Metrum Onyx versus Metrum Pavane

I wanted to see who has moved up from the Metrum Onyx to the Pavane or Adagio and was it worth it?

I currently run the Onyx with Metrum Ambre via I2S.

Let me know who else out there has experience with Metrum in general.


Showing 7 responses by soix

Interesting thread as I also was wondering about this given the large price difference between the two.  I guess the implementation of the output stage, etc. is good or similar enough in the Onyx that the extra expensive DAC chips don't make all that big of a difference versus the added cost?  Whatever, this was interesting info. 

Given the apparently relative small gains to be had by spending $$$ on the Pavane, it would seem trying a DAC from another make might make more sense. SW1X is another R2R NOS DAC that seems to be really pleasing their owners, and they offer an in-home trial period (and an upgrade path, I believe). I’d be inclined to try that before considering the Pavane since I think SW1X may be less expensive and will likely produce more absolute differences in sound vs. the Onyx than the Pavane. Whether good or bad, who knows? But that’s why the trial period is so key. FWIW.
I think they use tubes, which I think helps with the sense of utter dimensionality that owners seem to rave about.  No idea if better or worse than Metrum (that's always a personal decision anyway), but I think the use of tubes will make them sound different.  And I emphasize "different," not better or worse.  Again, they have a trial period and if you have the means it would seem like a REALLY good comparison.  Personally, these two are in the top two in my sites so I'd love to hear a comparison.  Someone did a comparison between an Octave and an SW1X DAC and preferred the latter, but I pretty much reject that as I don't think the Octave is near the performance of the Onyx nor an appropriate comparison, so the beat goes on. 

@1markr -- I'd absolutely love to do the comparo, but my amp is currently dead as would be my marriage if I tried to both repair my amp and buy another DAC at the same time.  Very much hoping someone else can do it though. 
+1 @nitewulf -- sage advice.  Do you own the Onyx?  If so, what have you compared it to?
I think if I was looking what you're looking for, I might look for a DAC with tubes.  My first choice would be SW1X, which offers an in- home trial period that I think is invaluable.  Given the feedback by owners, this is an outstanding DAC that you're probably unlikely to return.  BTW, if you want another recording with outstanding width, pick up one of these.  A lot of the recording lives 3 to 5 feet outside the speakers.  Don't know if it's a phase trick or not, but it's a really cool recording and great music to boot.
@don -- And BTW, I agree with @nitewulf that a lot of width has to do with speakers and placement, but also amp and preamp. Unfortunately, IME, it ALL matters. IMHO, any very good DAC will provide this width information. My question is, maybe you're looking for enhanced or maybe even artificial width in audio reproduction? And that's perfectly cool if that's what matters to you. Anyway, I'd echo my previous recommendation to audition a DAC with tubes like the SW1X. You can do so almost risk free, and owners speak very positively of an expansive soundstage. Best of luck.
I’m using powered studio monitors, often nearfield and in a quiet environment and the hiss is annoying me a lot.

Dare I ask what speakers you're using and how much they cost?  I'm fearing a potential gross mismatch here in source vs. speaker and amp expense, but I'll just wait to hear what speakers you're using.  I'll just say that if imaging and sounstaging are high on your wish list, not sure powered studio monitors are the right place to start.  But maybe that's just me. 
@don -- So, I looked up your speakers and they’re like 700 bucks. For BOTH speakers and amps!!! Why are you even messing with a DAC at this point??? Upgrade your speakers and amps first, THEN talk to us about a DAC. C’mon man. If you’re concerned with imaging and sounstaging, $700 for active pro speakers ain’t getting it done! You’re putting good money after bad. Don’t waste our time talking about $2k DACs to play with "toy" speakers at this point. End of story!!!