe here.
Thank you all for help

So what pre will be best with my system?


Vincent SA-93
Bel Canto pre3
Primare P30
Muse Model 3 Signature
Audio Research LS9
Emotiva XSP-1
BAT VK3i (let's say i can find it under 1k)
Adcom GFP-750
Wyred mPre
Parasound P5
Hegel P20 (i may get it) Jedinite24 knows it says "SA-93" on one of the S-33 circuit boards, and as far as I can tell it is EXACTLY the same preamp (dual mono balanced with an isolated double transformer power supply on the same chassis), which means if mine breaks I can (hopefully) send it to a Vincent repair shop. I have no idea why Kavent and Vincent were the same things with different cosmetics...some marketing issue maybe, but still a little weird.
If you can find it the Vincent SA-93 is the preamp that the Kavent S-33 is based off of. They look very similar. I also own the Kavent S-33 and I really enjoy it with either a solid state or tube amp. I've got it paired now with a Jolida JD-502P and really like the pairing. The S-33/SA 93 also has a gain select button which I find rather useful. If a recording is too hot I can take it down a notch with the gain adjustment feature.
I posted a similar query a couple of years ago and a Kavent dealer popped out of the woodwork...perhaps the last Kavent dealer anywhere, and sold me a fabulous new balanced S-33 preamp for what I thought was a bargain price...and promptly went out of business. Damn fine preamp though...maybe this thread will cause 'em to pop up again! Before the Kavent appeared I did have an Adcom GFP 750 on my short list and it's worth noting they are (switchable) active OR passive...not unlike myself.
There is a Primare P30 on Audiogon now for $995.00.
It is truly balanced and has a nice digital display.
I like it better than the Adcom GFP750 I used to own.
This preamp was designed by James Bladelius, formerly of Threshold.
Thank you for all recommendations.

Hegel HD 25 DAC offers its XLR output for best sound quality. It has a very good quality digital volume control. It has a preamp. It has XLR output but my power amp QSP has not.

How about if i use Cardas XLR/RCA adaptor and save some money for good preamp? Is it effect sound quality?
2 oldies but goodies with excellent performance
Muse Model 3 Signature
Audio Research LS9

Either can be had around $800
I second the Emotiva XSP-1............pretty incredible for the price. Give them a call, they may have a demo available with the 5 yr transferrable warranty.
In your price range, an active preamp, used, new, SE or balanced, is going to be a difficult find. (I mean one that sounds good.). I'll take a BAT VK3i also if anyone wants to sell me one for around 1k.

If you are willing to give a passive a try, you may want to see if you can find a used Adcom GFP-750. It shouldn't be too much trouble finding one. It has more than 1 input, balanced, SE and a remote. Even though its a passive, it has plenty of features that don't normally come with most units.
For just $100.00 more you could consider a Wyred for sound mPre. Has a usb dac as well.