Pass labs x250 vs Classe CA301

I am wanting to upgrade my Classe CA200 power amp to either a Pass Labs X250, or a Classe CA301. Has anyone had an opportunity to audition these 2 amps , and how do they compare? Is there a clear winner between the two?
I too own a Pass X-250, along with an X-3 (3x150) amp for center & rear channel HT use. I agree with the statements of the other Pass owners.

These amps were big upgrades from my previous Bryston 4B-ST & 5B-ST, adding detail, clarity AND smoothness at the same time. They have very similar measurements to the B'stons, but the way they work & sound is totally different. They seem to be able to run Martin Logan Aerius i's (which go down to 1.2ohms at 20Khz fully driven!) without strain.

I have had no problems at all with these amps, other then the fact that the class A operation means toasty-warm chassis all the time ;^P

I highly recommend that you use the balanced inputs on any X-series amp if you can - this fully balanced, zero feedback, differential design works best in a balanced configuration. I propose that most people that experience system noise or a 'slightly lean sonic character' involving these amps may have been using the RCA (unbalanced) inputs, and may not be getting max goodie out of them. They also take a very long time to fully break-in - about 300-500 hours.

In my current setup, I needed a warmer sound to counter the ML speakers' highly-resolving and mildly lean character. The Bryston's made things worse, while the Pass amps took away grain and edge without taking away useful details or treble extension. Both Brystons and Pass have terrific bass control, and I have not noticed a big change in bass extension - other then better bass smoothness. But my speakers don't work at all below 40hz, so this is probably more attributable to their limitations, not the amps'.

FYI - I run a Martin Logan Descent sub, which I depend on to take care of the lower bass region instead of relying on the Aerius.
I can't comment about Classe, but I just upgraded from a Krell amp to Pass x-250 after much research and couldn't be happier. During my search, I called Pass a couple of times to ask questions and it was like I was talking to a neighbor! One of the questions I asked, Peter Perkins couldn't answer, he turned around and asked a technician walking by and I overheard a two minute conversation regarding the answer to my question, Peter then came on the phone and asked "did you hear what the technician said?" and proceeded to explain further. My point is this... no, I don't buy my audio equipment based on the friendliness of the customer service, but it sure goes a long way in my comfort level when I'm spending as much money for an amp as I would be for a minor kitchen remodel. Speaking solely for my opinion of the customer support, build quality, packaging, vendor reputation, the sound, the x-250 is sweet, go audition one, you'll love it, Hope this helps, let us know what you decide.
Wow, I had no idea that Classe was prone to such problems. I always thought they were great values. My impressions of the Classe sound is the same as the mentioned above, but, I was always irritated by a subtle (and I do mean subtle) dry chalkiness in the treble region. I haven't heard all that many amps, but, the top of the line Pass X series just may be the best sounding amps I've ever heard. Liquid, detailed, utterly natural with nary a hint of "electronic" flavoring, dare I say it, almost real.
I had a ca-201 and it was OK but I changed it for a Pass X250 due to reliability problems with the Classe components and I believe the Pass totally smokes the Classe. I would need more time and space to tell about all the reliability problems I've had with Classe gear. I've owned six or seven components by Classe from their CDP's to Preamp and Amps and had many problems with each and every piece.The Pass gear is not only better sonically but has no reliability issues that I've ever really encountered. I love my Pass gear and will never buy a piece of Classe gear again!!! The only reason I went through seven pieces is that I was stuck with each piece I traded up thinking I would not loose on trade in by sticking with the same dealer upgrade policy. I should have gotten rid of my first or maybe even second piece of Classe gear at a loss and not have had to deal with the Classe "headache" for so long. LIVE AND LEARN!!!
From my limited experience with Pass product (ran a X-250 with X-2 pre and many other pre's) for about 5-weeks, Pass pre and power (or run seperately)are highly resolving, focused, fast, detailed and "clean" sounding whereas Classe 201/301/401 I found to be more organic in its palpability, soundstage dimensionality and sheer musicality.

peter jasz
I own the Pass X-250 and have no humming issues whatsoever and I have never heard of any issue with this amp either. The commenst above are correct regrading the sound of the Classe and Pass except that I do not find the Pass analytical sounding at all. I do notice that since I have been leaving all my components on, the sound is very natural sounding, with great deatails and dynamics. I also recently changed my ICs from AZ Sil Ref rca to XLR form the Pass X-1 to the X-250 so I do not know if this made a difference. The high frequencies are much better leaving the X-250 on all of the time, I would not have thought this but someone told me to try it and it has worked for me.

Happy Listening.
Two years ago I auditioned both, upgrading from a CA150. I agree with Pehare on the X250. The CA301 sounds warmer, a bit slower and laid back; a matter of taste I guess. I prefered the Pass, but ended up with Spectral DMA-150, because of severe humming problems with the X250 (it later appeared to be a design problem which should be solved in the mean time, but beware!) -- my third choice was the Theta Dreadnought.
Don't forget to include the ARC VT100 III, the best of both worlds, a pity it has a noisy fan... Good luck!
(my system: ARC LS 2 II, Kharma Ceramique 1.1, MIT Ref and Oracle cables).
I recently upgraded from a CA200 (newer version w/heatsinks on sides) to Pass X250. What it gave me was alot more resoluton & detail, a bit more analytical, but i also upgraded to the Pass X2 pre from AR LS-3 at the same time. I have not heard the CA 301 but know they are huge heavy monsters. I think I remember a post here about the ca200 being better sounding than the 301 sometime ago. I got away from Classe for reliability issues more than sound. good luck.