New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.

Where does one buy Total Contact? Does the seller have a website?

Thank you.

At the insistence of Steve  Fleschler, I pasted the grounds (the outside of the barrels on the female side)  on my RCA  connectors this morning. Nice improvement to be had there too guyz. 

Thanks, Steve. :-)

I got a sample about two weeks ago so I really have yet to hear the four week jump, much less the eight  week jump. Plus I've only treated the SR Blue fuses and the ground on the Tripoint Troy  Signature SE. 

Why have I not done more? I have a tremore in my right hand. Typically I know that alchal chasses the tremore, but not right now for an unknown reason. I am going to do the speaker wires this weekend. They may be very reflective of the value of the Total Contact. It is the ICs that most concern me.

But I will say that on the SR Blue fuses there was a much faster top end and leading edge. More is likely to come

I hit the 4 week point in the office system for the speaker cables, interconnects and the usb cable to the dac. The best way I can describe it is that the music sounds more organic while the sound stage has as well. The noise floor seems to have dropped as well which give better definition to instruments and vocals. Referring back to my earlier upgrades of power chords, stillpoints and interconnects etc., it seems as if I upgraded a power chord and placed a set of stillpoints under my dac. Considering that that cost about $1,200.00, this is a bargain. 

Again, I do not think that TC is a replacement for any of these upgrades but a bargain upgrade for both of my systems without any downsides to date.

For what it’s worth One dealer/friend I spoke to last week said he wants to check back with me in another 9 months just to make sure that none of the product degradations that have plagued previous “contact enhancers” mentioned in this forum. I understand his sceptisism since he has tried all those previous products. This is the main reason I have not treated a non reversible (in my estimation) application to my 5 din connections on my preamp interconnects.

Another dealer/friend came by to work on my turntable and said that the CD player, whose umbilical and power chord I treated 3 weeks ago, got awfully close to the turntable on the same cuts of music.

By the way both dealers have over 35 years experience each in the industry.


I understand your dealer’s skepticism, as I had the same reservations when Tim approached me to be a beta tester for the TC. I almost turned him down ... so glad I didn’t. I went through a bunch of contact enhancers in earlier years too. All denigrated over time. Tim assured me that all is well with his product.

Some of my contacts have had the TC treatment for a year now using the original version, which was grainy and lumpy compared with what you have. So far, I’ve detected no degradation at all. In fact, it just seems to continue improving.

I’m in the process of removing the original version from all of my contacts and applying the latest version (which you have) to all of my connections now, a little at a time. For example, I just did the grounds on my IC’s today, which were not done at all (nice improvement), but the speaker cable terminals have been pasted with the original version for a year now, as have my cartridge pins.

 I honestly believe that Tim has nailed it this time.

You’re absolutely correct. For 300 bucks, considering the improvements gained in SQ, TC is a bargain.


I was really surprised (in a good way) at the reaction of both of these hifi professionals. As jaded as they are with previous contact enhancers, they are still very open minded and curious about what the long term results will be. Both have never experimented with their loyal clientele, thus I never was exposed to those previous contact enhancers. The only substances that they ever recommend I use is the dioxit cleaner and/or alcohol. For that I am grateful.

With respect to the curing time.I actually noticed a significant improvement three to four days prior to the full four week period.

As for my current level of enjoyment with both my systems, it is way beyond what I thought this product would do, since I had just come off some serious $ tweaks previously mentioned.

Initially, I thought that your review was slightly exaggerated, but as the product has cured to the four week period, I can understand that you were just excited. I thank you for putting yourself out there and endorsing TC. I am having a great time enjoying the music.

rc ...

When I heard the initial improvements in SQ I was quite taken aback. Tim kept assuring me that I hadn’t heard anything yet. He told me about the 4 and 8 week breakthroughs, but I was still a bit skeptical.

Well, the 4 weeks came, and to the day, there was a significant jump in SQ. Tim assured me again that there was something special coming at 8 weeks.

Well, as fate would have it, I had to go in for open heart surgery, so the hospital stays, both in the regular hospital and the rehab hospital, took me to 9 weeks before I could hear the system again.

