Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Main rig:
Onkyo TSX-727 or something like that
Rotel RB-981
Mark Levinson ML-9
Naim NAP 250
Tube Audio Design TAD-60

1974 Sherwoood FM only 8900 Receiver
1979 Crown 1 Preamp with Dynaco(solid state) power amp
1990 NAD (3025?)Receiver '25' watt (with 6dB headroom)
2000 Yamaha DSP-A1 with Adcom GFA6000 multichannel amp for HT.

The Sherwood was an incredibly strong, honest sounding 60 watt receiver for its time, as is the classic NAD. Adcom- a solid performer, if not as refined or smooth on the upper end. The Yamaha is a competent HT amp and has some useful sound fields, but is hardly the last word in amplification. (Side note -An A-B session done with the big Apogees 30 years ago demonstrated the sonic difference between Rowland's best and Adcom's best power amps at the time. Let's just be kind and say the Adcoms didn't self destruct under a 1 ohm load. Neither were they pleasant to hear. The Rowland amplification let the magic come out of the hideously difficult to drive Apogees.)

The Crown/Dynaco combo was good, but not as good as you would expect on paper. Believe it or not, the NAD is the most musical, followed closely by my memories of that old Sherwood. (It was hooked up to a Phillips GA212 table and Hartley Zodiac 10" 2-ways that were amazing. All for under $ 800 - about the cost of a good shunyata AC plug. Sheesh!
The bass from that Sherwood was comparable to a lot of 200 watt amps out today. Pinball Wizard sounded like Pete Townsend and Entwhistle were in the room. Speaker placement and room acoustics helped, but this was a great amp!)

2005 - Dreaming of the next amp for the main system. Maybe Evanna will send me a Stingray for Channukah. Or Jeff will ship me a Concentra. Or...
1970's Marantz receiver
Sony HT monstrosity
Sony ES separates
VTL MB 125 monos
Parasound JC-1s.

Nothing on the horizon amp wise. I think Im done for awhile although I would love to try some high power tubes, VTL 450s maybe. The JC-1s are proving to be fantastic with my Vandersteen 3A sigs and 2WQ subs.
Updated yet again:

1980 - Akai something-or-other
1984 - Naim Nait (the first version)
1985 - Musical Fidelity A1
1986 - Cyrus II/PSX
1994 - SimAudio 4070
2003 - Sugden Au51P
2003 - KR18 BSI
2003 - Coincident MP300B
2003 - Wavelength Triton Blue
2004 - deHavilland Aries 845G
2004 - Canary CA-339
2005 - Audion Silver Night PX25
2005 - Tom Evans Audio Design Linear A

With the Linear A I may be done for a while. Mated to sensitive speakers it's the answer to a SET-lover's dreams - all the SET liquidity, harmonic richness and natural midrange coupled with a level of microdynamics, extension, imaging, resolution, transparency, palpability, air and impact that is unequalled in my experience. Not bad for a 25 wpc amp that uses 4 EL84s per side, driven by op-amps. Within its power envelope it's hard to imagine better performance.
spanning nearly 30 years...
- Pioneer receiver
- Hafler DH200
- Bryston 3B
- Levinson 331
- McCormack DNA-500

The McCormack is just amazing and ain't going anywhere soon.
These are my personal amps, in order of purchase starting in 1971. I think it is a fairly short list for 35 years. The amps I still have are marked with an asterisk. Dynaco Stereo 120, Harmon Kardon Citation 12, Dynaco Stereo 400, Phase Linear 700B, Phase Linear 400, Dynaco SCA35*, Dynaco Stereo 70*, Audio Research D51*, Audio Research D75, Dynaco Stereo 35*, Berning EA2-30*, Berning Personal Amp*, Berning EA2-150, Tact 2150x*.
Pioneer ('72)
McIntosh (@'75)
Yamaha ('79)
McIntosh (@'83)+ Yamaha vintage-1979
Krell (@'85)+ Yamaha vintage-1979
Yamaha vintage-1979
Yamaha vintage-1979 + acurus('96) + adcom ('96)
Yamaha vintage-1979 (today. it's been a keeper)

