Need recommendation for repair service in CA bay area - McCormack DNA-1

My DNA-1 powers up but the protection circuit won't turn off so the amp never outputs audio. It has a red led (protection) and a green one (power on). When you power on, they both come on and the red one should go off after 15 seconds or so when the amp is ready to work. The light stays on.

I unplugged input cables and output speaker wires. Same problem. I plugged into a different outlet / circuit. Same problem. I removed the over and didn't see anything obviously burned or loose. Checked all 5 fuses - all good.

So time for repair.

Please let me know of a recommendation in the California SF bay area ideally. 


FWIW, I've been investigating the McCormack lines looking for an amp for another system. I suggest you do some research as well. There have been considerable conversations about failures of an input board in the DNA .05 and DNA 1 model amps. I don't know if this could be your problem but if it is you may not want to pursue repairs. One of the posts in a thread is from McCormack describing the problem and why it is in their opinion not 'repairable', at least why they will no longer do so anyway.

Good luck............

If a manufacture tells you, your amp is not repairable, DON'T BUY THEIR PRODUCT'S !!!!! Because I won't. 

@newbee is correct.  No brainer give SMcAudio a call — they designed/built your amp and will be by far your best resource, and lucky you at least they’re in California (I had to ship them my amp from NJ 😖).  The input board on my DNA 0.5 RevA failed, which makes the amp not repairable so I decided to send it to them to do their full upgrade mods, which basically makes it a new amp with all their latest/best parts and thinking.  The only parts they kept from my amp was the case and the transformer only because it was already upgraded in the previous RevA mod otherwise that would’ve gone too.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 

Give Scott Frankland Associates a call. They are in San Jose. Scott is a very competent engineer and does repairs on both solid state and tube equipment.

Your best option is to send it to SMc Audio for repair. And it would be silly not to have it upgraded while it's there. Pat and Steve turn out some of the best sounding SS amps you're likely to ever hear. This is a perfect opportunity for you.

+1 @ozzy62 


​​​​​​​I followed along with a few folks who checked into this with Pat/Steve, and we concluded sending it in and having the nice rebuild sure makes for a nice alternative while it lasts. And, you can end up with a really nice amp for the $, compared to buying and all-new amp, if you are open to it. I just did something similar with one of my own other brand SS amps.  It sure sounds nice, totally worth it, fwiw. Maybe worth a few phone calls to gain confidence going this route.  

I’m a SMc owner. While shipping is pricey now, I’d arrange for a return to SMc. You could ask about removing the transformer prior to shipping.....a possibility they gave me once