My opinion, is many examples would qualify as an improvement.
Especially in the last five to ten years.
A small change can make a big difference! In any late/early model.
Manufacturers constantly make changes/development for improvement.
A transformer, PCB, a Chip, and making everything work as design will allow.
For example Technics latest iteration implemented as Reference/Grand/
Premium tiers for Sonic Excellence. (my personal bias)
Tube based design does suggest an exception because of parts (tubes)
that are no longer being made. (exceptions on both sides of the question)
The Sonic difference between lower and higher tier models may be less!
Items of note:
Gan - FET high speed device
Toroidal Transformer
Especially in the last five to ten years.
A small change can make a big difference! In any late/early model.
Manufacturers constantly make changes/development for improvement.
A transformer, PCB, a Chip, and making everything work as design will allow.
For example Technics latest iteration implemented as Reference/Grand/
Premium tiers for Sonic Excellence. (my personal bias)
Tube based design does suggest an exception because of parts (tubes)
that are no longer being made. (exceptions on both sides of the question)
The Sonic difference between lower and higher tier models may be less!
Items of note:
Gan - FET high speed device
Toroidal Transformer