New format, dislike.....

Your thoughts?
Al, you are correct in that "Forum Contributions in the Past 12/24/48 Hours," old threads having recent posts ARE being included.
It's just that many of those threads included active threads.

As I look at the forum today it seems to be working properly. Perhaps, your comments from earlier in this thread alerted Audiogon to make this update.

 Anyway, I don't know who to thank for this fix, but well done.
Hi Lowrider,

My perception of the issues you are referring to has been somewhat different.  If I'm not mistaken, under "Recent Activity/12/24/48 hours/Forum Contributions in the Past 12/24/48 Hours," old threads having recent posts ARE being included, BUT:

1)The three sets of listings for those three time periods are all identical.  I had called attention to this earlier in this thread.

2)Usually those listings do not go back even 12 hours, the cutoff perhaps depending on how many posts have been made during that period.

3)As has been said, those listings differ from the "Old Threads" listings of the previous format in that newly created threads are also being included in them, as soon as a response is posted.  In itself I see nothing wrong with that, but see no. 4 just below, which if addressed would make the redundancy you mentioned moot, as I see it.

4)As I mentioned earlier, the constant re-sorting of the "New Discussions in the Past xx Hours" part of that page makes it difficult to identify which threads have been created since one's last visit.

As it stands now, we have to look thru each topic, Amp/Preamp, Digital, Speakers, etc. to find an old thread and may never find it because we're in the wrong topic.

So I don't think this was the intent, and it is only true to the extent that the "Forum Contributions in the Past 12/24/48 Hours" listings do not truly go back 12/24/48 hours as it stands now.

Best regards,
If our friends at Audiogon are tuning in, to be clear, right now in
Recent Activity, there is:
"New Discussions in the past 48 hours"
followed by:
"Forum contributions in the past 48 hours"

This is redundant. The same threads will appear in both, if active within 48 hours.
Under the previous format, "Old Threads," were threads which were no longer in Recent Activity. A good name for this section would be "Forum contributions to Old Threads."
Some of these threads could be years old and if somebody added a comment, the thread was updated and moved into this section.

As it stands now, we have to look thru each topic,  Amp/Preamp, Digital, Speakers, etc. to find an old thread and may never find it because we're in the wrong topic.

FYI, Justin, et al, some of these old threads would stay active for years. We now have a great new "Follow this Thread" feature, but I would like to have the "Old Threads" reinstalled, and then use "Follow this Thread."

Does this make sense?

Another thing I would suggest is to have the most recent input to a thread appear at the top rather than being "last".  Comments would appear in reverse order as to how they do now...newest first, oldest last.  
IMO, that would be incredible awkward, if I understand you correctly.  It might be OK in a thread when only one or two comments have been added, but trying to read a long thread from bottom to top would be very awkward.
I exactly agree with lowrider, and wonder why no one else has mentioned it.  This page (referred to above) showed every new topic being added as well as new posts to old threads, all on one page.
LR57, I miss that.  I'm not big on change to begin with but am trying to assume merit here; yet, this still leaves me struggling a bit to understand how things are organized.  In the previous format, multiple recent contributions to a given old thread would be found chronologically sorted under the name of the thread - which is what you are saying, I think.  Now, it seems like individual responses for an existing thread (these are found by scrolling to below the "thread categories" section) get posted you can see the same thread title appear multiple times here depending on how much activity there was.  At least that's what I think is going on.  Like I said, still trying to figure things out.  

Another thing I would suggest is to have the most recent input to a thread appear at the top rather than being "last".  Comments would appear in reverse order as to how they do now...newest first, oldest last.  

Had enough contact with these types of projects in my work life such that I realize compromises have to be made.  But I did like seeing just the thread name with sequential contributions to it vs having to figure which category it might appear in or look for the various responses interspersed amongst multiple unrelated threads.


I miss the "Old Threads" section that was located below Virtual Systems. It was sorted and updated by new activity.
Does anybody miss this section? It was better than looking thru each separate forum for an interesting old thread. Also, threads that just left the 48 hour list would be located in this section.

I suggest that consideration be given to sorting that listing based on the date and time of the initial post in each thread.
This is especially true when you're reading threads in order down the page but when you return to the main listing to move to the next thread you're interested in, the page refreshes and the "next" thread has moved above the last one you read.

