nobody talks about BAT anymore?

Want to know any feedback on VK32 frm any owner but seemsno one is talking, reviewing their great product anymore?

What happen to the company?
thanks all for comments ala - related/non related ... still seems no review ever done for vk32. all articles related only for vk32se...

I count myself among the many, many, many here who love Marty's (Viridian) posts! He always lends an incredibly funny and witty perspective to things, and he's as knowledgeable as any audiophile I know.

Please try to see the humor in what he posts. There is often some sarcasm there, but it never fails to be hysterical. We can all stand to lighten up, after all, laughter is the best medicine.

Marty, PLEASE don't ever change.

By the way, I'm still talking about Defender - does that have any bearing?
Good natured teasing is as much a part of this site as audio talk. Sometimes the forum is a bit rough but it is also equally helpful. Take the good with the bad and don't make yourself a victim.
I sure hope that everyone doesn't agree with everything said on Audiogon. That would be downright boring! We ought to be able to distinguish vigorous debate from insults.
One other thing and I will leave it alone, I think all of this comes down to COMMON COURTESY, not that it has to do with anyone being thin skinned. It seems like everywhere you turn now common courtesy has been lost. I'm done, sorry if I took this thread over.
I am in agreement on the postings that are completely ridiculous questions...when someone has a legitimate question, different story.
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Sean 34 is correct, at least in context of this thread.

However, (there is always a however) some postings are not legitimate questions (praise of magic rocks and the like) and these deserve the ridicule they elicit. Ridicule is a gentle way of saying "you must be nuts".

Of course, to the general public, all audiophiles are nuts.
Sean 34 I'm in complete agreement with you. There's entirely too much of that stuff going on at this site.
Folks come here to ask legitimate questions about audio issues, not to be entertained by wannabe comedians.
If folks want to be comedians, thay need to go down to the local comedy club on amateur night where they can see just how funny they aren't!
Mags5000, I feel there is a sort of bullying at times on this website, I have seen it to many times, just pointing it out. People should be able to ask questions without being ridiculed. It's obvious it was nothing that was meant really's just the "I've got a keyboard so I can say what I wouldn't say to someone in person" attitude that drives me nuts!
looks like many starts talking about BAT now! Am seriously thinking of pairing up the vk 32 with vk 55 with vandersteen 2ce as my combi now (vk 3xi/vk55) seems does not play complicated orchestra well...

do not like the SE version though ... despite many will think its a waste as BAT is kown for their super tubes.
I heard their amps in combination with Hansen speakers at a grand opening in Boca back in November. The sound was terrific.
Well said Viridian, maybe people should calm down. It was rather obvious your reply was meant in a light-hearted way. Thank God we have Sean34 to judge all posts.
There was a review from CES 2009 of BAT gear with Wilson WP8's. Here's the link:

You have to scroll down a ways to find it.
BAT is run by great people but Victor designs from his own theoretical ideals and comfort zone to a fault. I remember visiting their production facility and noticing the large driver mounted on a cardboard baffle which they used for bench checks...yup, pretty...unique? I've owned alot of BAT gear but always wound up loving ARC stuff more! BAT gear always seemed to have some peculiar electrical quirks as well..very annoying at times!
Go to AA and ask Victor Khomenko (This is a positive suggestion not a rag!)
From my perspective, BAT has so many "special" versions of their products, I think they've created some confusion or at least cause dilution in posts about them.
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yes, BAT is a great company that builds solid product with superb customer service. you can pick up the phone can call them anytime and expect to talk to one of the designer.
I was using 32SE temporarily while waiting for my REX and I liked it a lot.
BAT is a great company with wonderful customer service and I just wish we had more of those.
I read a very positive review on the Vk 32 in Stereophile when the unit came out. Excellent equipment. If I had the money I would trade my VK 31 SE for a 32 SE in a heartbeat.
They also have stellar customer service and are always helpful.

What is wrong with Art80342 asking a simple question? Larryken and Viridian, why would you even bother to respond if you don't have anything to say that would answer the guy's question? It's people like you two(stuck up audiophiles) that make me not want to post.
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if you haven't heard anything guess they must have gone out of business right?