Need a SACD DVD player on a low budget.

I am looking for a SACD player with:
A. High-end analog stereo RCA output.
B. No fan.
C. Ideally, it would also play DVD with 1080p upscaling via a HDMI output.

Target budget is $300 total, maximum up to $333, including shipping. Obviously at this price point, used is fine.

Analog stereo output is a requirement because my receiver is analog stereo only.

My original idea was to find a BluRay/Universal player that has great analog audio out, but my research points to the following, which are all outside my budget:
Oppo BDP-83SE, Oppo BDP-95, Oppo BDP-105, Marantz UD7007.
Even with these players, reviewers say they are not as good via analog RCA out as older non-bluray players. Therefore I scaled back and eliminated BluRay from the requirement to get within budget, since sound quality is paramount.

An alternative would be to get a preamp/processor to provide high quality analog stereo outputs downmixed from HDMI inputs, and get a cheap universal player as a transport. If I had multiple HDMI inputs, I could also connect my Roku Streaming Stick +. Roku is currently connected to the TV, whose stereo analog out is probably not very hifi.  Maybe I am better off getting a preamp/processor so I can play BluRay from a cheap universal transport, even if that means I have to bump up the budget by $50-100. I just don’t know the preamp market at all yet. Thoughts?

For DVD players, I have read people praising the following:
Oppo DV-980H
Denon DVD-2910, DVD-3910, DVD-2930ci, DVD-3930ci

What would you recommend?

FYI, my system is described in my profile.
If not needing BlueRay, the Arcam DV137, which I also own, is a very nice player. It once sold for $2000, however became highly discounted with the advent of BlueRay. These can be found used at your price point.  A very well built unit. Very good analog output.
My first SACD player was an Oppo DV 980H. I paid $86 and it hooked me on SACD/DVD/HDCD players. I also discovered that quite a few of my "CDs" were also HDCD encoded, if that's the right word.

I upgraded to a BDP-95 for $450 and it was a nice step forward. I think this is probably the sweet spot for Oppos in terms of bang for the buck. You could take a flyer and offer this guy as much as you are comfortable with.

I think there is some advantage to getting a player without Blu-ray if you don't need it, as there are no compromises in audio playback. I was lucky to find a DV-983H for $117 and I have that in my "little" system. It's very good; but they don't come up for sale often.

I've not heard the Sony or Yamaha; but in my main system I currently have an EVS modded BDP-105, $1,350 used,  and an Ayre C5xeMP, $2,100 used.  Honestly, I can't say that the Ayre is that much better sounding to my ears. 

The other advantage the Oppos have is that they have USB inputs. I download music from for about $1.75/ album in MP3, 320 onto thumb drives. It's cheap and sounds very good for the money when I can't find SACDs or LPs of music I want, or don't want to spend the money for even a CD. However, you really do need a video display to navigate.

So bottom line, I think you will be very happy with the best Oppo you can afford. Except for the BDP-83SE, the models ending in a 3 are optimized for video and those ending in a 0 or 5 for audio. 

Happy hunting.
I own the Yamaha B-S681 proposed by rwortman. At it's price level it is a fine sounding unit. I use mime primarily for movies however CDs sound great via analog output. It has a CD direct mode which removes unneeded circuitries from signal path.
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I was not aware an OPPO can play SACD.  That is good news because I would like to hear the sound difference by order a couple of SACD CD's.
"Buy a used Oppo bdp 95 or 105 and you’ll never regret it."
It may be an aberant one, but my friend's Oppo 105 Darby edition (whatever that means) freezes often. It did not use to but it has been doing it more often over the last few months.
 It is great otherwise.

You may have noticed the Oppo BDP-83SE is on my short list of BluRay players with good analog outputs.  I haven't seen one yet at your price point, but if I find one, I'll get it.  I am shopping on ebay, audiogon, usaudiomart,, and hifishark.
I have owned this Sony player for about a year now and use it primarily for music.

The only downside of this player is that it requires a video display as there is no
front panel LCD. Sound quality on CD's is superb.
The Yamaha universal players are good machines.  I have a BDA-1060 which is a bit out of your price range.  Here is its little brother which is in your range brand new with a warranty.

