Metrum Onyx versus Metrum Pavane

I wanted to see who has moved up from the Metrum Onyx to the Pavane or Adagio and was it worth it?

I currently run the Onyx with Metrum Ambre via I2S.

Let me know who else out there has experience with Metrum in general.

Regarding Gungnir vs Onyx. 
I used to own an Gungnir Multibit and now I own an Onyx. 
My opinion is that if I had to use the Gungnir I would not bother with being an audiophile. I would sell my HD800 and just quit the hobby. That's how night and day the differences are with that particular headphone. 
As far as I'm concerned, it may be twice the price but it's worth every penny and more. The improvements are priceless. 
Of course this is just my subjective opinion with one particular headphone. 

I did try the Pavane before I bought the Onyx so I knew it would be good because the Pavane was amazing. I never got the chance to test the Onyx against a Pavane L1 so I have no way to gauge the differences. My instinct is that the Pavane is slightly better even though I used Pavane solely with USB (via an ifi micro usb3) and I'm using the Onyx with an OCC Silver AES cable. 
Had an Onyx, have a Morpheus currently sitting in customs. 

What made you like the L3 more than Morpheus? I also had a PS Audio DirectStream Jr and really enjoyed it, but the preamp section was just horrible and very flat when compared to a proper preamp. Have heard Metrum/Sonnets preamp to be much better.
From the website, it looks as though Metrum has closed shop. I do not at all regret owning the Pavane L3 however - transient precision, body, raw drive (I feel like I gained another octave), and resolution readily exceed the following DACs in my system: Sonnet Morpheus, Lampizator Atlantic TRP, PS Audio Directsream, Chord Qutest. Impressed is not the right word. It makes my T+A turntable jealous, and I am speechless. 
I had reached out to Metrum and Anjo said they were working on new products and this was back in January...I haven't heard from him since. I know that there is clearly a sore relationship between Metrum and least that's how Anjo put it. He wasn't happy at all.

Also with Onyx- I would only use the AES or I2S to hook up to streamer. I wonder if your experience would have been better if you could have used either option.

Got a sudden opportunity to audition Onyx and Aqua La Voce 3 on Monday. Both were excellent and sounded very similar in many respects. The tempo, articulation were spot on, both excelled in portraying rubato phrasing and sounded quite expressive, nuanced and involving. I was actually surprised how much modern DACs have improved. Bought the Aqua due to its’ slightly more optimistic delivery, and more importantly a better USB input. The fact that it’s modular and probably better supported now, also helped with my choice. Onyx though is a great VFM. Sonnet looks interesting as well. Thanks, roncagg.
A general comment, those looking at high end Metrum DACs should investigate the Sonnet products devised by Cees, the engineer/founder of Metrum before it was sold. I had lots of Metrum products, and the Onyx was my favorite (only used the RCA input via a baby ambre so I can’t comment on USB, sorry!) They have not been responsive of late so I worry about ongoing support (in fact Cees himself is providing “unofficial” support for those products as you will find if you search various forums!) - their stuff is bulletproof in my experience so this post isn’t meant to scare you off buying Metrum, but the Sonnet Morpheus looks like the Adagio in performance for much less money.
Hi guys, I have read this thread with great interest, as I am looking for a DAC. I have never auditioned any Metrum products nor in fact any R2R DACs. But what I read about the natural timing, flow and micro dynamics certainly strikes a chord here.

I am currently using a relatively modest Innuos ZEN - Naim V1 DAC - Lavardin IT - Zingali Overture 2s, where the DAC is clearly the weakest link. The R2R philosophy mirrors Lavardin capabilities perfectly as far as I can see. I considered Border Patrol DAC, Shiit and some middle of the range Denafrips, but something deters me (for different reasons) from taking a punt and going for any of those. Metrum though looks quite convincing from what I have read so far.  

As my room is far from ideal and I am not an audiophile per se and just prefer listening to the music (no offence to anyone here!) I guess Pavane would be an overkill (tell me if I'm wrong), so I am looking at Onyx.

My main concern is the link to the source, as ZEN has USB output only and with the right application it sounds just stunning. Is the Onyx USB asynchronous? How good is it compared to other inputs? What will I need if the I2S input is clearly superior? I don't want to complicate things by adding another (expensive) box.  

