NJ Audio Society?

I have written to the email addresses published each issue in Stereophile magazine, yet receive no response. Can someone tell me what's up with this organization?

Ag insider logo xs@2xduddley
Hi, lm interested in joining NJAS. I'm in Woodbridge NJ.
juan genao, is my name, been an audiogon member since 2007.
juancgenao - 

Thank you for your interest in the New Jersey Audio Audio Society.  

Those considering joining the NJAS are welcome to attend any meeting to try us out.  If you choose to join, you can join either at that meeting or at the next one you attend.  Dues are $60 per year (payable by check or cash), and include admission to our monthly meetings, which include our summer BBQ and our annual Holiday party.

Our next meeting will take place on July 16th, at Charney Audio in Somerset, NJ.  Please click this link to request details:

@bondmanp - Hope it goes well at Brian's tomorrow! I have know him for 12 years and I'm listening to a pair of Maestro's as I right this from my S. Jersey home. Y'all are in for a real treat!

Thanks, Chris.  It was a great meeting.  Seeing his hand-built CNC machine (!!!) was a real treat.  Great music, great sound, and great hosts.  And, if you are not yet a member, feel free to check us out at a future meeting.  Our calendar is at www.njaudiosociety.com

Check our web site for information on our next monthly meeting.  Our March meeting will be on Sunday, March 18th, at Rogers High Fidelity in Warwick, NY.  As always, you can try us out by dropping in at one of our meetings with no obligation to join.

The New Jersey Audio Society - www.njaudiosociety.com

I was a member but let my membership lapse since I'm always on the go with a young family and multiple businesses.
Good group of men who enjoy and share music and insights.
I look forward to participating when my schedule allows.
Warmest regards, Thomas Foti.
Is anybody in SJ still getting together? A bunch of us from AudioKarma had a get together in Cherry Hill this past spring and it was a great success. There were several systems setup, a flea market area and a chance to meet folks and make lasting friendships.
We are trying to plan another one for the fall. Probably in October. If there is interest I will post back.
About 1/4 to 1/3 of the NJAS meetings are in South Jersey.  In October, the meeting is in Delaware.  Please see www.njaudiosociety.com for details.
Like many other audio clubs, we have been unable to hold in-person meetings due to the shutdown restrictions in NJ.  Our meetings have been on Zoom with a variety of interesting speakers (the people-kind, not the transducer-kind).  Please visit www.NJAudioSociety.org for more details.
I am opening up a listening room in northern NJ soon.  I will be sending invites to the NJ Audio Society shortly.  Anyone and all are invited but I do need to get everyone of the invite list to control the amount of people.  We will be having multiple dates so that everyone can attend a listening session.

PM me if you want to get on the invite list early.

The New Jersey Audio Society is back with live meetings!  Please see our web site for details...
I will be hosting the NJ Audio Society shortly in our Listening Room in Boonton NJ.  PM me and I will host an evening or weekend for anyone interested.  I am also having a few speaker manufacturers send speakers for our listening pleasure.

We will be hosting an event for the NJ Audio Society in our Listening Room in Northern NJ next month.  I am working on dates and times now.  PM me to get on the list or if you want to come to the listening room by yourself or with a few friends.

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