I've gotten good results in driving all my speakers, including Maggies with an ARC Ref 5se preamp driving a Hegel H590 amp, or a Class D Audio 470C amp. The ARC preamp adds some tube sound (air, soundstage, detail resolution, etc.) - which sounds great with a range of speakers, which seems a bit better than all solid state gear (just the H590 integrated, Parasound, etc.). Either of those amps with the ARC preamp sound superb with Maggies and Harbeths. And the Class D Audio amp is superb for about $700 new. He now offers great GAN amps - still a great price for great sound. I really like the benefits of the remote control features of the ARC preamp. And... I've had no problems with the ARC service - had to return a ARC Ref 150se amp for a minor repair of one of the speaker terminals about a year ago. They provided great, timely service with no issues.