Please , Thank you.Help in choosing a CD or a CD/Universal player

I just purchased a Vincent CD S1.2, it sounds pretty good but with my Dynaudio Neo 2’s, they seem a little "bright?" on the high end, or maybe just me. I’m not sure if those two are a good match. So, I am looking at possibly moving to different player(again). I mostly listen to Redbook cds, but have a few HDCDs and SACDs, and even a few DVD-A disks. I have a smallish size listening area, carpeted and am think about getting some new stands for the speakers (IsoAccoustics) to see if that will help any.
Here are the ones I am looking at:
1. Linn Unidisk SC
2. Hegel CDP4A MkII
3. Or any Rega, I have been told and read that they are reliable nice sounding units.
4. Or? Please fill in your suggestion...
I know the first two units may be dated and the Linn has VG ratings and the Hegel, I can’t find too much on that one. The quality of sound vs. the costs might turn out to be a high value (If found under <$800)?
Any assistance in this would be appreciated. I am just looking for a reliable superior sounding unit, cannot afford new so...Thank you for your input and I gladly welcome suggestions.

jafant:  Haven’t found any repair shops yet.  I am getting a refund for the Linn Majik1 integrated, they met me keep the amp, too bad I know nothing about repairing though. Still, I will tinker with it and see what happens. Thanks for keeping in touch!


"Oppo’s can be programmed to output DSD from SACD..."
How simple is it? Which output does it go through?

Thanks d2girls & jafant, I have just picked up a Rega Apollo 35th Anniversary model.  Man, this is nice sounding articulate player.
And exceptional match with the Heed and the Reference 3A Dulcet'.  Wow, and wow.  The Rega way outperforms the 752bd (with red-book cds) and very close to the Primare.  But, alas, my memory is beginning to fade...  
Regarding the New Apollo: I am now wondering, and I am curious though (as usual), how the newest Rega would compare with the 35th...The search continues.  
On a sad note, my Linn Majik 1 arrived today, it was thrashed in shipping.  Can't blame anyone specific, as it was handled by three (or 4) separate carriers.  The shipper (form the UK) did an excellent job of proper packing and protection. But, even that wasn't enough to keep the shippers from dropping on a corner and then another hole where an object penetrated the box and super padded wrapping to demolish the IEC inlet and buckle the top of the unit.  It was a beautifully maintained Integrated by the first/original owner. An item in that condition will be very difficult to find and will probably give that each up.  I was so looking forward to listing to this.  My misfortune with carriers is growing at a rapid pace.   Darn, darn, darn. (as Herman Monster would say)...
Post removed 
Thank You - lostnamerica
looking forward to your comparison between the Cambridge, Linn and Primare.  Happy Listening!
Re: jrinkerpdtnet and jafant;  Update on the equipment and issue with fedex.  Fedex paid me for about 40% of value to make me go away I guess.  Way better than nothing, so I am moving forward.  I just received a Heed Audio Obelisk si iii in a trade, wow wonderful sounding integrated matched with the Reference 3A Dulcet'.  And I have found a Linn 1.1 at a fair price and thinking about getting it upgraded.  Don't know much about the u[grade company but they say they can make the Linn "better".  I will be contemplating that...I Thank everyone who has responded and my search will continue.  Keep in touch.

Re: jrinkerpdtnet; thanks for the input, the Linn SC for about $500?  I will check that out.  Waiting for a Majik1 to arrive, and eager in listening to it.  Just getting my feet wet with the Linn product line very curious on the sound.  Read good things about the line and wil research your suggested spinner. Thank you for your help and input.
Morning jafant, all is well in AK and with me, I appreciate your comments as well.  I have settled (partially anyway) with FedEx after much prayer and mild threats of taking them to court, in which would have been expensive and possibly fruitless but they will refund me almost half of my loss (Primare CD32).  Putting that behind me and moving forward.  The Cambridge 752bd is a great step up from the 651 and is a nice improvement in sound and being a universal spinner, fine for now.  I’ll be moving (trying to & the 651) that one as well.  As for the Primare, wonderful and near incredible  sound, and wil miss it.  I have. Linn Majik1 coming in and can’t wait to hear it.  Plus I ha e a PS Audio 100 coming in, and be good to compare the old with the new.  Thanks for your kind comments and wish you the best!
Good to hear from you - lostnamerica
I liked the Cambridge 651BD spinner as well. I have not heard the 752BD model.  How did you like the Primare CD32? An incredible story involving FedEx?