all solid state
Pioneer SX-450 (receiver) 1978
Hitachi (receiver) 1983
NEC (receiver) 1991
Denon AVR-1000 (receiver) 1994
Marantz SR-7200 (receiver) 2004
McIntosh MC2100 (amp) 2004
next? McIntosh MC252 2006
pioneer sx-525
Lux L-480
luxman r-1120a
luxman m4000
luxman m-05
ARC vtm200
moscode 300
ARC Ref 300 Mk ii
Cat JL-3's
Time for an upgrade on this thread;

Fisher Receiver- not one of the classics :(
Sansui Receiver- worked great and got me through college
NAD3140 Integrated - a classic, still powers my 2nd system
NAD2150 Bridged w/3140(still works great)
Adcom 5300- thin and strident, one of my least favorites
Acurus A250- one of the better lower end choices
Acurus A200- actually preferred the older A250 by a little
Aragon 4004MkII- a very nice ss amp for the money
Classe DR25- more refined and musical than the 4004MkII
McCormack DNA 2- outstanding bass, otherwise unremarkable
BAT VK-500- nice mids but not as good at the extremes
McCormack DNA 500- the best I have heard, nice midrange, juicy bass, musical across the board, and never runs out of steam. I am sure there is better, but I suspect the price of admission for a noticable upgrade would be large (the CJ Premire 350 looks tempting though...)
Post removed 
Starting in 1977 to present:Sansui 8080 receiverSansui AU-717 integratedNAD 2140Adcom GFA-555Counterpoint SA-20Audio Research D125Audio Research VT100mkIII
Time to update yet again:
Bryston B-60
c-j Premiere 11A
Air Tight ATM-1
Cary CAD 300B Sig Mono's
Kr Audio Antare VA320
Graaf GM5050
Deja Vu Custom Push-Pull EL34 amp
(for now)
Pioneer SX-450 (receiver) 1978
Hitachi (receiver) 1983
NEC (receiver) 1991
Denon AVR-1000 (receiver) 1994
Marantz SR-7200 (receiver) 2004
McIntosh MC2100 (ss amp) 2004
Balanced Audio Technology (ss amp)VK-200 2006
next BAT VK-55?
Very simple really:
Musical Fidelity FX followed by Pass Aleph 5. Played with a Musical Fidelity F19 alot, but never owned it. All of them are great in their way, but am currently still in love with the Aleph!
Hold on to your hats- lots of experience and insight to share. Have had many amps that I have owned, bought and sold.

Bias- I have owned and listened to many amps over the last 29 years. Do not listen to the mags, the reviews, the advertisements- you just have to go and listen. Very well designed tube amplifiers (and there are only a few manuafacturers out there that do it right) just convey a more enjoyable listening experience. Solid state amps can provide clean sound with great bass and dynamics. What they cannot provide is a solid, full sounding mid-range that has real texture and depth to it. They sound electronic!

Now for the amps I have owned.

I will asterik the ones that are definite keepers!

Kenwood KA-701 Integrated
Hafler 200
Apt One
Denon PMA 500 and PMA 700
Quicksilver KT88 - three sets of amps
NAD 2600
Quicksilver M-60
Berning EA-230 * great for mini-monitors
Berning EA-2101
Bryston 3B NRB
Bryston 4B NRB
YBA 3 DT - Two diff amps- one Alpha and one Delta
Berning EA-2100 Two amps *
YBA Integre - Two Different Alpha versions *
Linn Klout
Bel Canto Orfeo SE2 845 SET Mono Amps *
Music Reference RM-9 MK1 Two Amps *

The Berning EA-230 is great for mini monitors- natural timbre, soundstage and sense of air around instruments. It cannot provide adequate bass for full size speakers though.

