New vs Used - Significant sonic improvements in preamp/amp design in the last 20 years?

I've read many opinions that preamp and amp technology has been mature for many years. Assuming a preamp or amp was rated “Class A”, designed/built well and can still be easily repaired or modified, is there a significant sonic benefit to purchasing new equipment vs well cared for equipment that is 10-20 years old? I’m specifically asking only about preamps and amps (tube based and SS).

If there has been significant sonic improvements over the past 20 years, what design improvement attributed to that change and what are the sonic benefits?

Showing 1 response by yakbob

I'd say it depends on what you need in a piece of equipment. I'd put my 20+ year old Rowland Model 2 power amp, and 50 year old Marantz 7t pre-amp up against more modern designs for sonic enjoyment.

That said, there are some amazing products out today that just wouldn't haven't been possible back then. Companies like Lyngdorf appear to have few detractors when it comes to sound quality, flexibility and packaging ( in the product sense).