
Responses from barry2013

Upgrade from WIlson Sabrina
I have had YG Carmel 1s, Kipod Signature passive and Hailey Reference 2.2s. The last is.of course the best. but too big for your room. I wasn't impressed by the YG Peak series at Munich a couple of years ago. Have you considered a pair of used C... 
What to ask when buying used speakers?
I am glad the responses were helpful. I, and I am sure other contributors will be interested in, is whether you do buy some used speakers, which ones, and how successfully. Could you update in due course please?  
What to ask when buying used speakers?
Lots of good advice in the previous posts I am in the UK and both my previous and current speakers were one ex dem and two used from a private individual near Kansas city. Carmel 1s from a former YG distributor in Croatia and Kipod Signature Pas... 
Better Records vs MoFi
Thank you to the originator of this thread and to all those contributing. I was not aware of Better Records. I have since been in touch with them to see if they ship to the UK which they do so about to sign up  
Is there a list of full-range speakers (20-20kHz) somewhere on the internet?
Audiogon has a nice looking pair of YG Acoustic Vantage speakera foe sale at $22k and some YG Haileys. They are both excellent speakers  
Would It Be Possible To Get Help Finding This Song?
Good luck and do let us know how it goes.  
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please.
With that size of budget it will be easy to be tempted by quantity, range of sources. IME you should first ruthlessly analyses your priorities re sources. I am a big fan of FM radio. I have a Magnum Dynalab 109 tuner with upgraded Phillips 6922 N... 
New DACs High End Munich 2023
There is a new Korean brand Waversa which I am hearing good things about which you may want to checkout  
Suggestions for Phono Preamp
Just to add my voice to those recommending Goldnote to you. I had the PH10 to which I added the separate PSU which improves things still further. The sound quality is top class  at its price point and it's a dream to use. Nice clear legible scre...