Too many products in a hifi companies lineup.
Too many hifi companies. Just go to audio shows they’re all over the place.
Prices went up a lot over past couple years, and they were certainly high then too.
Dealers are challenged because they have to buy everything before they can sell it to you. They are not provided any pieces for free to show customers which is horrifying for them. It means less variety of product to show customers in more places.
Nobody knows what they’re buying when they spend $20,000 on a component. Mystery box.
jay and ocd guy have the right idea but they’re terrible businessman. ocd guy knows a hell of a lot but too negative and just really weird. His products are not really mainstream they’re kind of wacky, put some I think really really good.
Can’t wait for this Industry to hit Amazon for the deliveries of their Products. Especially higher end cables and power cords. Streamers and Dacs Will follow.