Any thoughts are highly appreciated. And if anyone has the experience with Zingali/Lavardin, any opinions re matching my system would be great! Many thanks. 
The Metrum DACs do not have a conventional preamp section.  The potentiometer adjusts the reference voltage which in turn affects the voltage output thereby adjusting the amplifier output and the system volume.  Steve Nugent's Empirical Audio DACs do it the same way.

My preamp was custom made by Steve McCormack of SMc Audio from the TLC-1 platform but highly modified and improved so the result is very similar to his VRE-1 preamp.  Mine is set for unity gain while some of the VRE-1s utilize 6dB gain through their Lundahl transformers.  The volume control was an expensive Shallco switch with Audio Note Tantalum resistors.  Steve graciously instructed me how to unwire the Shallco switch so it is out of the circuit but two resistors were needed to replace the switch and I chose to use two very large and expensive Audio Note Silver Tantalum resistors.  I am very happy with the result and the Adagio through the buffer IMO beats the Pavane through the preamp with volume control.
Thanks for your input! I have read a few times now that the preamp section in the Metrum units (and it's exactly the same in Jade and Adagio according to Metrum) is of very high quality. I use a tube preamp so it could be more of a case of different than better here as well. In my setup now, the Gungnir can certainly deliver bass impact/slam/authority so it's capable. Though I'm sure I will always wonder how the volume section compares and end up with Adagio anyways. 

What buffer preamp do you have? What did it bring to the table that you felt Adagio->power amp was lacking?
   I’m eyeing up Pavane L3/Adagio and thinking "will the bass improve enough that it’s worth it?"
I can only speak to my system where I have consistently enjoyed Metrum DACs over others such as Lampi, Aqua HiFi, and Ayre. 

To my ears, there is more depth, tonal density, drive, and refinement as you move up the ladder with Metrum.  Of these attributes, probably most noticeable to me are the improvements in tonal density and bass impact/depth.  Although I found the Jade to sound quite good when I had it in my main system for several weeks earlier this year, there was a definite improvement in the attributes listed above when I installed the Adagio.  I should let you know my main speakers only go down to about 40Hz and then pass off to a pair of large subs below that so the deep bass differences may be less noticeable to me than to those whose main speakers handle all the bass duties. 

I still own both the Pavane and the Adagio and would say the differences there are close to a wash and may depend more on the preamp you are using with the Pavane.  When I first owned the Adagio a year or so ago, I heard a richer, fuller sound from the Pavane through my unity-gain/buffer preamp than I did with the Adagio amp-direct.  I have since purchased another Adagio but found to get the sound I want I also had to play it through my buffer preamp.  I was able to remove the volume control from the signal path of my preamp and replace it with two Audio Note Silver Tantalum resistors so volume is now controlled solely from the Adagio.  For me it is the best of both worlds so I will probably be selling the Pavane soon.
Yep. Even still with that in mind there isn't a clear winner. Different, not better.
Interesting that people are comparing the Gungnir to DACs costing twice as much.  
@mitch2 I’m in a spot now with a Schiit Gungnir Multibit and Metrum Onyx. I’ve touched on the differences on another forum ( but the short story is that I find Onyx lacks bass authority, slam and texture but I prefer it to the Schiit product for more-or-less everything else.

Now I’m eyeing up Pavane L3/Adagio and thinking "will the bass improve enough that it’s worth it?" Any insights would be great!
@mitch2 thanks for that. My setup is strictly Ambre > I2S > Onyx > XLR >McIntosh MA6600 > B&W 702S2.

I use Roon on my IMAC also

 I think it sounds damn good, but it’s always fun to wonder what I might be missing.
I do not have wide enough experience to answer your question but I will tell you what I can.  I went from an $8K CD player to a Mojo Audio Mac mini server then to the Antipodes DX.  I have had Antipodes upgrade the DX twice and then added an outboard end point so I run Ethernet directly to the DX and then Ethernet from the DX to the endpoint (currently the Metrum Ambre or SOtM triad since I own both) and then either USB (when using the SOtM endpoint) or AES/EBU or I2S (when using the Ambre) into my Metrum DAC.  Switching from the internal Roon endpoint in the DX to the external endpoint (either Ambre or SOtM) was a bigger change IMO than going from Ambre to SOtM.  This current set-up easily tops the $8K CD player and is the best front-end I have had (I do not use vinyl).