When I got home after nine weeks and turned the system on, I was gob-smacked by what I heard. A total wall of transparent sound, completely defined and three dimensional with the musicians in the room. The tonality was amazing. The speakers completely disappeared. It sounded better than the best planer speakers I’ve owned in the past, except now besides the transparency, I had better highs and better bass. In fact, the bass is so accurate that I could swear that there is a bass player in the room playing a stand-up bass. Quite enjoyable, I must say.

My friend Robert, who just happens to hear like a friggin’ bat, was flabbergasted at what he heard. The two of us have been to many audio shows in the past, and we both concurred that very few systems at the various shows could compete with what we were hearing. The tonality is on par with the Harbeth 40.2’s, except I have better bass than the Harbeth’s ever thought of having. This is coming from speakers that I paid $2100. for the pair used.

Honestly rc, I can hardly wait for you guys to hit the 8 week point. Its going to be fun seeing your reviews.


Hope the healing is going well. 

I will definitely keep you guys up to date on my systems performance in relation to TC.

Put some paste on the bare wire ends of my Western Electric 10 gauge speaker cable, the power cable that feeds to my powerdac and 3 High Fidelity Cable MC-05s. What I notice immediately was lower noise floor, soundstage much wider and deeper. Not bright at all, even though I hear more detail and it is presented in a very natural way. Very surprised with the result for such a little amount used. Will treat more connectors and fuses over the weekend.

I personally would like to see half sizes available in the future.
I am little way to experiencing TC after four weeks. A new medician is causing my essential tremor in my right hand to increase. I have treated my SR Blue fuses and my HFC Pro speaker wires but both are far from four weeks old.

I hope to use a piece of substantial paper with a hole just a little bigger than the 'hot' on the ICs to keep the grounds clean on my RCAs. I hope to start on these this weekend. I assume that I am to paint the grounds on the outside.
CD player treatment update, I had almost forgotten that I had treated the umbilical from the dac to the power supply and the power chord to the powerstrip one day after I treated the office system. Last night I was listening and was very surprised about two things.

One, the music selection had always sounded too congested, bright, grainy... in the high frequencies and I thought that it was just a bad cd recording. Immediately after the TC treatment I found it more palatable and less grainy. I play it once a week, because I like the song. What caught me off guard was that, what I thought was grain, were cymbal strikes resonating in the background. Unbelievable. 

Second, the soundstage also opened up to a large degree. Nice.

strongarm ...

Yes, past the outside of grounds on the female barrels at their locations. 

resolution1 ..

We had a power outage last night and it took out the fuse on my CD player. At the moment, I don't have a replacement. So, this morning I started listening to LP's again.

I got out a few of my reference recordings, one of which is "But Beautiful" by the Norman Luboff Choir. I haven't played this record in probably a year or so. It sounded its best this morning ... inner detail galore. Voices were crystal clear. There's a tenor saxophone in the right channel that used to be really obscured beneath the rest of the music. As the system has progressed over time, that sax has become more prominent. This morning, there was a sax player standing behind, and just to the left of the right speaker in full three dimensional relief.

TC is an amazing product.


I had my Linn LP 12 tuned up and you are right on, about the new life that The TC brings to the table ( pun intended). I treated the umbilical from the Lingo power supply and the power chord about a week and a half ago and that was an eye opener once the tune up was complete. The bass is much more tuneful as well as the rest of frequency range. The dynamics have also improved some.

This dealer/friend, who has also tried various contact enhancers throughout the years, also suggested that I wait to treat the cartridge pins till we are sure that no product degradation occurs and I will heed to his advice for now, since he is the only one that has ever touched my Linn. At about eight weeks, I will have him come out to evaluate the system and the contacts treated with the TC. At that time if he thinks it would be safe to treat, I will have him do it.

As for the bass, I noticed that it is much more tuneful and better defined. I mentioned this because I use the Audience V2+ speakers in a fairly large room without a subwoofer. These speakes use only a pair of 3” drivers for the entire frequency spectrum. Go figure.