The Berning EA-2100 - same as EA-230 but with more power, like the Ea-230- hybrid design by a designer who knows his stuff.

YBA Integre- Alpha, Delta, Sigma- they all sound the same- best buy for sweet grainless solid state- but do not have the texture and body of tubes.

Bel Canto Orfeos - 30 watts of SET power- think of a 300B amp with gusto- not good with speakers with over done crossovers- with others- pure sound delight.

Music Reference RM-9 - a ballsy, natural sounding tube amp that gets voices right and whose dynamics give you the feeling of live music.

If I had to keep only one of these amps- regardless of power and based on sound and build quality, reliability, flexibilty - I would pick the Music Reference RM-9. It can drive anything, easy to care for and built to last. Above all- it makes you forget about all this silly amp hype and you just get into the music.

Hope my two cents help someone else out there.
1975: Sansui 771 reciever (a fantastic piece)
1980: Sansui integrated (not nearly as good as the 771)
1992: Carver TFM 45 (oh my goodness, I thought this was the holy grail)
2002: Carver Silver 9t monoblocks (holy grail #2)
2003: Sunfire Signature (very good, but I preferred the Carver monoblocs
2004: Carver Silver 9t monoblocks again (bought 2 pairs of them to biamp....holy grail #3)
2006: Pass Labs X-600 (I bought 2 pairs to use in a biamp config.)

Until the Pass Labs amps, I had been in mid-fi and didn't know it. The Pass Labs amps made me see the light.
Started with Akai, then Cosmic and then Pulz (both Indian make), then Parasound 2205, and now Gamut M200 x 2.. planning for Karan Acoustics
Started with Jadis, now ends with Cayin.
Had to move on to the best, if you know what I mean.

How you like then apples, Trejla.
Back to tubes again, should have never left! Will this ever stop??

Akai Receiver
Nakamichi Stasis Receiver
Van Alstine Omega III 440HC
Electrocompaniet ECI-4 SE Integrated Amp
Spectron Musician II
Parasound Halo JC-1
ASL Hurricane 200DT
Berning ZH270
Joule Electra VZN-100
Plinius SA-102
Ayre V-5X
BAT VK-600 w/BP
McCormack DNA-500
Conrad Johnson Premiere 350SA
BAT VK-500 w/BP (currently own, favorite SS amp)
Dodd 120 tube monoblocks (ahhhhh toobz! EL34-based, borrowed these from a friend for 3 weeks, loved 'em, ordered 'em, now have to wait a couple months for my very own pair. Sweet!)
I never understood why anyone would even consider buying SS amps when for the smae price or even less you can get a much better sounding tube amp.
Beats me?????????????
Started back when I was in Jr. High:
DeWald integrated tube amp, about 30 WPC (fried it) 1960-1978
Nikko integrated ss amp, 40 WPC (sold it) 1978-1980
Hafler DH-200 ss amp, 100 WPC (gave to my younger brother) 1980-2003
Odyssey Stratos ss amp, 150 WPC (sold it) 2003-2005
Krell KAV-400xi integrated amp 200 wpc (I think I'm done) 2005 - present
>For me I started:
>Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
>Rotel RB-990bx

That is interesting because that is about how I started. (GFA-555 - I listened to this one level matched in a blind test with GFA-545 and the 555 sounded better - a little less grain.) Then got the Rotel which I liked more, and now am looking at a used Counterpoint.
Let's see if I can remember. . .

