Pre-amp for Parasound A21+ & B&W 803 D3

Good morning. I am looking to upgrade from my system to use my NAD C658 just as a DAC/streamer rather than an all-in-one preamp. Currently it feeds a Parasound A21+ amp powering B&W 803 D3 floor standers. Adding in the dedicated preamp would necessitate adding in a phono stage but I consider that largely outside the scope of this request. I have reached the decision paralysis phase of searching so wanted to get some suggestions. Unfortunately there are no good audio stores within a 2 hour drive of where I live, so largely will have to choose based on features/reputation/recommendations. Help appreciated!


Considering/considered (but am ABSOLUTELY open to other suggestions outside these):

  • NAD M66 (replace the C658 altogether)
  • Parasound JC2 BP
  • McIntosh C8 (tube) or C49 (SS)
  • Rogue Audio RP-7
  • Benchmark LA4


Current equipment:

  • Pro-ject Carbon EVO turntable with Sumiko Wellfleet stylus
  • NAD C658 DAC/streamer/preamp
  • Parasound A21+ amp
  • B&W 803 D3 speakers

Budget: up to ~$5k but there is flexibility in this for the right piece

Location: USA (Alabama)

Room: 14.5 ft wide x 13.3 ft deep x 9 ft tall, treated with GIK Acoustics panels and curtains


Cary Audio SSLP-98.  A sweet, dynamic, low noise triode,  6SN7 tube sweet sounding preamp with uncanny tone.  

My setup:

Audio mirror tubadour V dac into Wyred4sound stp-se stage 2 pre into Parasound A-21+ amp like yours. Love the combo. The pre has every connection imaginable, great volume control and remote to boot.

I have a Schiit Freya plus paired with the A21. It sounds great and adds warmth. I think any of the tube preamps you are considering could do the same including the Rogue. If that is what you’re looking for. 

I have owned the A21+ and liked it. It was a bit too warm for me but I thought the Benchmark LA4 was really good with it. I tend to love the LA4 (or HPA4) with all the amps I have paired it with. I use the HPA4 with the CODA #16 amp (not selling either one).

A few weeks ago, I sold the Holo Audio Serene preamp which is a bit like the LA4 but warmer. Today, I got delivery of the new Schitt Kara F preamp. It cost $799 and going into my office system where the HPA4 used to reside when I had the Serene preamp.

I cannot tell on the first day with the Kara if this is a killer preamp. So far, the Holo Serene and the HPA4 are better. I have a feeling the Kara will end up sounding like the Serene. All 3 measure about the same.

I would have bought a LA4, but I did not want to spend any extra money and the funds for the Kara are coming from a future sale of my Schitt Mjolnir v3 headphone amp + preamp. The MJ3 is very warm and rather good and in demand.

My new Kara F is going into the new Schitt Wotan amp driving Magnepan Mini speakers. The Wotan is really good. After a few months now with $2k Wotan I think it is good as the CODA #8 that I owned at one time.