Removing my preamp and adding the Adagio DAC-direct actually made some difference in resolution, even though my other DAC is the very good Pavane L3.  I want to try adding the preamp back in so I received instructions as to how to remove the volume control from the preamp circuit by installing two resistors - resulting in a unity gain buffer.  Volume will be controlled by the Adagio while the SMc preamp will maybe add a little special sauce. I purchased two (expensive!) Audio Note 2W Silver Tantalum resistors to perform the bypass so I am excited to hear the result.
I forgot to add, if you like your sound now, I would probably not spend the money on the Ambre.  However, the Ambre is a very capable endpoint and in my system has compared favorably with the much more expensive SOtM triad three piece ultra endpoint with which I am limited to using USB.  You will not go wrong purchasing the Ambre but with things like that I would not anticipate the move to be a "game changer."
In general, I like the coaxial input the least of all.  I have had good luck with USB, AES/EBU, and I2S.  The AES/EBU seems to have a little more drive and both I2S and AES/EBU seem just a tiny bit more natural-sounding to me.  Coaxial was a bit thin-sounding in comparison, although they were all pretty good-sounding.
Mitch I'm wondering if you compared the coaxial digital input versus the I2S and if so what differences did you hear when using both of those digital connections from ambre to DAC?

I know you compared aes versus I2S and mentioned I2S was slightly better but wondering if you compared RCA digital to I2S as well and if so if you can comment on differences in sound.

I currently connect to my onyx via rca and am thinking of purchasing the ambre to be able to use I2S if the sound difference is worth it.  I do not have aes output currently as well.

@mitch2 I was told by someone else that even Anjo (metrum) said you wouldn't hear much of a difference unless you are a very critical listener, but that doesn't mean I don't want to try it out either way. 

Once I get some funds saved- I'm going to give the pavane a try and see what happens. 
I can't imagine its a big enough difference to justify that price jump from Onyx to Pavane 3 or Adagio
I currently own Jade (Onyx with volume control), Pavane L3, and Adagio, and can say that while the Jade sounds good, the other two clearly take things to another level. The choice of whether that is worth it depends on system goals, partnering equipment, and finances, but the differences are tangible. With audio its like stepping half the distance to a wall, the closer you get, the smaller the steps.....and you pay more for each smaller step.
@mitch2 right on, I'm interested in what the difference is. I can't imagine its a big enough difference to justify that price jump from Onyx to Pavane 3 or Adagio
have you had time to listen to the Adagio?
Just a little - it is nowhere near broken in but sounds pretty good. It does improve on the Jade by displaying a richer tonal quality probably due to more dac chips and a bigger power supply.
I will not be able to try it again until Sunday. I plan to also try the Adagio through my preamp -both through the volume control and after taking the volume control out of the circuit. I have received instruction on how to take the (very high quality) volume control out of my preamp’s circuit so I would then be running my preamp as a unity-gain buffer. It is going to be a lengthy audition if I want to try all configurations and to make sure the Adagio is sufficiently burned to sound its best.
Correct, removing the preamp from the chain and any effect (positive or negative) that it may or may not have on your system. There are also jumpers in the Jade that allow you to bypass the volume adjustment and send a fixed output of either 2V or 4V (IIRC).
@mitch2 have you had time to listen to the Adagio?

Also, what are the main benefits in using the Jade as opposed to Onyx? Is it mainly just being able to hook directly to a power amp?
Lost two boxes today when I removed my preamp and its outboard power supply from my system.

After recently purchasing a Jade and Baby Ambre for a second system, I put the Jade into my main system (in place of a Pavane L3 into an SMc Audio preamp).   After I heard how good the Jade sounded, I decided to revisit my Adagio vs. Pavane L3 + Preamp comparison. 

