PL EVO Pre - Output transformers!

I am not really in the market, but this caught my eye. According to Herb Rich at Stereophile:
this pre uses output transformers, possibly meaning there is no DC blocking capacitor like most tube pres have.

Very interesting! And worth a listen.

so do output transformers in a preamp add distortion or not
Colouration "mellow warm" is a form of distortion. Good caps get closer to the sound of direct coupling.

Cheers George
so do output transformers in a preamp add distortion or not, or is the end result a summ of all the parts and the topology design of the pre on a case by case basis? according to John atkinson, the evo 300 has a 'fat' sound in the midrange, which makes me think distortion. 0.3% in the midband would certaibly be audible and count for that coloration. so im not sure if this is just how the amp was designed, or if output transformers just add distortion. i think some of the mcintosh preamps use output transformers and they measure excellent?
output transformers George, and they tend to be less colorful. Just mellow and warm.
To me they are bandwidth limited, can ring, have distortion (mellow and warm) and can compress compared to a good cap. DC coupling is way out in front of both.

Cheers George
For balanced/unbalanced conversion in TUBE pre, I prefer transformer than op-amp.
Thanks @imhififan !!
I like the sound of good output transformers, George, and they tend to be less colorful. Just mellow and warm.
I rather listen through a "good" cap than an output transformer, and the "best cap" is "no cap". DC coupling with well designed servo's sounds better again, than either cap or transformer.

Cheers George