Power Conditioning for a mid-fi system.

I am trying to get the best components I can get, but on my budget I do what I can do; however, I think my system, when it is done, well be better than your average bears'. Anyway, I have been plugging all of my stuff into the same power strip and it is getting kind of messy. I would like to get a good power conditioner, but what, and at a budget price, new or used. I think I am going to get an ultimate outlet for my subwoofer just because it is so far away from my other stuff. I have had my eye on a PS Audio rig, but new it is out of my price range for now and used, well, that isn't happening. It seems to be a hot item. What else is there?

Any ideas would be helpful.
An economical approach is the Wireworld Electrafier AC power strip available from Cable Company (& also Audio Advisor I believe, they also have the PS Audio AC strip, & another model for around $200). The AC cord is detachable on these strips; the use of an upgrade AC cord input to the strip along with one of those plug-in Enacom filters can achieve fair amounts of filtering. However by the time you bought all of that stuff you could probably get a Chang Lightspeed model 2500 6-outlet conditioner for less $. This is a 15 amp capacity unit, so if you use larger power amps then either plug the amp directly to your line (using an upgrade AC outlet of course - at least a $25 Hubbel outlet) or use another conditioner of higher capacity such as the Chang 9900 amp, athough they do cost more.
Economical line conditioners from Monster & Panamax are often suggested for budget systems, but I can't recommend them based upon no experience with them & also based upon forums that I've read in that regard.
Great line conditioning (1800 watts) and six outlets with good filtering and surge protection to boot. Heavy as a brick (large autotransformer) but you can't do better for the $$.

About $130.00 USD (Do a Google price search).
I am not a big fan of the Monster/Panamax grade conditioners. They are fine for a stardard HT system, but I assume you want to do better.

The Chang Lightspeed are nice units. So are the ones by Audio Power and Vansevers. For a few $$$ more a Richard Gray Model 400 will really clean up not only the power, but any outlet on the same circuit near where the 400 is plugged in.

For just cleaning the power, I am a big fan of those $100 Blue Circle BC86 Noise Hounds. Two are even better.
Get dedicated lines first before you do all of this. They run about $100-$150 a line and get rid of all those cheap outlets on the power strips.
I'd start with a monster hts2000 (like $100-130 on shopping.yahoo.com). It doesn't have the extra (filting?) that the higher lever monster products have. I friend of mine has this, and it isn't too bad. He also has dedicated lines (which bigkidz mentioned). I think he was more pleased with the lines than the hts2000.

I went straight for a VansEvers clean line 85. There is a reference series with cryo'ed outlets (and maybe something else too). I haven't played with the Tice or Chang - but I've heard good things about them. The VansEvers is better than the monster hts2000, definitely. But unfortunately it runs about $400 used, or about $600 new.
I have the Vansevers Super Companion, I think it is around $150 new. Has digital and parallel filters, surge protection, 6 isolated outlets and a IEC. Does it make a difference? Not sure, didn't notice any change putting it in. However, they state that you notice such things more when you take out of your system than when you put in. I haven't taken it out yet.

I have my piece of mind anyway.
I actually use a Vansevers Super Companion for part of my HT system. One nice thing about it for a low cost device is the IEC plug, so you can upgrade the power cord on it.

I use a Vansevers Reference 85 on another system with a Blue Circle BC62 power cord replacing Mike's standard cord.

I have also replaced all the outlets everywhere I have any kind of audio or video gear, even in areas not having dedicated lines. Well worth the small expense.

Have you used the HTS2000 in your system? I have had very good results using two of them for the past three years.

So far I have been able to try the HTS1000/2500 & 3500 models (which I did not care for), but the HTS2000 is an exception. The HTS2000 was also designed by a different EE than the rest, as the story goes, who later went -w- MIT.

I have read that the HTS1000 is supposed to be the same (a few less outlets), but it did not sound the same and the higher models sounded compressed in comparison.

I like them enough that I recently purchased 12 Hubbell outlets (to upgrade the stock ones), don't care about the warranty as the pair only cost $250 new with a discount.
Good question Matchstikman, I am also interested in affordable power conditioning - as must be others. Where is the "knee of the curve" on price vs sound quality?

Has anyone tried the JR Power Source kit from www.diycable.com? It is a Jon Risch design.

Zorpman - to which brand line conditioner do you refer?

Hi Dekay,
I have a few Monsters I use to power part of the HT system, and a couple TV's and VCR's in bedrooms. They do clear up the TV picture and brighten the colors some.
Hey DeKay, you're alive! I have some CD's for you...

Back to line conditioning, Match, if you ask the wrong question you are more than likely to get answers like the above ones. Read and learn--there is no single one conditioner that will solve your problems.

I think a dedicated line is more important than a filter, if I had to choose one or the other. A dedicated line with a homemade parallel power strip using LN2 cryoed receptacles will give extremely good results, related both to noise and power delivery. I have tried a hospital grade receptacle, an audiophile grade power cord and a PS Audio Juice Bar on a cheap Phillips DVD and an old NAD 7125 receiver and the improvements have been substantial. The same with my Essence A/V Pro power strip w/ integrated power cord. All that was used to help was a little 1.0 amp isolation transformer for the DVD player. This test was done in a noisy apt. building.

I have the following:

(A) Seven smaller isolation transformers ( both toroidal & C-core ) ranging in size from a PowerVar 1.0 to a 1.2 KW ONEAC--plus a 3000W, 220V in/110V out ONEAC CB-2338 (95 lbs).

(B) Three power strips: Radio Shack surge protector/filter ($29.95), PS Audio Juice Bar ($199), Essence A/V Pro w/ integrated power cord ($499). The last two strip's outlets are wired in parallel.

(C) Highwire Wirewrap tuning device ($25)

(D) Tice A/V Solo ($440)

(E) Clear Image T4 by AudioPrism ($2,400)

(F) Power cords: seven Absolute Power Cords, two 8' Tice PC3's, one 10' Tice PC3 Extension cord. One Absolute and one Tice PC3 have been LN2 cryoed at Jena Labs.

(G) Outlets: three PS Audio Power Ports ($49.95 ea), one 20 amp ACME silver plated, LN2 cryoed ($45).

(H) Bybee filters soldered to the drivers in my Modwright Swans M1 (four filters total).

As you can see, I'm well stocked on goodies...and have played around with all of them. I would start with a little isolation transformer for my digital and take it from there...