Hope you are well and enjoying Alaska.  Happy Listening!
The Linn's are cheap on the used market ... SC around $500 or less ... I still have players from the 90's that have never had transport issues.  No idea if Linn still produces or stocks replacement parts for their older units if you would have issues.  I know they do not use off the shelf transports.
Greeting jafant!  Yes on the move to Alaska, great being back “home”.  As for the spinners: I did have the Primare CD32, sold it and FedEx promptly lost it.  Long story short: I handed it to the FedEx driver in front of the FedEx store in Portland OR about a week before I left on my move here.  The driver failed to scan it as well as anyone else... my claim for loss was denied as FedEx stated: ”We are sorry to deny your claim as we have no record of receiving your property “.  Still fighting them in this.  Anyway, I have since purchased a Rega Apollo 35th Anniversary player #171, and had a Cambridge Audio azur 752bd (and a CA azur 651bd) for backups.
And of course, I’m always looking at different things.  Probably keeping the Rega though as it is in superb condition.
keep in touch jafant.  Pleasure hearing from you.

I am looking for an update on your spinner situation. Which player (s) did you buy/sell?  Did you move to AK as well?
Happy Listening!

the BD32 is a universal spinner. It was released in 2012 and would be a great buy on the used/demo market.

How do you like the I32? What other gear is in your system?
Happy Listening!
I wish Primare made a universal player. Wait a minute. Who am I kidding? I wouldn't be able to afford it. Love my I32, though.
Post removed 
Yes tomcarr, I was curious also.  Then I had a chance to listen.  Sometimes reviews can be misleading (almost seems like a sales pitch), but the ones I red before purchasing seemed more than positive, then I listened.  They were spot on, I am not an audiophile,as you can see from my posts, but I know when a piece of equipment has exceeded my expectations whereas pure pleasure is derived form the sonics.  This is the best player I have ever owned, and the reputation for quality and lasting attributes from Primare are well worth the price of admission.  Anyway, there you go.  I have decided that I will be leaving Oregon by Mid-June (headed back to Alaska), and will probably move this player for travel $$$.  thanks for reading!
Modded players are sweet- lostnamerica
I have been curious about the Primare I32/CD32 combo. I would like to hear the advancements over the older I22/CD22 combo.  No local dealer/retailer though?  Staying tuned...

Happy Listening!
jafant,  I have not sold it, yet. I am selling though as I just sold my modded Music Hall mmf cd-25 in which I am having 2nd thoughts.   About the Primare,  I have had it about 3 weeks now.  if it goes, great.  If not, that’s great too.
I do love to buy, try/listen and then move a to various other equipment.  My retirement hobby so to speak.  Thanks for keeping posted.  


you sold the CD32? How long did it reside in your system?

Happy Listening!

Thx. 1graber2.  I have been looking at the Electrocampianet (ECM-3? I believe) just because I love to compare reviews and users thoughts, promising unit.  And the Modwright Oppos  I’ll be looking for also.
Thanks for your input.
Glad you like the cd32, I had one and found it to be accurate and mostly neutral, maybe slight emphasis towards the top but not overly bright.
I only ever used the xlr outs
or Electrocampianet, or Sony, or Rotel, or Marantz, etc
there is a lot out there.
rega is too "cold" for your ears, marantz leans slightly warm.
I’m not impressed with Arcam.
The Oppo 203 is only $599 on the low end and I would not recommend it.
However, I WOULD recommend any of the Oppos with a Modwright mod, which are legendary.
Go to the "Modifications" menu on the site:: and Pick the Oppo models

I appreciate the response, my gear is:
Dynaudio’s Xeo 2’s, Arcam CDS27, just sold my modded Music Hall mmf cd25 today, it was pretty sweet, QED Reference 40 rca,  and a pair of Atlas Equator MkIII rcs’s.  Switching back and forth with the QED and Atlas determining which one to keep.  Still looking for a toslink Cable for future use.  Music tastes:  just about everything with the exception of jazz.  From early Black Sabbath to Uriah Heep, with some classical and my favorites are: opera singer, Maria Callas, Captain Beyond (first album), Wishbone Ash Argus, Chopin,and many others.  Thank you again.  And don’t forget to Enjoy the Music!

Thanks! for the update- lostnamerica

what other gear including cabling is in your system?

Which genre(s) of music is in your collection?

Happy Listening!

