Moving to the UK - Need Transformer

Hey Guys…! We’re moving to the UK this coming spring and I’ll need a step down transformer taking 220v down to 120v. 
It will need to supply gorgeous clean ample amps to:

ARC 160s
DCS Bartok
Moon CD Transport

Thanks I’m advance for your help…!

What an awesome email from ARC…!

Dear Joseph

Summary: Yes, we can convert both units for you if you need us to. The cost would be estimated at around $250-$300 each. 

Our current service turnaround time is typically 6-8 weeks but if you need it done sooner, I'm sure we can accommodate. We'd need the serial numbers from each unit and your address to generate RMA's for each unit before you send them to us. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to schedule the service.

Thank you,

Greg Christensen
Audio Research Customer Service

Run it on 230vac if you CAN, it will sound better.
Okay, so I’m going to have to ask, how does it sound better?
Serious question, the transformer inside the device will split off voltages as needed and then through bridge rectifiers to VDC, probably through Zener diodes or however they’ve engineered it.

Okay so by dividing the voltage, you’re going to have more current at your disposal.
it will sound better
That comment may be true, however with my limited study, I don’t understand why it would be??

OP - are you likely to become a Man Utd supporter? Ha
Hey celtic66, we're not living in caves over here in Blighty - even up there in darkest Manchester.

Absolute Sounds have imported ARC kit for around 40 years now and can carry out any repair.  On Krell too and many others.  I have had a number of pieces refurbed with great results.

Go with power regenerator, as step down transformer will negatively affect SQ.
I am in the UK but a few hundred miles from Manchester, living near many properties that are set up to Cater for visitors from America.
The link to the Step Down Transformers is a good offer of information.
When you have discovered a property that you would like to maintain as a home for the long-term, it might also be worth considering a Separate Mains Power Spur to be put in to feed to the HiFi Set Up and bypass the Ring Mains Power System that is used in UK Properties.
The advantages of this can be read up on at a later date.
Good Luck with this new experience of meeting the Four Seasons in one day and the observing and meeting many enjoyable characters.
It will become the norm', seeing people with folded umbrellas on a Sunny Morning, it will quickly become a copied habit.
@cakyol I’m actually writing this while on the security line at Manchester Airport…!
@cakyol Thanks for the transformer advice…! We’re thinking Knutsford - Brahmal - Wilmslow… My wife was born in Levenshulme…

Anyway, I may just have all the gear professionally transitioned. 
Thanks again..!
I lived in Manchester UK from 76 to 98. I went to UMIST there.
Where in Manchester are you moving to ?
Cheshire, Stockport, Alderley Edge, Wilmslow & Handforth are fantastic places to live in.

BTW, UK is 240 Volts, not 220.

In any case, do not buy cheap & dangerous Chinese crap.
Get these:

And make absolutely sure they are rated for 50Hz.  Otherwise, they will overheat.
You will pay more but you wont be sorry, even better, you will not be electrocuted.

The ARC gear ships all around the world, so give them a call. It does not need to go to Minnesota… Any competent apprentice can do it.z
I got the PrimaLuna transformer drawing to switch to 230v.
My older ARC I have not investigated, and the AI pre were the ones that wanted $750. At 750 I’ll use a transformer.
Run it on 230vac if you CAN, it will sound better. Many of us know that you get more power and less loss when running equipment on higher voltage.

My BS meter just pegged with ^that^ Input.

Many of us know that you get more power and less loss when running equipment on higher voltage

Are those the people running 2 and 4 ohm speakers? Or the ones running 16 ohm speakers? 
@celtic66 Thanks for your thoughts…! We’re planning on buying a house outside Manchester…so I’m hoping to create an office/listening room there. The amp and pre amp and DAC all sit on a rolling custom rack that doesn’t take up too much space…but your thoughts are noted…! I’m already nuts for buying what I have…!! 
I've no idea your living space in Manchester, but have lived and worked in Europe for some years and know first hand flat space limitations.  I moved around Austria and each space was quite studio small compared to what Americans expect.  But then, you may be in a full cottage for that matter.

Your ARC equipment alone is quite physically large and coming in at over 150 lbs. shipping weight if my calculations are correct.  You are accepting that shipping that far does not ensure safe transit.  And what if you need repair on any of the pieces?

I know I'm wandering off the OP question, but why not consider having fun at audio shops in Manchester and assembling a cool compact British system there?

We all think differently, just my two cents.  I could be way off base.  Have fun with the fish and chips and spotted dick.
@bhvf We live in Miami right now. Planning on the move for May 2022. The collective wisdom here sounds like the best thing to do is have the ARC pieces converted here. I’ll reach out to ARC customer service and see what they advise. I’ll reach out to DCS customer service to ask them if they can convert the Bartok for me. 
Thanks for all the info and advice. 
I would try and get the equipment converted before you leave. It sounds like you're permanently moving there. You'll be happier with the gear converted.  I moved from the US to UK and sold what made sense, converted what I was able to and bought when I arrived. I actually bought a massive hospital grade transformer for a treadmill that the manufacturer, Landis, refused to convert for me.  They said I had to sell it and buy new there. I think it was about $300 so not horrible. What area of the US do you live.  I may have a few things for you as I'm back in the US now but still have a bunch of stuff.
@holmz The Missus is from Manchester… and I have work there too. Will still go back and forth….
+1 jea48 - Run it on 230vac if you CAN, it will sound better. Many of us know that you get more power and less loss when running equipment on higher voltage. If you can't change it to operate on the higher voltage and 50Hz, I would sell and replace.
Post removed 
@jomonhifi What brings you there?
Work, school, etc.?
I hope you enjoy it.

If the UK is anything like the colonies, then I would suggest practising looking both ways when you cross the street. The leading cause of death for US and Canadian tourists in Au… (i.e. being hit by a car. )
Where are you moving to? They sell them there…

I am using a 230v to 115v transformer still. And when the Preamp people said $750 for their 230v power supply I politely hung up the phone.

There is a small hum from the transformer, but absolutely quiet out of the speakers. Putting it in another room is always an option, but the UK electricity can be somewhat dodgy.

In fact they sell 115v power tools there so that the tradies can be “safer”. So maybe you could just run 1 leg?
I think UK power could be more like US 220v as a push pull… and the Au is more like a single ended. But the transformers are cheap enough. There is no dirty power that I ever noticed, it just seems to work.

The rack mount US-plugged power strips can be handy if you use a rack…