My Sonic Saga

While back brought B&W CM9s, Peachtree Nova Amp 220 and Nova Pre – preamp.

From the very beginning wasn’t happy with the sound – even though overall the systems sounds alright (maybe) – realized I like bright (tweeters perhaps) and good base as well. 

Some point in time the tweeter blew up and had to be replaced – but still never like the sound from the CM9s.

Have now moved into a new house and have a room that is 28x29 and 18 ft ceiling – and (re)considering my options!


Should I add a base, should I replace my speakers – what would you consider as bright speakers

My replacement budget is around $2500 for speakers (used is fine as well).


Music I listen to is Classic Rock – Floyd, zep to AC/DC, Pearl Jam, Jazz (starting to get into it quite a bit), world music (love east and west fusion)

Also looking forward to getting into vinyl at some point – the Peachtree novapre preamplier is good that way – allows me to add quite a few sources – inbuilt dac, etc

Love to hear your thoughts and thanks for your help.

If you like bass, your $2500 budget will buy you lifetime state of the art bass. Go to Parts Express, buy the Dayton SA-1000 sub amp, and four sub kits, all on sale now. Its what I did, and it was more than good enough for me.
Since this is new and you will not have heard of it before do a search and read up on DBA, distributed bass array, comments from noble100 and audiokinesis. Totally the way to go.
Travel as far as you have to and go listen to as many systems as possible until you find something that sounds good to you and start there.  “Bright” is generally a negative descriptor that connotes too much treble energy, so maybe you mean you like a very detailed treble?
Buy used Tekton  Double Impacts. You Will Not do better for the price and much higher especially for the music you listen to. 
Should I add a base, should I replace my speakers – what would you consider as bright speakers
Get an EQ and turn the treble up. If you want more bass turn the bass up. 
Get a pair of Altec Valencia's with the 811 horns! Particularly fine for Rock! I had a pair and regret selling them! A favorite speaker of the late Art Dudley.
There is a used pair of GE Triton Ones listed here for $2500.00. You won’t need a sub as it has 3 subs and sub amp built into the speakers. These used to be my main speakers but 2 years ago were moved to my secondary system powered by a 200wpc Mac integrated. My room upstairs is 36 feet by 50 feet with 15 foot high ceilings. It fills the room with heart thumping bass and smooth treble. Rock sounds amazing on it and you can feel the entire room pressurized.   I plan on purchasing a pair of the new JBL 100 speakers for that room so I can listen to a different presentation when the mood strikes. 
Thank you all for your suggestions - would not mind suggestions for the amp/pre-amp as well.
Or are you folks suggesting i keep my Peachtree combo for now.

Would love to hear systems - but not possible during this period for sure 
In terms of speakers also have to worry about WAF - heard a lot about Tekton DI - that looks beastly to me.

Also detailed treble is much better articulation than bright treble - thanks.
Also since i was streaming my music from laptop I was able to change the EQ a bit but not sure if its the same - did make a difference though.

Sometime i feel bookshelf speakers with 2 sub woofers is not a bad way so you can get bass as well as good top end and mid range. 

Guess this journey continues!
Given your situation and tastes, I’d recommend trying the Salk Songtower.  He sells direct so it’s good value, and you have 30 days to try them in your home — especially nice in these times.  Very consistent positive reviews so high likelihood you’ll be very happy.  You could also look at the Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower in the same price range.  Your amp should be ok, but these speakers will certainly reward you for any future electronics upgrades.  Best of luck.