Phonostage, preamp or amp?

Hi folks,

My system is in occasional (once every month or two) rotation with a few different speakers and SS amps I have accumulated.

I have been wanting to try tubes for a while and was wondering where to start.

Which component (Phonostage, preamp or amp) in general, would:
  • Sonically produce the most noticeable tube effect/experience?
  • Require more maintenance?
  • Have greater component matching requirements (gain, impedance, etc.)?
  • Be the most logical to begin with? 

I listen to mostly jazz, classical and some rock.

Speakers:  Magnepan LRS, KEF LS50s, B&W Matrix 801 S2s, Ologe 5 and Harbeth SHL5+40s.
Amps: Ampzilla 2000 2nd Edition monos, Michael Yee Audio PA-1 and a Forte 1A (which I can't find an owners manual or specs for anywhere!)

Of all tubes power tubes are probably the least reliable.

My suggestion is start with a tube phono section if it is to be a stand-alone from the line stage (which IMO is a bad idea but that is a topic for another thread). This might sound a bit odd, but if you can audition them ahead of your purchase, listen for the ticks and pops and go with the one that has the least. Many ticks and pops are generated by the phono section although they might sound for all the world as if they are on the LP surface. Its far easier to design and build a tube phono section that does not have this problem than solid state. The other thing to keep in mind is that if the front end of your system does not deal with the signal correctly, you can have the best amps and speakers in the world and you won't be able to correct what the front end got wrong.

Of course if the phono section is integrated into a good line stage as a full function preamp, so much the better as you have less connectivity issues!
get a great signal before you amplify it!

from another current thread:

I was given a McIntosh C28 SS preamp, along with McIntosh 2250 SS Amp many years ago, used for many years.

I dedided to get back to tubes, had the factory certify them, sold them, then bought tube preamp, and tube amp.

this article helped me decide to buy McIntosh Vintage mx110z Tube Tuner/Preamp (you want the z version)

Best FM Tuner sound I ever had or heard. My Carver Tuner could beat it for weak signals but I only listen to WBGO Jazz, my dedicated FM antenna aimed at it’s source. It gets many other stations also. Most younger than me, and even very few my age have ever heard excellent FM I have found.

Love mx110z’s sound, my Reel to Reel, and especially it’s 2 phono inputs, McIntosh preamps have the wonderful mode switch which I find invaluable refining my system, and individual trim controls to match input volumes.

My prior SS C28, I actually preferred the TT’s switchable built in phono preamp to the C28’s phono.

another mx110z link
Since you opted for a tube pre, I strongly recommend a used CAT Ultimate with integrated phono. It is an exceptionally good design and the phono section is excellent as well.
The CAT easily outperforms most pres out there -- used it should be reasonably priced.
IMO, the other thing to upgrade asap would be your DAC.
@jjss49  My laptop is a SSD HP.  Will look into a usb reclocker.
Thanks for the tip!

saw your post below

you mentioned your digital source is a laptop but did not elaborate

if you haven't already, i strongly suggest you get a usb reclocker/cleaner if that is your output into your dac for music... this $100 purchase can improve your sound as much as, or more than, spending 2 grand on a tube linestage
Since you’re looking at a new phono pre and DAC, I’d consider going with tubed versions of each and the Bryston will likely pass through the tube goodness with its excellent transparency.  Best of luck. 
In my experience the phono preamp is where the rubber meets the road. That would be a great start with tube gear!
Appreciate the advice!
Ok. Makes sense to go with a tube preamp.

My sources right now are laptop > temporary DAC (Fostex HPA8) > Bryston BP26 preamp.

I also just got my first turntable. It's a Rega RP8 fitted with an Exact MM. I have a Denon DL 103 MC as well and am looking into cartridges. Right now I am using a Vincent PHO until I figure out which phonestage to go with.

Any suggestions for a tube preamp new or used for about 2k?
Should I be looking to spend a little more?
Which component (Phonostage, preamp or amp) in general, would:

Doesn’t work that way. There’s no correlation between these components and the "most noticeable tube effect/experience". In fact, the better the tube component the less it makes you even think its a "tube effect/experience".  

Think of it this way. Would you say, "I want the most noticeable transistor effect/experience"? And then, "Will I get that from a phono stage, preamp or amp"? Or how about, "I want the most noticeable digital effect/experience" should I buy a DAC, or streamer? Crazy questions!

Since you swap speakers, and considering what speakers you have, I would avoid a tube amp. Not that a tube amp wouldn’t sound better, but there’d be problems driving some of your speakers. Problems you won’t have with a preamp or phono stage.

Advantages of tubes are of course they sound better. Assuming you buy on the basis of sound quality and not "most noticeable tube effect/experience". If you buy something deliberately trying to add some coloration all bets are off. But if you go looking for the best you can find (in your budget) then it will, almost by definition, be an improvement over solid state. Keep this in mind in case of the odd chance you get something worse.

So you would try a phono stage or preamp. In terms of matching, you don’t mention your cartridge which is the one thing you need to know. Because if you have MM its easy, but if you have MC then you need to know output. Lower the output the harder it becomes to find a good match. The rap on tube phono stages is noise. Not a problem with a good medium or high output MC, but might drive you crazy if yours is .2mV or something like that.

Put it all together, the preamp is the safest bet of your three options.

But that’s just the logical choice. You find any of them strikes your fancy, go for it.
what are your sources?

since you are neck high in ss amps i would say just try a tube linestage