Pet audiophile peeves - name yours

1. Power supplies that are not the same size or finish as the preamp. Who decided this was a good idea?

2. Ridiculous and obvious snake oil salesman
Another...anyone giving advice that does not have their system listed (pictures are even better), I hate back tracking through all their past threads just to get a handle on what they own....lazy me I guess.

Use of the word base for bass

An item claimed as "perfect" except for a flaw as well as overrated products

Poorly engineered speaker cover posts that either break or will not work

NOS tubes that are really used tubes

Tube prices

Outlandish shipping charges

Bad packing
heavy amps without handles.

thin transport drawers that rely on rubber bands.

turn on surges that trip my breaker.
Tons of is one: people who constantly switch components and then post on forums (like they know something)...I mean, I'm not about to take advice from someone who has owned, amp after amp....more money than brains IMO.

Here's another: Anyone that posts a question like..."What is the best", what ever component?...and then some dummy gives an answer? (like he knows).

1) Audio salesmen disguised as end users on audio forums who are in fact only there to make a buck. We should start a list.......

2) Folks who don't know the difference between their opinion and fact (my opinion!). :-)

3) Shoddily made, yet well regarded, products. We could start a list.......

4) Dishonest sellers who sell on AGon and Ebay stuff that is giving off indications of impending failure as low use/like new when in fact it's neither.