 I just bought an OPPO BDP-93 for $160 delivered.  It has a Cosmetic scratch about a quarter inch long on it, but other than that it’s great.  Oh and the remote is mint.  
All the best.

I was looking at Oppo’s, but as you, was also budgeting myself. I finally settled on a used Yamaha BD A1040 (came out originally as direct competition to the Oppo). It could/may fit your price range if you keep your eyes peeled, and I believe does everything you are looking for. I got it as it was also a blueray/DVD player, but to be honest, it is rarely used for video via HDMI. Now, as I use mine almost always for CD music playing, I wanted a better DAC in lieu of the built-in DAC, so run it through a PS Audio DAC instead via a digital cable input. But, that isn’t necessary, as it has stereo RCA’s/digital/optical/or HDMI (and network input as well as wireless)  which can go to your pre/integrated/reciever. Thus, mine is basically a transport, but does much more than that.
The 2910 laser assembly is available as shipped in the USA, for about $40-45, all in.(ebay)

It would take me less than 30 minuets to swap a new one in. You may time me if you wish...  (from sealed unit to sealed unit)

the 2910 is also a decent base for modding out the analog audio section. Socket the opamp (put in a dual opa627 adapter, etc), modify the power supply for the audio and digital section, etc.
Check out the Oppo BDP-83SE (special edition). They took a good video player and added 400 dollars worth of analog sound upgrades. However, as I understand, the upgrades only affect the two-channel stereo analog output. You shouldn’t have a problem finding info on this machine. They have sold used on ebay recently for 112.50 and up (mostly around 150-200). I got mine locally for 100 bucks and it sounds great IMO. I haven’t used it for video, just CD’s, but it gets good reviews.Note:  if you buy, make sure the model number includes "SE" or you're not getting the sonic upgrades
i've had bad luck with the denon 2910 and 3930; per mahler i'd look at pioneer elite 79av or 59av which are cheap used and reliable

I actually own one 2910 and that is how I got aware of that problem. It plays SACDs and DVDs without any problem. CDs depend on your luck. Well, that is how it was last time I tried in 2015 or so. Unfortunately, it is very inconveniently located right now so I cannot donate it to you.

As a player, it is a good one when it works and, in case you are interested in that, it can be very easily cracked to become region-free.

I did look the parts up at some point and they were available while the procedure appeared to have been a bit finicky but not that hard for someone with a steady hand.

All the drives are prone to failing but it seems that this particular Denon batch was at the extreme of the Gaussian curve. I have some SONY CD players from 1980s that were (in 2015) still partying as if was 1985. Of course, they are strictly CD and SACD/DVD part may add complexity.

I agree, I'll explicitly add "SACD out as DSD over HDMI" to my player criteria, even though I'm not able to use it yet.

You have a good point about the old Denon lasers.  The good news is, I think I've seen parts on ebay, and I am the kind of guy who could probably do the swap.  I should heed your warning and verify parts availability, and probably include a spare or two in the total cost.  Also, I should research the repair to be sure it is not beyond my skills and tools. 

Frankly, with any player of the age we're talking about, I should expect a laser failure, and anticipate the availability, cost and difficulty of repair.  That may eliminate some models from consideration, and it might tip the scales in favor of the AVR + newer player solution.
In case you go digital output route, get acquainted with how SACDs are actually output. Do they get converted to PCM, etc.

Stay away from Denon 2910 and its brothers. They are great players while they work. However, their laser/mechanism is reliable in a sense that you can count on it failing. You will find many people talking (once upon a time) about it on the Internet. Those machines are hitting 15 years now.
Have you investigated the Sony Universal Players in that price range?  You have commented that the analog outs might be a weak spot, but have you actually been able to audition one?  I haven’t, myself, but perhaps before dismissing based upon reviews you might try it and perhaps you might be pleasantly surprised.
  At your budget, I think the idea of an AVR to do the processing might be more fruitful.  AVRs can be had very cheaply on the second hand market, as the newest codecs tend to render them obsolete in a hurry.  Pre Blu Ray Universal Players can be had cheaply.  I currently use a Pioneer Elite DVD/SACD player in a basement system that works great and fetches about $100 on eBay the last time that I looked