I have been listening to the Primare CD32, it is super. Everything I have read has become a reality in sound reproduction, amazing in every aspect with no siblance noted as before. Bass, even with the Dynaudio Xeo 2’s is incredibly smooth and engaging. I tested it with the Black Sabbath-Black Sabbath cd and amazing Sonics with this combo. I am having a hard time justifying he purchase though. But the music is so sweet, torn between $, and beautiful music from Redbook CDs...Anyway here it is. Not much of a review, but there are no complaints in any area of sound representation. Thanks for reading.
Thanks jafant, I’ll keep you (+ anyone interested) posted on this.  I am looking forward to this also. Thank you again!

looking forward in reading your report on the CD32- lostnamerica

Happy Listening!

Thank you 2channel8, I appreciate that. markmendenhall:  I missed out on the Hegel, darn. Thanks for everyone!  I had purchased the Primare CD32 and await its arrival.  
I have a NAD C546BEE CD player and an Oppo BDP-95. I got the BDP-95 because I already had about 6 SACDs, 3DVD-As, and a few HDCDs. (previously had an Oppo DV-980H, infact I still use it in my small system.) I now have 22 SACDs, 7 DVD-As (ordered 2 more yesterday), 5 HDCDs, and 5 BRDs.

I have the Oppo connected via balanced cables from the analog outputs. I only listen to stereo. The NAD is ever so slightly warmer than the Oppo. I never would have bought it if I'd had the DV-980H first. I tried to sell the NAD after I got the BDP-95, but no takers, so I still use it. The point is I wouldn't find the Oppo warm at all If I didn't do side by side comparisons.

That being said, If I were starting out today and wasn't so fond of hard copy, I'd get the best red book player I could and get into hi-res downloads for the top end. 

Nonetheless, if I win the lottery I'm buying the best Esoteric SACD player available at that time. ;^)
I have a Marantz SA8005 Super Audio CD that could be your solution. It is built like a tank and has a great DAC that really extends the soundstage. I got it for $899 on Amazon. It  might be worth stretching up from your $800 budget
Excellent feedback, Naim and the first comment on the Hegel.  I was about to eliminate it due to no info on it. I am also looking at a Primare cd-32 (used), I think 3 good choices are those.  Thank you all for you info.  
Urge you to check out Marantz.  Supremely musical  IMHO.  If things are still bright you have issues elsewhere.
Bought the same Hegel you list and just love it. So analog sounding it’s scary.  Beautiful sounding cdp. 
Get Better Sound is a must-have!
re CD player, Naim CDX, now downgraded into my bedside headphone system works without a glitch for 20+ years now, and sounds amazing! The price dropped down to next to nothing, and unlike my CDS3 which is now onto its third laser "upgrade", CDX still works fine. It is one "snappy" beast, but not bright. At the end of the day its all about your personal tastes, I had top Ayre, McIntosh, Linn in my rig but gravitated towards Flat-Earth spinners, right now own CDS3 and Wadia 781i

Oppo? The name puts me off, as with Schiit, cannot help it! Sounds cheap, but since its my hobby who cares!
Thanks for all the info, I just purchased the book and DVD set.  I am looking forward to some good reading...  I appreciate all the comments and suggestions,   again, I thank you all.

Any Rega. I have a Saturn and love it. Very dependable and not bright sounding. 
Thank you for that information tomcarr I will also check out the book.  Interesting stuff here.  

If you have the luxury of a dedicated room, check out Primacoustics for room treatment. I bought mine  from Sweetwater Sound. Improved the  sound of my very modest system in ways I never dreamed of...
Absolutely essential, IMO.

I guess it really does depend on your amplification, speakers, cables, and of course the quality of the music being played.  I appreciate the comment on the Apollo, haven't heard much on that.
Thanks for the post,
I don’t regard my Oppo 105 as bright.  I laughed at the the first comment about this.  It is highly resolving, so if you have bright sounding music, that’s what you will hear.
  I had the Rega Apollo, many years ago.  It was murder trying to get it to accept a disc
Jahatl513, you are absolutely correct in what is going through (quality of music I presume).  Most of my CDs are NM-M and more importantly, great to superb DR measured, I do t buy anything until I have checked against a DR database and then I will purchase it then.  My go to disk is Genesis, “Selling England By the Pound” as the dynamics in this particular recording are VG.  So, in a nutshell, yes to what’s is being run through...Thank you all for your most helpful responses.