Magico S5 review

I've been auditioning the Magico S5's on loan from my dealer Scott Walker Audio of Anaheim for several weeks now.
The S5's are an all aluminum cabinet, a trickle down version of the Q series. They are 90 DB, 22HZ-50KHZ, 190#,and sell for $28,600. After some considerable work by Scott he got the speakers locked in perfectly.

My current system consists of Focal Nova Utopia BE speakers
($45,000), An Ayon CD-5 cd player, An Ayon Triton 2 amp,Grand Prix Monaco racks,and a slew of Synergistic Research equipment: Tranquility bases,Migs, Hologram A,D, and AC Precision power cords, Element interconnects,an 11 piece Acoustic Art system, SR fuses and even the new Ayon BT KT-88 SX tubes made in the Czech Republic

I thought I had a pretty great system......Until the S5's came into the picture. The first thing you notice about these speakers is their sealed rather than ported bass. Oh my god! I am not a bass freak but the Magicos had incredible bass.....taut with a visceral punch to the stomach on the right tracks. And this with a tube amp.On certain bass heavy tracks it was like having two subwoofers in the room.

The tweeter was smooth and delicate and completely integrated with the was like one driver.

The midrange is where the Magico Magic comes in.....a strong center vocal image (I like female vocalists), not only more "there" than my Focals but violins had more sheen, cellos sound deeper and you could hear deeper into the subtleties and nuances of the human voice. The tonal characteristics were denser and more real.

The real surprise came when I put the Focals back in the system. I was disappointed. Very Disappointed. The Focals bass in comparison to the Magicos sounded flabby and weak,midrange presence was lessened along with the Magicos wonderful tone. It was easy to discern that the Magico S5's sounded more holographic, 3D, with a smoother yet more detailed mid and top end.

Things I particulary liked about the music reproduction of the S5's:

Dark Side of the Moon: Listen to the bells and the cash register on the song "Money" Stunning.

Warren Zevon, Life Will Kill You: Warren knew he was dying and wasn't in great shape vocally but when you hear the title track you can hear EVERY nuance in his can hear all his despair and humor.

Sarah McLachlan, Surfacing: I was amazed at how good this Cd sounded, absolutely gorgeous. I heard guitars, Synths, and faint almost out of hearing range background vocals by Sarah. I heard sounds on this Cd I have never heard before.

Melissa McClelland,Thumbelina's One Night Stand: A cd with country folk sensibilties but with a sort of Southern guitar crunch to it. Listening to this on the Magicos was like having Melissa in the room.....Holographic, real vocal tones, and absolutely haunting.

So after saying all this what's an audiophile to do?
My dealer Scott Walker is taking my Focals in on trade along with a check. I understand the S5's take two months to build and get here so Scott is loaning me his demo pair for the duration. That will certainly make waiting for the next two months a lot easier.

