Two years ago I auditioned both, upgrading from a CA150. I agree with Pehare on the X250. The CA301 sounds warmer, a bit slower and laid back; a matter of taste I guess. I prefered the Pass, but ended up with Spectral DMA-150, because of severe humming problems with the X250 (it later appeared to be a design problem which should be solved in the mean time, but beware!) -- my third choice was the Theta Dreadnought.
Don't forget to include the ARC VT100 III, the best of both worlds, a pity it has a noisy fan... Good luck!
(my system: ARC LS 2 II, Kharma Ceramique 1.1, MIT Ref and Oracle cables).
Don't forget to include the ARC VT100 III, the best of both worlds, a pity it has a noisy fan... Good luck!
(my system: ARC LS 2 II, Kharma Ceramique 1.1, MIT Ref and Oracle cables).