1. Hafler (built as a kit)
2. Adcom 555
3. Classe 150
4. Dynaco ST-70 (Rebuilt Van Alstine kit) used as headphone amp.
5. Deja Vu pushpull 45 amp (still kept as backup/alternative)
6. Audionote (uk) Kageki (parallel 2a3 SET)
Started with a Hafler DH500, then progressed to a Kinergetics KPA 200, Plinius SA 50 was next, then the Gamut 200, VTL Tiny Triodes, and finally the Edge NL10.
Let's see...
My mom bought me a Sylvania Receiver
Then I bought a Yamaha B2
Then Kenwood LO7s
Michaelson and Austin TVA-10 (which I bought from Bill Lowe)
Moscode 300
DK Design VS-1 Mk III
NuForce Ref 9s
-Audio Research D240
-Muse 160
-Bryston 7B-ST
-Krell KSA 250
-Rowland 9T
-Levinson 436
-BAT VK 600 SE
-PASS XA 160
From old to new

Sony receiver
NAD 40 watt
Carver m400?
Carver m500
Rotel 980bx
Conrad Johnson MF2500
Creek integrated
McCormack DNA 0.5
MCCormack DNA 1
1. Kenwood receiver (100 wpc, baby cakes)
2. Opera Audio Consonance a120 Hybrid Integrated (sweet)
3. Van Alstine Ultra 550 (hybrid, pure music)

I have no plans on replacing the 550, unless I somehow, unexpectedly, acquire a load of cash, or my wife leaves me for some young, flat-bellied pool boy. I might then want to try a pair of ASL Hurricane 200's. Otherwise, I think I'll be happy with the 550 for the duration.
Pretty impressive lists. Anyone know which member has one of the most impressive lists? I've not had a chance to go through all 8 pages.
It'll take me a few more yrs yet to post a list. I'm just starting. :-(
Update to my system last month.... Still loving the Eico HF87 but have replaced the old Heathkit Preamp with a Decware SE84CSP. Wow! How cool is this! The sound just jumps out at me and images like crazy! I'm now in heaven.

My 20-year list is somewhat long with a (currently) happy ending:
1. Kyocera R-851
2. CJ Premier 11A (I still have it in a second system)
3. Monarchy Audio SE 160 Hybrid Monos
4. Lamm M1.1 Hybrid Monos
5. Stellavox PW1 Monos
6. Van Alstine Ultra 550 Hybrid
7. McCormack DNA-500

Paired with a deHavilland Mercury 2 pre, the DNA-500 is cranking even as I write.
Pioneer Receiver >
Onkyo Integra Receiver >
Sony TA-N9000ES >
Rotel RMB 1066 >
Bryston 3B ST >
Sun Audio SV-2a3
Here we go:

Bryston 3B NRB
White Audio Labs A250
White Audio Labs B300
Krell KAV 250 (had it only a month- amp went on fire)
Proceed HPA-2
Pass X350
Rowland 201 monoblocks
McCormack DNA-500
Vac Phi 220 monoblocks
DarTZeel NHB-108 (Done)
Radio Shack something (late 60s)
Kenwood KA7002 int amp (early/mid 70s)
other stuff (mid/late 80s)
Adcom amp and preamp (very early 90s)
Musical Fidelity A2 integrated (late 90s)
Classé 101 & 151 integrateds (99-02)
Pass Aleph amps (several)(03-05)
Pathos Classic II (05)
Sophia Baby (05)
Almarro 205 (05-06)
Almarro 318 (06)

This is it ... the end of the road. Once I tire of music, I'll not replace anything (system: Cains, Almarro, Lector, Guerrilla silver ICs, DHLabs, Acoustic Zen cords)
Berning 2100
Melos 220 Gold
Purist Audio 300B
Wolcott Presence monos
Classe CAM-350 monos

"What a long strange trip it's been"(GD)...took me years to find out how good the CAM-350s are. They pretty much encompass characteristics(I like) from all the above amps that I went through, taking the best from them all IMO.

Best wishes to all,
two years ago...

1. Sansui 7070 (ss)
2. Sophia Baby SET (tube)
3. Audio Odyssey Khartago (ss)
4. Sophia el 34 (tube)
and breaking the pattern...
5. Consonance Opera Reference 6.6 25 wpc (tube)

Thinking about going all digital with channel island monoblocks since I use a computer as my only source.