I still hear the DAC-direct approach as a touch more extended with slightly better resolution compared to the Pavane L3 into my SMc preamp, which sounds slightly more rounded with a touch more bloom and a bit less resolution.  However, the two set-ups sounded close enough that my desire to simplify my system caused me to order a new Adagio.  Using the Jade DAC-direct into my amps (until the Adagio gets here in a week or so) simplifies things significantly - less boxes, less PCs, less ICs and less shelf space needed.  I look forward to hearing how much the Adagio will improve on the (already quite good-sounding) Jade.
I would spend bulk of the budget on speakers, and then a very good source. At this level, Onyx is certainly not going to be the limiting factor. 
Thanks! Your comparison is very helpful. I was aware of the professional review, but  I also wanted an opinion from some private users.
"compare directly the Onyx / Jade to the Pavane / Adagio. Would you say that the later do improve upon the former in terms of treble extension and soundstage width?"
I would say the latter improves on the former in terms of tonal density, power/drive, bass, and maybe soundstage my system the Pavane L3 and Adagio display just a little more of everything but it is much closer than you would expect for the price difference. The one thing I don’t really notice being too different is treble extension although you might convince me the Pavane L3/Adagio portray just a slight touch more natural ambiance through the treble range. I suspect these differences are related to the more expensive units having more DAC modules and a larger power supply with three transformers instead of one.

Below I have linked a review of the Onyx and Jade by Rene’ van Es, with The Ear. The author has significant experience with Metrum gear and he owns both the Pavane and Adagio. He discusses comparisons between those more expensive DACs and the Jade so this is a good review for your questions. A couple of excerpts following the link provide an insight into how much Mr. van Es enjoyed the Jade. 

A quick comparison to the Pavane in this system shows the Jade has a little less authority, is a little less detailed but is otherwise very similar. The family signature is clear, the Jade will not surprise you in that way but it’s remarkable that both DACs are so close considering the price gap.

Acoustic instruments are beautifully arranged around the singer and backing vocalists. Every individual is easy to pick out, all the instruments are in harmony but still separated from each other. The impact of the voice is bigger than you probably expect at this price, a lot of brands sell DACs for less, even Metrum, but compare the sound quality and you’ll soon realize that these two are in a different league. My costly system shows no flaws, no faults, no negative issues with the Jade, no matter how loud or soft I play my music.


Thank you for the detailed answer. So you are one of the few who can compare directly the Onyx / Jade to the Pavane / Adagio. Would you say that the later do improve upon the former in terms of treble extension and soundstage width?
@ soix:
I don’t want to hijack this thread talking about my plans, but as I said I will also upgrade the speakers and amp to something much better. Total system cost will be around 10k - 11k euro (I am living in EU) and I don’t exclude the idea of buying used. I’ll get the source first, among other reasons, because I want it to be a good match to my current Stax electrostatic headphones (which I really don’t think are too low end for a 3000 euro dac). My experience has been that synergy plays such a huge role that I don’t want to be forced to look for a source to match BOTH my speakers and my headphones system, it might prove a very difficult game to play! Anyway, I appreciate the advice!
I see that I should probably clarify the intent of my comments.  I have owned quite a few Metrum products and they have all been great for their intended purpose at their price points.  I have owned the Octave II, Hex, Pavane L1, and Adagio, and I currently own the Pavane L3, Jade, Amber, and Baby Amber.

I am not saying I believe the Jade or Onyx are better sounding than the Pavane L1, but rather that I wouldn’t trade-in the Jade/Onyx on a Pavane L1.  If the Onyx and Pavane L1 were side-by-side, I may very well choose the sound of the Pavane L1, if cost were not a factor. The Pavane (at any level) offers obvious improvements resulting from a much larger and superior power supply and larger number of DAC chips.  

However the newer Transient DAC Two modules with the FPGA within the module do offer sonic advantages over the original Transient chips.  Metrum have done such a nice job with the Jade/Onyx that IMO the sonic difference may not be worth paying more to purchase a Pavane L1 vs. saving up to afford a Pavane L3 or Adagio, or whatever else they may come up with in the future.

As you can see from my ownership and from Metrum’s product history, this digital stuff is continually evolving so I personally wouldn’t move in a backward direction for the Pavane L1 unless my plan were to upgrade it to the L3 version.  Even then, I would make sure the rest of my system were dialed in first.  It is all relative.

My virtual system is posted here under “Sounds Good”
It is mostly up-to-date.

@don -- So, I looked up your speakers and they’re like 700 bucks. For BOTH speakers and amps!!! Why are you even messing with a DAC at this point??? Upgrade your speakers and amps first, THEN talk to us about a DAC. C’mon man. If you’re concerned with imaging and sounstaging, $700 for active pro speakers ain’t getting it done! You’re putting good money after bad. Don’t waste our time talking about $2k DACs to play with "toy" speakers at this point. End of story!!!

