Please , Thank you.Help in choosing a CD or a CD/Universal player

I just purchased a Vincent CD S1.2, it sounds pretty good but with my Dynaudio Neo 2’s, they seem a little "bright?" on the high end, or maybe just me. I’m not sure if those two are a good match. So, I am looking at possibly moving to different player(again). I mostly listen to Redbook cds, but have a few HDCDs and SACDs, and even a few DVD-A disks. I have a smallish size listening area, carpeted and am think about getting some new stands for the speakers (IsoAccoustics) to see if that will help any.
Here are the ones I am looking at:
1. Linn Unidisk SC
2. Hegel CDP4A MkII
3. Or any Rega, I have been told and read that they are reliable nice sounding units.
4. Or? Please fill in your suggestion...
I know the first two units may be dated and the Linn has VG ratings and the Hegel, I can’t find too much on that one. The quality of sound vs. the costs might turn out to be a high value (If found under <$800)?
Any assistance in this would be appreciated. I am just looking for a reliable superior sounding unit, cannot afford new so...Thank you for your input and I gladly welcome suggestions.

It is smooth sounding, I agree. I happen to prefer that but its just personal taste. 
+1 @don_1. @don_1. I would actually like my Oppo UDP-205 to sound slightly brighter - because currently it does not. I had been using the Teac CD-1000 for the past couple of years and the Oppo now seems a bit too smooth compared to the Teac.
The only thing that I feel about Oppo is that players from Esoteric, Marantz, Luxman, etc probably have more resolution than Oppo.
Good point, @don_1, my 103 doesn't sound bright at all with Krell and Vandersteens. Very neutral. 
I received my OPPO 205 several weeks ago and it is the BOMB! I beg to differ about the OPPO being too bright.  First time I have heard that comment. Are u running it  through the analog outputs? Maybe thru the HDMI output may be a tad brighter. If you're looking for a universal AUDIOPHILE piece of equipment look no further!  It sounds great.
@lostnamerica Sorry I am no help on the Hegel CDP MkII. Haven't heard it so I can't offer any perspective. If you are handy with audio equipment, i.e., feel comfortable opening up the can and replacing parts, then the "old" factor is much less of an issue.  
Thank you for that info, I had been leaning towards the Unidisk SC and 2.1, bit rethinking the age of he units...Have you any experience/knowledge on the Hegel CDP 4 MkII?  Thank you again.

I currently own a Linn Uni--in a third system. Nice player in its time--but be cautious--these are now pretty old and disc players can wear out.
Oppos--I know the recent models of Oppos well. Owned the 105D stock and also Modwright 105 tubed with power supply. Currently own the Oppo 203 and the Oppo 205. I think the best value proposition currently for you to avoid "bright" and get a robust player with resale value is to wait for a Modwright 105 to come on the used market. Probably run you $1600 or so. It easily competes with $4-5K players IMO. I sold mine to go to a dedicated music server system. 

Thx stereo5, loomisjohnson and akg_cal.
i was thinking the same on the oppos myself. I don’t need a brighter player than the one I already have. He Rega is super nice and will research some more in pricing (used) of course. I appreciate all the help,
love this forum.

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I find the Oppo players too bright for my taste.  They sound great at first listen but after a while, the brightness gets to me.  There are much better sounding players out there, think second hand.
decidely a minority view, but i don't really like my oppo 103 for cds, although its certainly an impressive dvd player and streamer; for cds i  preferred the pioneer elite 79avi it replaced. unless you need bluray, i would actually look at something like a used integra 10.5 or  arcam dv139, which is optimized for music
Thank you, I never thought about the oppo players.  I mentioned that I do have a few other formats in disks but primarily listen to redbook CDs and the player I’m looking for would be primarily for that.  I will check those units out (203 is in my price range.). And see.
thanks again.
I see you don’t mention Oppo, which is puzzling as their Universal Players are generally considered great values and are market leaders.  At any rate I have the 105 which plays just about everything well.  Oppo’s can be programmed to output DSD from SACD so if you get a DAC that can accept DSD in the future you can further enhance the quality of your SACDS