Rather than do it one way or the other, I would like to see an option. I like the data being constantly updated. Others may not. For Popular Discussions they implemented an option of Most Recent or Most All tim, at the top of the column. I would like to see more options like that. Some will like it one way and some the other. And some will want to go back and forth. They already did this type of option for Popular Discussions, so it should be relatively easy to do in other places.
Al, I agree with you (yet again).  The continual resorting of the list is disconcerting.  This is especially true when you're reading threads in order down the page but when you return to the main listing to move to the next thread you're interested in, the page refreshes and the "next" thread has moved above the last one you read.

I'd also like to add that I appreciate the the folks at Audiogon listening to us and quickly making the needed changes.  I've rapidly gotten used to the new layout and find I like it.
A suggestion to Justin & co. at Audiogon:  Under "Recent Activity-12/24/48 hours" the "New Discussions in the Past XX hours" section is continually sorted based on the date and time of the most recent post.  That makes it hard to determine which threads have been created since one's last visit.  I suggest that consideration be given to sorting that listing based on the date and time of the initial post in each thread.

Sorting within the "Forum Contributions in the Past XX hours" section of that page should be left as is, however, with sorting based on the date and time of the most recent post.

Best regards,
-- Al

No problem odd-e-o.  Mine takes me to my system.  I'm unsure what you mean by "clicking out".
who else is having problems w/virtual systems,when u click on to view ,and click out,it starts you back to top again!!!!
Jim (Broadstone), if by "notices" you perchance have been anticipating e-mail notifications, my impression is that is not what Audiogon meant. Take a look at the bell-shaped icon just under your user name at the upper right corner of any of the forum pages. If you see a number within or adjacent to that symbol, that would be the number of notifications that have been issued to you. And if you click on that icon you will be able to see them.

Best regards,
-- Al

Now that I'm getting more experience with it I'm stating to like it. At least one of the promised improvements isn't working , though; I'm not getting notices of responses to my posts. The biggest improvement for me is that I don't have to sign in every time I try to go to a different page. 
I rather like this new format, and it will get better....
I agree.  I suppose the disparity of opinion about it is consistent with the usual lack of consensus among audiophiles about most things :-)

Best regards,
-- Al

Thanks, Al.
 I can now find it in Discussion Forum/"View My Activity," or "My Threads"/"7" or "14" or "30" days. That displays up to date threads that I have participated in.

I have also just found that by hitting my ICON (in my case "L"), it displays my responses (not updated), and to the far right shows the last word, which is Almarg.
It's a quick way to see if anybody has added to your comments.

I rather like this new format, and it will get better; it is still in Beta version.
Also, I’ll mention an anomaly I’ve recently noticed, which is that the "recent activity" link on the forum home page appears to present an identical listing of "contributions in the past XX hours" regardless of whether XX is selected as 12, 24, 48, or 72 hours.

Best regards,
-- Al  
Hi Lowrider,

Yes, I think I see what you are referring to, that being what is shown under "Your Responses" in your profile.  That appears to be by design.  But to see a listing of threads in which you have participated, which shows the screen name of the "last word" poster and the date of that post, at the forum home page click on "View My Activity," or under that on "My Threads"/"7" or "14" or "30" days.

Best regards,
-- Al
Under MY DISCUSSIONS, only MY last answer is diplayed in a thread. Why isn't that thread showing that others have added comments after mine?
Has anyone else noticed this?
OK, I figured out the "gear" icon on the right of my post when I’m logged in.  When I hover over it (or when I hover over anyones post) I get a previously invisible "report this" flag.  When I click on the gear icon I can edit my post within 30 minutes or delete it altogether.

I had the same problem, and had joined the same year you did. I e-mailed staff and told them about it. It was corrected.
My join date is incorrect also. It shows as 2010. Don't know when I actually joined but I received my first feedback in June of 2000.
Generally it is fatiguing on the eyes. It is difficult to distinguish between thread headers and what is written under them. The amount of real estate this takes up is not necessary. Too much open space. It is not a natural flow of the eye from one topic to the next. I have to work too hard.

I hope after all the bugs are worked out on the new system Justin will address why many of the "member since" join dates are incorrect.

Here is a good example.

Member rcprince now shows he has been a member since 11-17-2010.

 rcprince has feedback given on June 21, 2000 and his first post to the audio forum on 08-30-2000. His actual join date may have been earlier than 06-21-2000.

Looks like the line break issue has been fixed. Kudos to Justin & co. at Audiogon for addressing this issue so promptly, and kudos once again for having responded in similar fashion to the earlier "My Threads" issue.