Enjoy the music.


I've heard music reproduction like this before, so I knew it was possible, but experiencing it in MY home, with MY system...
^^^ Same thing here, tommylion .. 

There was a real breakthrough in my system over the last couple of days. I think some of the latest connections that were pasted like speaker wire and the grounds on all female RCA jacks are maturing and may have made the difference. The "sound picture" I'm getting now is uncanny.  Robert came over last night for a listening session ... it was the best yet. 


I am beginning to sense that too. I Was fortunate to be able to audition two very different high end systems two weeks ago at the local dealers. One using fully upgraded Tocaros and one using High end Magicos. Both are way beyond my pay grade, but both unique and enjoyable. 

After sessions like this, it is usually hard to go back to my system and not compare it to what I just experienced, and feel a little let down with my system. Since the TC applications however, I have been able to discern more of the qualities (PRaT, clarity, bass, etc...) that I like in those high systems, in mine. By no means is my system as good as those, but I think it is WAY closer than what it was without the TC. in a way I am glad that they have not treated their systems YET.


I really have enjoyed the staggered TC curing in the last couple of days as well, since that is how my applications worked out. I will keep you posted. This is product has been everything you and others have said. It is the upgrade that keeps on giving. 


@ resolution1
@ tommylion

 Your satisfaction is priceless to me! actually everyone's is.
My biggest concern is what are you guys going to do when the eighth week
rolls in? Lol. 
I'm coming up on the 2 week period with my system and I am noticing that the system gets better with each listening session.  What is most impressive is the deep tuneful bass that I am getting.  I have yet to treat my subwoofer cables but will do that in the next couple days.  I haven't even needed  the sub really.  Also the spaciousness of the soundstage is excellent.  Having fun enjoying the ride. 
For those TC'ers who are experiencing a new level of natural sounding acoustic bass, I'd like to recommend this 4 CD set:  

The bass line on cut #1 on disc #4 is worth the entire set. 

I have taken the plunge! I ordered TC this afternoon. I will report back here my findings of TC in my system. I currently have Xtreme Cables Quicksilver Gold contact enhancer applied to my system. Due to swapping out a cable (Teo Ultra IC), hybrid integrated amp and universal player  I figured now was a good time to start with a new and hopefully improved contact enhancer. I have had nothing but very positive results with the Quicksilver Gold. My QSG batch is almost gone and I hope to avert the initial  4 week roller coaster ride that the application of the QSG took you on sound quality-wise. QSG continued to improve in jumps after that (non linearly).
I meant swapping in the Teo Ultra as it is a really good cable. Several notches above the already very nice Teo Game Changer IC it replaced. 
I received mine this past week.  Will get a chance to apply it next week.

I do find the application instructions lacking.  No discussion of USB and tubes, for instance.  Better instructions, with pictures are needed.  Web based would be the way to do this.

@perfectpathtech, any plans to do this?
docknow ...

Good idea to included your questions with the instructions that come along with the product. Just as an aside ... we have discussed USB cables and tube pins in this thread.

Please report back with your results. Thanks ...

@oregonpapa I know, i have read the thread.  I am not sure all future users will, or should have to.  Hence the need for a better set of instructions.  Plus pictures are invaluable.
Same here.  I just got mine and probably will start using it next week.  I think any pictures or video to help get started would be great.  I read the whole thread but forgot who says what already and don't want to read the whole thing again:)  Otherwise I will probably come up with a list of questions for Tim before I start.


Thank you both for your business. I am working on an upgraded set of instructions and a website. In the mean time, please feel free to call me (phone number included in the instructions). I'd love to discuss your system, how to use TC and what you can look forward to! Thanks again. Tim  

Tim ...

