Plastic sleeves for cd's...


I would like to put my jazz cd's (specifically the ones that come in cardboard

cases) in plastic sleeves. The sleeves I've seen have flaps that close utilizing glue. 

Are there any that have a different style closure like you see on Ziploc bags?



Since most of my cd’s are in jewel cases, any new ones that come in cardboard I put them in jewel cases and cut the cardboard to fit tin the case

Yes; I do this as well. 

I use the clear plastic pages that came with a DVD storage notebook.  Oh, and I use the notebook as well😁

Since most of my cd's are i jewel cases, any new ones that come in cardboard I put them in jewel cases and cut the cardboard to fit tin the case as well or at lease to show what is in there. A case of jewel cases from Amazon is cheap.

I use, and can certainly recommend DiscSox. I also use them for DVDs. Very high quality, though not cheap:

DIscSox website

Most of my cd’s are in Case Logic ProSleeves. Each one can hold 1 cd on one side with the booklet on the other or two cd’s, one on each side. They work great and don’t harm the surface. Link to what they look like.





Have you checked Bags Unlimited?

CD Storage Supplies (

I believe you can get poly sleeves with or without flaps and without adhesives.  You can call them and they can tell you which product you want.