Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...


I'm here over 8 years and back then, I think the moderation guidelines were much lighter than today.  I think it's okay to have all foolish posts of ebm instead of removing part of them IMHO. 

Having that as a fact would you like to

A) Leave it same way?

B) Bring more rules?

C) Decrease rules?




Political and shill posts should be removed - period.

I fear that Tammy (if she is the moderator) has blisters on her fingers @ this point.



@jerryg123 Thankyou, but what I didn’t say was that I don’t make into some knife fight or appeal to the mods etc. Who cares - I don't, I am aware of these things called feelings.  I have detailed files..

@noske that is sad.

One mans garbage is another mans gold.

You make do with what you can and aspire to bigger and better things. Belittling ones means is very lowbrow.

What is even more important is that you are happy with your gear.

I for one never came here for affirmation after all it is about the music not the gear.

I'm sad that someone once said that my gears isn't as good as I think it is.  

“ I have seen very abusive posts addressed to me “

I don’t recall anything left published of the nature that you allude to! Could you provide examples ? 

Now that's funny.

Remember, you can remove your own posts at anytime. No one knows who removed the post but the author.

"Post removed 

“ I have seen very abusive posts addressed to me “

I don’t recall anything left published of the nature that you allude to! Could you provide examples ? 

good example would be any mention of preventive health care measures.

it goes well beyond politically tinged posts, and is quite bizarre at times

My first knee jerk response would be to say decrease the number of posts that are removed, but on further consideration, I think the problem is a little more nuanced than just numbers of posts removed, but the reasons why they were removed.

Like many others, I have seen very abusive posts addressed to me and others that were left untouched, but then others that myself and other members have posted that mention, even in polite and sober terms subjects that the moderators apparently have a biased opinion about are often removed. A good example would be any mention of preventive health care measures.

Tha said, this is a privately owned site, and they can do what they like, and I accept that.

I have seen numerous examples of totally innocuous posts being taken down with the assertion that were in breach of a set of forum rules of which they clearly were not.

It would appear that the mods move in mysterious ways and have an ancillary set of rules or guidelines that are concealed from members.