Robert is coming over again tonight. The poor guy is hooked on the system. He keeps telling me its his fantastic recordings making the system sound so good. I keep asking him how come all of my records sound so great now as well? His response is that its his presence that makes for such great sound. I always end up asking him to leave because everything just seems to improve from there. *lol*

I’ve been trying to get into ancient music played on original instruments. As a result, I’ve been playing a lot of Harmonia Mundi recordings. There’s a lot more going on in that ancient music than what is heard at first glance. With the advent of Total Contact, one is allowed to peer through the sound wall and pick up on all of the minute details and overtones of the music. The added detail just adds to the enjoyment of the music. If I could describe this music in one word, it would be "precision."

For those who are getting into TC, I’d recommend that you try a few Harmonia Mundi recordings. Like opera and jazz ... it has to grow on you.  

Guys - Does it matter to have TC cure whilst mated between two treated connectors? Or can you just treat all connectors separately, have it cure, then use the connections as needed in the future. Use case I refer to are cables not always plugged in like the laptop USB 
I would advise against it. It is really designed to be applied and reconnected.
I applied TC to my system yesterday. All speaker and power connections. No doubt it changed my sound, unfortunately not all for the better. Mid bass body is improved and that is good. Improved “meatiness” and body. However, the music has lost some of its life and is a bit dull and diffused. Not what I expected or desired overall and I hope it improves shortly. I will report back. So much for expectation bias 😁
It should get better over several days. Definitely hang in there for at least 4 weeks, you don't want to miss the payoff.
grannyring ...

As tommylion said, give it some time. Every system is different. My experience was not like your’s at all. I experienced an overall improvement right off the bat. It just kept getting better until I hit the four week point when things really cleared up. Then again at eight weeks when things became totally life-like. The transparency that I’m experiencing now is truly amazing at this point with everything broken in and singing away.

I took a look at your system a few minutes ago. If I were you, I’d paste all of the internal wiring connections in your electronics. That should give you a nice improvement. Also, did you paste the grounds of your female RCA jacks? That was big for me. How about the connections to your subs? 

I had a similar experience to Grannyring... day 1 was good then 2-3 was artificial sounding treble. Not bright but had a slight white noise sound to it. Warm mids and dull sounding overall. However day 4 things changed quite a bit and so far I love what I am hearing. Hope it continues.

I progressed on my two systems slowly. I also took time to get used to the sound each step of the way to see if it was something I liked. In my case I liked it. The one thing I realized was that the noise floor dropped so much that I could turn the sound up and hear musical detail that I did not know was there. What I heard were notes more naturally following through. It was like going from an mp3 to a cd. The good thing is that it is reversible. As tommylion said, wait the four weeks, you might be surprised how the musical picture focuses over that time period. 

@oregonpapa No RCAs in my system so no need to treat. Not sure what you mean by internal wire connections? They are already soldered etc....Are you suggesting applying at all the soldered connections in my crossovers etc...? Not sure how this would help make contact as it is only a surface application ...... not contact points.  Thanks for your thoughts.  
@grannyring I will answer that for Frank, its late just came down to check.  I will send you a pm tomorrow.
I’ll probably order a (vile).

Based upon the overwhelming responses.

I’ll keep my findings, if positive, confined to myself, solely because of the way @oregonpapa treated me.

Be honest... would any of you who felt good about ordering this product find.... if your initial posts were ignored, then you were told, outright, "We don’t need you"?.. would you even be back to read (this) post?

I doubt it. So, if I order a vile...I WILL NOT post any positive comments here. I will, how ever, post any negative reactions. Why?

Because Frank said, and I quote, "we don’t need you".

..Is he suppose to be a favorite reviewer from the past?...........


Holding onto a grudge against Frank (or anyone) doesn't hurt him, only you.

I understand the reasoning for your post.

But, having this discussion is a positive thing. Right?

I’m expressing my opinion based on Frank’s history. with me.

This is all I have to base my opinions on going forward.

So, in effect, you would have me (buy this product(), with all of the reservations previously noted and not have an opinion on his (attack) on me personally?

It has to do with the manufacturer, his choice of beta testers, how they react to the potential customer base, that will hopefully drive sales?.

For some reason, not yet known to me, you seem to want to make ME the scapegoat for the failure of how this product was rolled out? This is what I’ve said all along.

