Phono Cables for Sutherland 20/20 mk1?

For those unfamiliar with the Sutherland 20/20 mk1, it has a somewhat unique challenge of having a wide spread between the RCA inputs for the R/L channels. The cables need to be able to comfortably spread about 10".

I was mentally ready to commit to the Cardas Clear Beyond phono cable, but after speaking with the seller it became apparent that the RCAs wouldn't reach without sending them out for modification. 

With all that said, I'm curious what others would suggest for this specific application. I've had my eye on a couple models (ideally used) but very open to suggestions. 


I had 20/20 MkII with LPS and used Acoustic Zen Silver Ref 2 which sounded amazing with it. Should not be an issue with the wider spread on the 20/20 MkI

Sorry, I don’t know on that. I have had Nordost reterminate cables and they were reasonable. Hopefully Cardas will do the same



Any idea on the cost of a modification? The used one I had a lead on has come and gone, but I’d be curious to keep that in mind for the future. Especially if I end up purchasing at retail. 

Cardas will modify the cable for you. A friend of mine had them do exactly that. Different phono, but identical issue.

Check Kimber.iam using tellurium phono hall phono cable is excellent, All you need slide the plastic joining them.


Cardas *phono* (aka tonearm) cables are not sold as two separate cables.

 This configuration is common for phono specific cables, and it has become a slight challenge while considering options for my 20/20 mk1 input layout. 

Cardas are sold as 2 separate cables. You can separate them as much as needed. The only joined interconnects I’ve seen are the cheap throw-aways that come with inexpensive CD players and such.  Unless I misunderstood your question.