I definitely would not trade the Onyx or Jade for the Level 1 Pavane, that doesn't use the Transient DAC Two modules.
Really? Have you heard the level 1 Pavane and you prefer the Onyx / Jade soundwise? I find this quite surprising (and very good news for me - I think a Jade would meet my needs very well so I really hope I will like it, I think I'll try it later this year). Pavane level 1 has received some very good reviews and I didn't expect for the Transient Dac Two modules to make such a big difference as to compensate for the other advantages of the Pavane level 1 against Onyx / Jade (such as the all important power supply).
@mitch2  My system is currently:

Metrum Ambre > Metrum Onyx > McIntosh MA6600> B&W 702s2

I use Roon as well.

Whats your system comprised of ?
@justjames72 , to your question,
"so not worth it to upgrade from Onyx to Pavane unless you are super critical listener?"
I would say, probably not, unless the rest of your system is dialed in at a fairly high level. 

However, this stuff is subjective and more than a few say the source is your most important component (closely followed, or led, by speakers).  I definitely would not trade the Onyx or Jade for the Level 1 Pavane, that doesn't use the Transient DAC Two modules. 
I have been on a small mission to simplify my system and I am strongly considering purchasing an Adagio so I can remove the preamp from my system.  One thing I didn't notice the first time I auditioned (i.e., owned) the Adagio, is that in addition to improved resolution and HF extension, the Jade (or Adagio) direct seems to provide a bit of a boost in dynamics over the Pavane L3/preamp....possibly because the DAC direct route is providing a higher voltage output than my preamp or, maybe just because there are less electronics in the path.  The differences are relatively small. 

The other thing to consider is that my amplifiers are relatively optimal for both passives and DAC-direct because of their high'ish 100K ohm input impedance.  This DAC-direct option may not work as well with amps having lower input impedance.   However, the output impedance of the Jade and Onyx is a low 100 ohms and output impedance of the Adagio is 100 ohms for the RCA output and 320 ohms for the XLR.
@nitewulf: Thank you!
@soix: Right now I’m using my old Mackie HR824 (mark I, USA made) monitors, but I’ll upgrade to better speakers + amp within a year or so. Not sure to what, though, from all I’ve listened so far I liked a pair of Spendor SP2/3R2 driven by a Densen B175 amplifier the most (other possible contenders: other Spendors, Proac D30RS, Harbeth SHL5+, Atc SCM40A etc. - kinda all over the place, I know). Choosing speakers is very difficult IMO, so I’ll start with the dac and thus reduce the number of variables.
@mitch2 so not worth it to upgrade from Onyx to Pavane unless you are super critical listener? 
Just picked up a Jade DAC/preamp and it sounds amazing for the money.
After putting it in my main system today, I am reevaluating whether I should be using the Adagio rather than my Pavane L3.  Consistent with my earlier comments, they are cut from the same cloth and the sound is close but there is maybe just a touch less body and tonal warmth with the Adagio (compared to the Pavane L3 through my preamp) but the resolution, natural sound, definition, and frequency extension are very good.....and that from the Jade, not the Adagio, which is even better.  The Onix is to the Jade what the Pavane L3 is to the Adagio, fyi.
I’m using powered studio monitors, often nearfield and in a quiet environment and the hiss is annoying me a lot.

Dare I ask what speakers you're using and how much they cost?  I'm fearing a potential gross mismatch here in source vs. speaker and amp expense, but I'll just wait to hear what speakers you're using.  I'll just say that if imaging and sounstaging are high on your wish list, not sure powered studio monitors are the right place to start.  But maybe that's just me. 
Jan Garbareck - Pygmy Lullaby - Sax is center focused, percussion starts stage slight left backstage with the hand held tambourine drums (I believe that's the instrument) slight right backstage. Then the percussion comes in at stage right backstage. Sax solo ends with keys, drums kick starting center, backed up by bass. Then sax comes back on with the percussion on both sides .

Desolate mountains 2 - chimes in different tones way left off center, keys in middle, snares behind chimes - very slight, way left, then chimes again (different tones....shifting from left to right, back to left - snares very slight behind chimes way left), sax solo accompanied by louder chimes, snares and brush on snare drums, very deep percussion way back center stage, bass stage right. 