So, what you seem to want to refer to as a (grudge)..I correctly call it as a failure to understand the initial prospective of a new product and it’s correct influx into the marketplace.

I can take this one step further. Has Frank EVER questioned the posts from customers who’ve had positive experiences??

I don’t think so, Then I ask myself..why not? If Frank is such a respected reviewer, who’d want his reputation preserved, this, my friend, is of great importance?

I guess, I’m the only one who has ever questioned this?

So, I think it's important to actually remember how this confusion actually started. YOU seem to make me, a potential customer, out to be a "bad guy" or as @geoffkait would say, a suedoskeptic?

I’m questioning my previous decision to but a vile now? Thanks @tommylion.

hey slaw I for one fully understand where you are coming from. I have not bought some great equipment over the years based on how a manufacturer has treated their customers, on how a distributor dealt with situations or how a dealer has treated me. There are a lot of choices out there and maybe my system would sound better with product x but there's more to it than the product itself.

Thank you for your (clear) reasoning!

I'm open to the TC product. Why on earth the ONE GUY the manufacturer chose to beta test/represent this product said "we don't need you",...says a lot about the manufacturer, to be FRANK!

It takes BALLS to write truth here...I thank you!
Who cares? A little bit too much angst. A little angst is OK. There’s nothing more unseemly than the threat of a negative review by a disgruntled customer. What did the mascochist say to the sadist? Hit me! To which the sadist replied, No!  ha ha
slaw ...

If you were to go back and read all of the correspondence between you and me, you would find that my responses to you, were exactly that ... RESPONSES to your personal attacks. YOU are the one with the "attitude," my friend. And by the way slaw, you won’t be able to recapture your negative posts (I’ve tried) because they have all been deleted by the Mods.

You continue to point out "the way the product was rolled out." What about it, slaw? I’ve asked you a few times to point out where you’ve found the "roll out" to be so offensive, and you are yet to answer the question. Go back to the "roll out" post (that would be the first one), then come back and point out the negatives as you see them.

Did I refer to you as "unimportant?" Yep. Why? ... Because you, along with a couple of others here, did your best to drive Tim, the Mfg. of TC out of business with your negative diatribes. Without even seeing the product, and of course, never using the product, you took a negative tact right from the beginning in an effort to dissuade others from buying the product. What did you expect the reaction to be, slaw? Should I have welcomed your efforts to destroy TC, my efforts, and Tim Mrock’s business along with it, with open arms? Not me, friend. I don’t play the bully game.

As I have said many times before slaw, my reactions to you are based upon your personal attacks upon me and the fine product that TC has turned out to be.

I have answered every question you’ve had in a gentlemanly manner, slaw ... UNTIL such time when you started throwing bricks my way. If you’re offended by the bricks becoming airborne and flying back at you ... well, so be it. You’re trying to play the victim game here, slaw. That’s a no go with me. You are a victim of your own making. What’s happened here between you and me, slaw, is that you’ve met someone who clearly sees what you are all about ... and I’ve called you out on it.

Then you say this:

  • "I’ll probably order a (vile). Based upon the overwhelming responses."

When will that be, slaw? Are you ready to open your wallet and experience one of the best tweaks to come down the audiophile pike, or did you have more questions that need to be answered before you place your order? If so, what would those additional questions be?


Slaw- Frank was trying to convey his enthusiasm for this product just like the fuse thread he started. Frank is a gentleman but I can’t blame him for being defensive due to the negative comments and criticism he has received endorsing these products. I read every comment on this thread from the beginning and feel Frank response to you and others were justified.

If you found a product you like, wouldn’t you want to endorse it on these forums? How would you feel and respond if you received negative comments from those who never tried it? Why must individuals respond with such negativity with no justification.

Believe it or not Frank was reluctant to try TC as was I and others. But his description of TC encouraged me to try this product in which I'm grateful. I'm so amazed with this product that I sent my unused portion to 2 other audiogoners to try with no charge. We need to encourage and assist each other in this wonderful hobby instead of trying to discourage.