Mel Torme

I'm a first timer. What are the recordings I should have? First timer with Mel, and have no idea about his catalog...thanks in advance, warren
"A post for those over 80!"

Don_c55, Your ignorance is doing you no favors, as you are missing out on some great music. Enjoy your tiny world.
I saw the Velvet Fog at Pink's Hot Dogs many years ago enjoying a couple of dogs. He just smiled. Nothing needed to be said. Nice guy.

All the best,
My real introduction to Mel was on a Was, Not Was album in a song called Yaz turned blue,or something to that effect. Find it. It's great.
A "Vintage Year" SACD. Sitting here listening to this disc for about the 219th time. I keep coming back to it, and while I like Jazz (although surely this is 'Easy Listening?') I am mostly a classical fan. But everything about this recording is fantastic. I could have started a new thread but I still consider myself new to Torme, so this is highly recommended for anyone looking to enjoy his art! (Not to mention Shearing...) Wonderful.
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All of my Torme recordings are on the Concord Label and are duo's with George Shearing. My favorites are Top Drawer, A vintage Year, and An Evening with George Shearing and Mel Torme. The last two were from concerts that I attended at the Masson Vineyards. The first one probably doesn't qualify. It won a Grammy and you know what that means. Another interesting disc is Mel & George "DO" World War II. A nostalgia album for old folks.
I have three of Mel's on Concord records.
1. Mel & George Shearing
2. Mel & the Marty Paich orchestra
3. I don't remember right now because I'm not at home

One I do remember is a digital recording. Great stuff, especially the Mel & George. Happy listening.
My personal favorites include the old Coral mono "Live at the Crescendo" (this is stunning) and the Verve simply entitled, "Torme". If you like Torme, they are all quite fine from a musical standpoint. Some of the Atlantic stuff from the later 60's can be a little dicey (such as "I'm Coming Home Again" (I think that's the title) which was kind of a light pop record that I don't care for that much, but that was indicative of the era). "Live at Marty's" is another great Torme set that's probably somewhat easier to find, and is on Concord records. There are several sets with Torme and George Shearing that are excellent as well on Concord. Good listening,

Look for the discs that Mel recorded with Patty Smith. They are "killer" : ) Sean

PS... Just kidding Warren ; )