McCormack RLD-1 v. Mcintosh C2200

Dear all,

I need to buy a new preamp to guy along with my new MC275 (which I adore). I have a chance to buy a new RLD-1 from my local dealer for a great price. It gets great reviews. I originally wanted to go with a mcintosh preamp, but they are so expensive. I understand the McCormack is solid state, but I am not sure how much of a sonic difference that will make. If the McCormack produce a similar sound, then I would much rather save the money. Also, my local dealer does not have any Mcintosh preamps in stock, and therefore, I cannot audition.

Thank you all in advance for the responses.
I had a RLD 1 , it was nice but have since upgraded to a Conrad Johnson Classic 2 SE. No remote but awesome sound......I thought it sounded better than the C200 for what it's worth
A passive preamp is a preamp with no amp. It has a volume control and one or more source inputs. It doesn't get plugged into an outlet (unless you have a remote). The amps in your sources are what drives the signal to your amp. There's no other active circuitry in between.
Don't skimp on a preamp. There's no easier way to mess up a system. SS or tube is OK. Just make sure you get a good one and that it matches well with the components you already have. If you can't afford the one you need, you may want to consider using a passive unit until you can.
These two preamps are in completely different leagues! The McCormack being in the lower one. You would do way better to partner a MC275 with a Modwright 36.5-$2k, dehavilland ultraverve 3 $2.5K new, and yes the McIntosh C2200 would be awesome. The former pre's are half the price and sound just as good (but different) as the Mac.