Best regards,
-- Al

Thanks for the tip on getting back to the home page. I wouldn't have found that in a hundred years otherwise.
"Is that the guy that knows everything about audio?"

AND the only guy who knows how to listen to it!
I think the two different color schemes need to go. It does not look natural to the eye at all. Seems like to much is going on... A conflict if you will.

I'm also noticing the strange line breaks.  Assume that is a glitch that will be fixed soon.
Post removed 
dtc 12-02-2015 3:16am
View My Activity should probably be changed to View Activity. Only one of the options relates purely to your posts. I suppose My Posts and My Threads could be added at the 4th and 5th options in View Activity, but once you know where to find those, it is pretty easy to get do.

Under Recent Activity - My Threads you see the threads that you have participated in that have had recent activity. Recent Activity and Unanswered are not specific to you.

If you want to see just your responses or just the treads you started you can click on your username (upper right) and go to My Profile.. One option shows you the thread you have posted in, the other shows threads you have started.. You can also get to those lists by clicking on your username in a thread. You can click on either Discussions Started or Responses.
It is making sense now. Your posting history is now easier to track & I like the fact you can unsubscribe from threads (which was a bug bear of mine with the old system).

Would love to later see further functionality added incl: the ability to post images/photos & like or say "thank you" for posts & atleast restore  the link to your system thread in posts, if not add the ability to post a Signature.

GLWT changes A'gon.
Is it just my me or does everyone else see that words are being split as they scroll into the next line. For example, when typing a three letter word on a line and there is only one space left on a line, instead of the whole word scrolling onto the next line so it stays together, the letter "t" stays on the line and the letters "he" begin on the next line down. It's very hard to read this way!

That's new. I have been using the new format for quite a while and have never seen that before. Something changed. My guess is it will get fixed pretty quickly.
Is it just my me or does everyone else see that words are being split as they scroll into the next line. For example, when typing a three letter word on a line and there is only one space left on a line, instead of the whole word scrolling onto the next line so it stays together, the letter "t" stays on the line and the letters "he" begin on the next line down. It's very hard to read this way!
I'm seeing the line break problem too.  Glad you mentioned that it wasn't happening yesterday as I didn't think I would have missed that.  :-)  Kind of annoying but I bet they'll get that fixed.
I'm noticing today (but not yesterday) that line breaks in many posts are occurring in the middle of words.  I've seen that on multiple Windows 7 laptops and desktops, using both Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Best regards,
-- Al
Tried it on my mobile and it is not as satisfying as the desktop experience.
Opus. That is an old fashioned view. Modern marketing demands change. Without change there is no work for the marketers. So they create change which in turn gives them work to do. 

rcprince  12-01-2015 11:47am
Works fine for me, I’m getting used to it. An improvement in many respects.

And considering the magnitude of the changes that have been made, I find it remarkable that the transition went so smoothly in terms of functionality.

An issue I’ve noticed, which I’d suggest Audiogon address in some manner, is that the segregation of Virtual Systems and the Forums has resulted in posts in virtual system threads to which one has previously posted not appearing in the "My Activity/My Threads" listings.  And as far as I can tell there is no means of "following" a virtual system thread, which would provide notifications of posts others may make in that thread.  (Although perhaps "favoriting" a virtual system would result in such notifications; that isn't clear to me at this point).

Best regards,
-- Al
Reminds me of a good food restaurant one has enjoyed for years, then all of a sudden the preparation of the food and its flavor change. A variation on what phd says---if it tastes good, leave it alone.
Works fine for me, I'm getting used to it.  An improvement in many respects.
I really don't see the logic of clicking on 'My forum threads' and having 75% of the screen taken up with other members activity, with a small box in the top RH corner devoted to yours. To me, 'My forum threads' should be exactly that. Or else maybe re-name it 'All member's forum threads'..

View My Activity should probably be changed to View Activity. Only one of the options relates purely to your posts. I suppose My Posts and My Threads could be added at the 4th and 5th options in View Activity, but once you know where to find those, it is pretty easy to get do.

Under Recent Activity - My Threads you see the threads that you have participated in that have had recent activity. Recent Activity and Unanswered are not specific to you.

If you want to see just your responses or just the treads you started  you can click on your username (upper right) and go to My Profile.. One option shows you the thread you have posted in, the other shows threads you have started.. You can also get to those lists by clicking on your username in a thread. You can click on either Discussions Started or Responses.