(all these on Alon Lotus SE's)
Started with;
Sansui model 400 Receiver
Sansui AU222/Tu555
Sansui AU555a/Tu666 (still have)
Dynaco SCA80
Citation 11/Citation 12(still have amp)
Marantz model 15
Mac 5100
Dynaco ST70 (still have)
Marantz Model 8B
Tube God ST70 mod (still have the kit unassembled)
Son Of Ampzilla
Kenwood L07
Counterpoint 100
Advent Receiver (still have)
Audio Research D75 (still have)
Fisher Stratakit integrated (still have)
Lux MB3045 (still have)
Golden Audio SI50 MKII (still have)
Audio Research CA50 (still have)
Started solid, ending in tubes I guess..

Sherwood integrated of some caliber
Harman Kardon Citation 16
McIntosh 240
Harman Kardon Citation II (McShaned)currently in use
Harman Kardon Citation V (To be McShaned)
EICO HF81 (in pieces now)
well this goes way back, first was a eltravoice receiver back in the 60s, next came a marantz model 30 integrated, then a model 250 using the 30 as a pre, then in the 80s a kenwood basic power amp, i got into surround sound and got a rotel 1075 which i lost to katrina, i started over again with a nuforce ref 9 and just had it upgraded to SE status, glad i got the nuforce gear they are super fine amps top to bottom,
Yamaha integrated years ago. Can't remember model number but I still have it. Stored it at home during my college days.

Small pocket cassette recorder during my college days (very poor at that time but constantly surrounded by live music!) No, I don't have that any longer.

Back to the Yamaha integrated for a number of years until I could pay off some of that college debt.

=== and then came a real job...and real money!!! ===

Rotel power amp for my start into higher end audio. Again, I can't recall the model number, but I still have it sitting around. I had this hooked up to a nice N.E.W. P3 tube preamp and it sounded fairly nice...for a while.

Proceed Amp 2 was the next venture into power amps. Sounded very nice connected to the P3 preamp. But I wanted more!

CJ SA250 Sonographe was next. Liked them alot and they were relatively inexpensive, so I bought 2 of them and biamped my system. Their "tube-like" sound wasn't cutting it for me, so I sold them...back to the Proceed for a while. Then...

I've always wanted an all tube setup, so I debated between the Cary Rocket 88s and the AES AE-25 Superamp that I'd been reading about for some time. I found a pair of Superamp Monoblocks and took the plunge.

Now I have the all tube system that I've wanted for a while. My phono preamp is also tubes and I'm liking it alot. I may have to go for a tube CD player at some time.

I'm still surrounded by some great live music (professional musician) and am cursed by wanting to have my system sound like live music. Is there a system out there that will do that? I'd like to know...but I'm sure I couldn't afford it if it exists.
I sold the big Ayre earlier this year & wound up with a BAT VK-200 after trying a handful of amps, including tube monoblocks (which were very nice!). I actually sold my entire system and it wasn't because I was unhappy with the sound. The VK-200 is paired with a BAT pre and I have to say this system is quite enjoyable. I've purchased/acquired more CD's so far this year than the previous two, so I've been trying to make more time to listen than before. One thing I've learned over the years is that a good amp design, be it SS or tubes, is a good amp design & will give you quality sound. A bad amp will do the opposite, period.
Marantz 1060 integrated amp, B & O integrated amp, Krell FPB 300, and probably soon, Krell evo series 402
Craig all in one unit (high school graduation gift)
Marantz 2230 receiver
Nikko amplifier
Sansui AU9500 amplifier
Yamaha home theater receiver
PS Audio Delta 250 monoblocks, 3 channel Chiro amp
McCormick DNA monoblocks, Cinepro 3k6 channel
Cinepro 3k6se gold, aragon 4004mkII
Acoustate TNT200 x 3, McCormick DNA monos, Citation 5.1
Pioneer integrated AV amp
AMC pre and power amp
Audio research SP-8
Then I am happily settled with Audio research SP-11
and Audionote 300b conquest monoblock