Pass labs x250 vs Classe CA301

I am wanting to upgrade my Classe CA200 power amp to either a Pass Labs X250, or a Classe CA301. Has anyone had an opportunity to audition these 2 amps , and how do they compare? Is there a clear winner between the two?

Showing 1 response by bhouser

I too own a Pass X-250, along with an X-3 (3x150) amp for center & rear channel HT use. I agree with the statements of the other Pass owners.

These amps were big upgrades from my previous Bryston 4B-ST & 5B-ST, adding detail, clarity AND smoothness at the same time. They have very similar measurements to the B'stons, but the way they work & sound is totally different. They seem to be able to run Martin Logan Aerius i's (which go down to 1.2ohms at 20Khz fully driven!) without strain.

I have had no problems at all with these amps, other then the fact that the class A operation means toasty-warm chassis all the time ;^P

I highly recommend that you use the balanced inputs on any X-series amp if you can - this fully balanced, zero feedback, differential design works best in a balanced configuration. I propose that most people that experience system noise or a 'slightly lean sonic character' involving these amps may have been using the RCA (unbalanced) inputs, and may not be getting max goodie out of them. They also take a very long time to fully break-in - about 300-500 hours.

In my current setup, I needed a warmer sound to counter the ML speakers' highly-resolving and mildly lean character. The Bryston's made things worse, while the Pass amps took away grain and edge without taking away useful details or treble extension. Both Brystons and Pass have terrific bass control, and I have not noticed a big change in bass extension - other then better bass smoothness. But my speakers don't work at all below 40hz, so this is probably more attributable to their limitations, not the amps'.

FYI - I run a Martin Logan Descent sub, which I depend on to take care of the lower bass region instead of relying on the Aerius.