
Need help. Purchased a cartridge,benz micro LPS, currently have a nova phonomena phonostage which I believe is my weak link. Would like to upgrade phonostage with tube or solid state with at least 62 db of gain. After a natural sound with lots of detail. Listen mostly to jazz to include female singers would like to have as much depth as possible. Budget is $5000 new or used. Suggestions please.
The best phono stage I have heard is the Coincident Technology phono stage. It lists at $5999 and can be bought direct from the company. It has 66 db of gain, so it should be ideal for your purposes. It also has an extra input for a cd/sacd player, so you can by-pass your pre-amp if you wish. It has a humongous power supply, which undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in its outstanding performance. One would have to spend more than twice this price to get anything close to this in performance and even then I'm not sure it would be close.

It's a little over your budget, but worth the stretch. Kevin Carter is selling a beta "Venice" on eBay for $8K. Fully differential, tube hybrid; makes the K&K "Maxed Out" sound like a toy in comparison. You can read a review of the Sonas Veritas "Venice" by Marshall Nack here: ://
Another option would be the TRON Seven phono stage.Bespoke tube phono stage from London in the UK. You can contact the manufacturer, Graham Tricker, who will build you a bespoke stage to suit your cartridge. Jeff at Highwater Sound NYC is the Us distributor.
I use a Benz Wood SL with a Herron VTPH-2 using 12ax7 tubes with 69db of gain. Beautiful sounding phono stage.

Thanks Chuck
I've owned a Sutherland 20/20 for close to 3 months now and use a Benz Micro Wood SL which is about 3 or 4 levels lower than the LPS you own in the Benz Micro line. I run my Wood SL (0.4 output) at 52db, very adequate in my system, and the Sutherland 20/20 has greater gain setting of both 58db and 64db. The 20/20 sounds awesome in all areas with my Benz Micro Wood and can be bought new for $2, need to spend more. There are multiple reviews of the 20/20 on line if you are not able to audition it live, which was where I was at. I agree with the Brian D. review in Stereophile in that it is an "absolutely superb sonic performer" phone stage and quit flexible. I bought mine sound unheard and sight unseen and am overjoyed with its excellent performance & build quality. With your LPS it should be even better and save you close to $3K from your listed budget ceiling if that matters. Good Luck!
Aesthetix Rhea or Octave Phono in that price range. Either one of these will satisfy the requirements to drive the Benz LPS.


Linn Uphorik!

I compared the Sutherland 20/20, Parasound JC-3 and Linn Uphorik and decided to get the Linn Uphorik.

It's extremely quiet and provides loads of settings to match most cartridges.

Here is a link to an excellent review of the Linn Uphorik:
Klyne 7 Phono
Sounding as natural as breathing, adjustable in gain and impedance.
Beats any Pass in the first 3s :-)
Pass Labs XP-25.
Push your budget a bit. I don't think there is a better phonostage out there at any price. Seriously!