I believe you're talking about the tonal shifts in what we call timbre of the chimes, their frequency and amplitude shifts, as well as at the end the varying pitch differentiation....all very clear on Onyx. Beyond that I can't say....this is my high end setup (I had the $200 vintage Kenwood integrated hooked up before)...very high res full range speakers and high end, low distortion tube integrated.

The headstage on phones is very different from a "you're watching a performance" soundstage provided by speakers, so it'll not be comparable. Plus your monitors and unsure if you're sitting on a desk, will not provide the width and depth I am getting from my setup. I would highly suggest using it (if you decide) with your headphones to compare against your current dac.

Onyx is quite transparent, it accurately portrays the drama in this particular recording which I've not heard before. Once again I commend Metrum on a bargain. 
Thanks everyone for answers and suggestions.@soix: I know what I’m asking for seems to invite some tube gear recommendations. However, there are also some other things I care very much for in audio reproduction and I didn’t mention because between the 2 Metrum dacs they were irrelevant. One of them is a very low noise floor / "a black background". I’m using powered studio monitors, often nearfield and in a quiet environment and the hiss is annoying me a lot. Also, I didn’t like the Gungnir’s grey background (or at least this was my perception). So I’m a bit afraid of tubes... On the other hand, I’m more of the "set and forget" kind in this period of my like, I don’t want to think about hunting for new tubes, maybe NOS ones, learn about testing or even matching them etc. So I’d rather stay fully solid state, if possible.
You guys are asking me if I like an exaggerated soundstage. To be honest, I don’t know. But I’ve never had the feeling that the stage is too wide, so maybe the answer is positive. I like the soundstage ("headstage"?) width of my first audiophile headphones (AKG K500 and later on AKG K501) very much. My current source, while much cheaper and indisputably much lower quality that the dacs in discussion (Cambridge D300 CD player), has a wide soundstage too which I also enjoy - wider that the unbalanced outputs of the Schiit dac. I have perceived the very wide soundstage of the Sennheiser HD800 headphones as a great asset, not as being exaggerated.
Unfortunately, I have not heard the Onyx but I have owned the Octave II, Hex, Pavane, Adagio, and finally settled in with the Pavane L3.  After owning the Adagio as well as the original edition and (more recently) the highest level Pavane L3, it is my opinion you cannot go wrong with either.  The Adagio run amp-direct provides a very simple and great sounding alternative.  The Pavane L3 is just as good but only improves on the Adagio in the area of tonal density and only when used with a very high quality preamp.   The Adagio has slightly better resolution  but that is splitting hairs.
I use the Antipodes DX Gen3 with a Roon endpoint, which is currently either the Metrum Ambre or the SOtM triad (three boxes) consisting of SOtM's sPS-200ultra (Roon endpoint), tx-USBultra (USB reclocker), and sPS-500 (power supply for both).  At about 1/3 the price of the SOtM gear, the Ambre sounds arguably just as good although slightly different.  I have not yet decided which endpoint I will keep - they both sound great.  Running I2S directly into my Pavane is a plus and probably the best connection between that and the Ambre, but is not an overwhelming improvement over using AES/EBU from the Ambre to the Pavane L3.  I think it is awesome that Metrum offers a user-installable board to facilitate the I2S connection.
As you move up in the line, IME each successive Metrum upgrade provides more of their signature, natural sound while improving dynamics, tonal qualities, detail, and refinement.  They are a very complete company that manufacturers practical, great-sounding, and high quality products, and they are very easy people to work with.
BTW, speaking of unnaturally expanded soundstaging, that is what I heard when I tried the early Lampizator L4 G4. 
I have been very busy but I will get back to my impressions on known audiophile tracks as well the tracks you mentioned. One quick note is as a headphone listener your experience of soundstage is different than a primarily speaker listener. Of course it’s extremely easy to place instruments and even follow instruments as they move with the Onyx ( Train Song):

my issue is more what soix mentioned, do you like exaggerated soundstage width beyond speakers all the time? As most tracks aren’t recorded that way.

