Need to learn about Audio Research

Still exploring amps and preamps to go with my Magnepan 3.7i. 
I've always heard about Audio Research being a great match, but I'm not familiar with the brand at all.
I'll need to shop the used market since the new gear is way out of my price range. 

I am looking for a high power (100wpc +) amp and a preamp that has remote control. I'd like the preamp to be tube, and the amp could be either solid state or tube.
I don't know at what point in the model lineup remote control was added, but it appears most of the older gear did not have a remote. 

Any AR experts here?


I have used ARC AMPVT150 mono with LS5 preamp since1996, sweet amps to replace McIntosh tube amp/preamp. , there was no mechanical or electrical failure.

My current amps are 160M,without repair last 4 years.

AR is coming out with  some NEW AMPs/preamps SS/Tubes in 10 K range starting in April 2025.



I have decided SS will be the way to go.

Good decision. There are many maggie owners who have had a tube amp on the tweet/mids and a solid state on the bass panels but you don’t have that biamping option with the 3.7’s, not without much more extensive modification at least.

A friend is going to loan me a parasound A21 soon.

That should work out, let us know how that compares to the Hegel.

What would the pre be with it though? 

You should keep the H390 and add a Tube Preamp and/or even a Tube DAC like Primaluna. You’re not going to get better for less than $10K than the Hegel. 

Look at the Rogue Audio Cronus Dark. All tubes. Beautiful sound and build. Made in PA so easy to get parts and repaired. 100wpc. If your speakers are not hard to drive, this would be a great choice. Sorry didn’t see the SS requirement. 

I attended the Southwest Audiofest in Dallas this weekend and visited the Audio Research room.  They are releasing some new products in a couple of months.  I don't recall all of them but there will be two solid state amps, a couple of tube amps and I think a new integrated amp.  I think all of these will be at the "lower" end of their price range of products.  I still own a the LS-15 line stage which is nearly 30 years old.  I had it modified/upgraded about 10 years ago and it is still sounding sweet.  I am curious about one of their newer SS amps.  I also owned their 100.2 power amp a number of years ago but regrettably sold it.  I've been impressed with the quality of their products and customer service.