@don -- And BTW, I agree with @nitewulf that a lot of width has to do with speakers and placement, but also amp and preamp. Unfortunately, IME, it ALL matters. IMHO, any very good DAC will provide this width information. My question is, maybe you're looking for enhanced or maybe even artificial width in audio reproduction? And that's perfectly cool if that's what matters to you. Anyway, I'd echo my previous recommendation to audition a DAC with tubes like the SW1X. You can do so almost risk free, and owners speak very positively of an expansive soundstage. Best of luck.
I think if I was looking what you're looking for, I might look for a DAC with tubes.  My first choice would be SW1X, which offers an in- home trial period that I think is invaluable.  Given the feedback by owners, this is an outstanding DAC that you're probably unlikely to return.  BTW, if you want another recording with outstanding width, pick up one of these.  A lot of the recording lives 3 to 5 feet outside the speakers.  Don't know if it's a phase trick or not, but it's a really cool recording and great music to boot.
Thanks for your answer and your offer to provide me with further information!
Regarding the soundstage, I have found that various sources (CD players, Dacs) can have a significant impact upon its width. My hearing is probably not trained enough to hear depth or height very well (I’m an avid headphone listener) and my speakers system + room is not very helpful, but I hear the width clearly. I have heard these soundstage width differences easily in speakers as well as in headphohes. So, compared to any other sources you have heard, is Onyx’ soundstage broader or narrower? I don’t have a specific track to test soundstage width, for me it’s pretty apparent on any material. If you need something very specific, maybe, from the top of my head: track 1 "Yulunga: Spirit Dance" from Dead Can Dance - "Into the Labyrinth" (after min. 2:53 or so). For example, the hard panning of the left side maracas at min. 2:53 and the rest of the track following this. This is, by the way, a track I’m using to check for reasonable bass extension (tympani at 2:29 and a few times later - not extremely deep but it’s about my threshold for "reasonably extended") and tactility / snappiness / punchiness (from min. 3:02 on).

As for the highs, I often use the beginning of track 7 "Desolate Mountains II" of Jan Garbareck’s album "Visible World". I pay attention to the actual treble extension as well as to the chromatic contrast between the various percussion "notes" - the Gungnir Multibit tended decrease a bit the highest frequencies, accentuate the mid-treble (8-10 kHz? - I don’t know the exact frequency band) and attenuate a bit the aforementioned chromatic contrast (making everything a bit more uniformly grey and metallic). Small things, but I could hear them clearly and it did bother me. How do you find the Onyx compared to my description of the Gungnir?


The issue is, many of your questions are system dependent, as in, what are the speakers and how are they placed in the room.  Anything to do with sound stage is more dependent on speakers and speaker placement than electronics. At this level, the electronics are high fidelity and detailed, there's great channel separation, bandwidth and signal to noise ration. 

Secondly I don't think many have compared the Pavane to the Onyx directly, unless there's DAC meetup, these comparisons are difficult to do.

OS dacs sound different than NOS dacs. Delta Sigma dacs sound different than R2R dacs. Onyx/Pavane are both NOS and R2R. Typically these sound more relaxed than delta sigma dacs, I don't know why. But keep in mind all dacs have a sin(x)/x roll off which is compensated in OS dacs. And you can compensate for that in NOS dacs by oversampling in software before sending to the dac.

Either way, with My speakers and electronics (Legacy Signature SE, Lyric Audio Ti 140 MK2, home built HTPC w/ SSD feeding the Onyx via USB) the sound is effortless, noise free and high resolution. You can check my original review for more technical stuff.  If you name some test tracks you use I can play them and get back to you.
Why, you disagree with this assertion?The impressions I've read are quite contradictory in this regard - hence my specific questions above. Please, feel free to contradict this statement.

To put things in perspective, when I had the Gungnir Multibit in my system for a few weeks I Ioved many of its sound traits but wanted a wider stage, much blacker background, better treble extension (the stuff above ~10kHz, probably), a more relaxed, effortless presentation (difficult to put it into words, it was a bit as if I was kept in a bit of a tension all the time, perhaps something similar to how I felt about my ex AKG K1000 / D class amplifier as opposed to the effortlessness my Stax) and maybe just a little thicker tone (but this latest thing might have been more a matter of synergy). All heard in a couple of solid state systems + my Stax headphones. It was the (supposedly) latest, unofficial "A2" version (November 2017), kept on all the time and with more than 200 hours of burn in.