TAD best sound at CES, not a chance. That award goes to the Absolare room with the Rockport Speakers and the MSB DAC transport. Its the best sound I heard at any CES and I have been going for 25 years.
@Hifimaniac, i've heard the S5's with a Vitus SCD-025, Dartzeel NHB-108/NHB-18ns & a combination of Boulder 1050 mono's, BOulder 1010 pre, Vitus SCD-025 & Crystal Absolute Dream cables. All combinations were excellent, though the Boulders provided greater control, dynamics, slightly better inner detail & sounded faster than the other two combo's. I must say though I was very impressed with the Dart pre which is superb (as it should be for the price!)
I heard the S5s in the Soulution room. Not bad. But the Accuphase room sounded better, imo. My fave room @ CES was once again, the TAD.
Hifimaniac ,I heard the Magical with both of the electronics you mentioned.With VAC the sound is pretty decent.WIth Constellation it was just uninvolving and amusical.
The only equipment that Magico sounds good with is the top end Dartzeel solid state or better yet, the VAC tube equipment. I have heard the S5 twice now; once at the Dagogo show in San Francisco last year and at CES last week. It is because of VAC electronics Magico's allure began. At CES Magico was in several rooms mostly with Constellation electronics. Very detailed sound, but so Hifi sounding; not like the performers are in the room. Move to the VAC room and close your eyes and the performers are there with body, dimension and meat on the notes. Once you hear that you'll vomit at the other set ups. Too bad more audiophiles don't listen to VAC; best tube stuff made in America.
I would suggest giving Von Schweikerts consideration. They are very musical sounding to "my" ears and not as analytic and sterile sounding as Magico and Wilson. I have listened to all of these speakers at dealers across America and not in my home so I might would change my mind if they were in my listening room. It is very difficult to have several speakers delivered to your home for auditions. Who can afford the shipping? Let's face the facts often we must research, ask questions and allow for references for equipment purchases. I live in Louisville, Ky and we just don't have lots to choose from. Congrats Mreapoe100 on your new speakers.
What exactly are the advances in speaker technology during these past 10 years? Is it the cabinets, the drivers or is it in the crossovers?
12-27-12: Madfloyd
I don't believe Alon Wolf uses VAC. I asked him if he ever used tube amps and he laughed and said no.
Madfloyd (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
"It is critical in manufacturing perfectionist speakers to use related components that reveal all that's possible; especially in resolution, tonality, dynamics and sound-staging. To this end we've evaluated and tried a vast array of the highest end equipment available. VAC's amplifiers and preamps have turned out to be references of the highest order, and not coincidentally, terrifically enjoyable to listen to"
- Alon Wolf, owner Magico Loudspeakers
I don't believe Alon Wolf uses VAC. I asked him if he ever used tube amps and he laughed and said no.
I'd be interested to know if anyone has compared the S5's to Avalon Eidolon Diamonds? I've heard both the S5's in two different setups & Avalon Transcendents. The Avalons sounded more natural, coherent and had better sound staging to my ears. Of course the S5's sounded more dynamic with bigger bass, however the Eidolon Diamonds would be on a different level to the Transcendents.
Stereotaipei:Q7 enjoy im sure they are wonderful and they should be for$185k.You will be one of very few people to own them.
I am a happy camper - and a great pairing with
my VAC 450.
I believe Alon Wolf uses VAC to develop his speakers so it makes perfect sense Magico sounds excellent with VAC.
Right - any of previous Magico speaker auditions were with big solid state that are known for muscle not finesse.
you were afraid that the S5 is a bit forward and analytical..... in reality they are just transparent: if you mate them with an analytical amp like Spectral, they get analytical. If you mate them with a Gryphon,Vitus, Dartzeel or tubes, they become extremely musical. You can really chose upstream components based on your taste.
I agree it is an amazing speaker. I sold my MM3 and bought a Q1 and a pair of Q7 (still waiting for the Q7). In the process, I probably listened to 200 speakers across the globe... So I am quite sure I did the right choice (for me)!
And yes, for people who want to understand how the S5 differs from the Q serie, you should read the review in Hifi+. I cannot agree more on how he decrisbes the sound.
Have been thoroughly enjoying my new Magico S5 speakers - as if someone
combined what I love about Maggies (speed, transparency, large presence) with
the imaging, dynamics and force I find with best box/monitor speakers. Alan
Sircom just published a review in HiFi Plus (December 2012) on the S5 speakers.
Of any review I have read on any equipment I own, how he describes the S5
speakers lines up perfectly in every regard to what I am hearing. He even used
two words in the review that captures the essence of what these speakers bring,
"stunning capacity". I am a happy camper - and a great pairing with
my VAC 450. I was afraid that these S5 would be a bit forward and analytical
like some other Magico speakers I had heard in a dealer's setup (my ears are
super sensitive to any brightness or beaming), but the S5s are not even
remotely forward. Transparent and open and extended, yes, but perfectly well
Usermanual is right on the point. I just heard the Q7 and the lack of coloration was astonishing. I still like my Mini 2, but do clearly appreciate the improvement made in the Q series. Makes me think of that quote, " You can't handle the truth." The Q3 and Q7 that I have heard are the most transparent and least colored speakers I've ever heard. Really incredible.
Usermanual,I own Magico and have heard Q1,Q3 you are on the money, Im not delusional.Thats what you think.PS i know how to set up Magicos.Anyway good point.
It is not cheap taste, it is preconceived ideas about what works. Not all Alu/Be speakers are made the same. The problem with the Q series is its lack of coloration. It lets you hear more clearly what is in front of it. You just need to be more careful with what you mate it with. If you hear a well setup Q next to the M/V speakers, you would get it in 2 sec. Unfortunately, most opinions here are based on, best case scenario, bad setups, worst case, and I suspect most cases, emotional or agenda driven, somewhat delusional (Ebm (-;) comments from people who never even heard these speakers.
>>have you tried the m5. it is absolutely the best speaker in the magico lineup>>

Mcduman, I have never heard the M5 although I would love to. Price aside, it is way too big for my room. I love the mids to highs of the "wood" Magico, so I am sure the M5 will not disappoint. To my taste, the mids and highs are just right on the Mini and Vs, but I am left wanting something slightly "different" in the bass for my home use. Sonically, the aluminium bodies + the Berrylium tweeters (the Q and the S) never quite appeal to me. Guess I have a cheap taste =)
Where? I see only one Q5 here for sale (and 2 Mini2, or 4 Sashas, or 3 Alexandria, etc). First one in some timeÂ… Ebm, are you board again? Maybe it is time for a new speaker (-;
I heard them in the Netherland on a the Nagra 845. Bliss is the word that comes to mind. The dealer told me that Nagra actually uses the S5 in their demo facility.
Asturias00. have you tried the m5. it is absolutely the best speaker in the magico lineup and an attractive buy at 1/4 the retail price in the pre-owned market. apparently owners rushed a little bit too early to move to q5
11-29-12: Ebm
Why are so many people selling Q3&Q5 already?

Maybe because they don't have a nuclear reactor to drive them?
I heard them in the Netherland on a the Nagra 845. Bliss is the word that comes to mind. The dealer told me that Nagra actually uses the S5 in their demo facility.
I'm surprised that you were able to drive S5 with your amp. What tubes are you using ? KT88 or 120 ?

According to HiFi News review, S5 are only moderatly sensitive at 87.4dB (Magico is 3dB optimistic) and their minimum modulus of 2.5 Ohm at 62Hz is accompanied by high impedance phase angles at low freq, resulting in a minimum EPDR (equivalent peak dissapation resistance) of just 1 Ohm.
My experience mirrors that of Mcduman. I find the S5's highs to be too forward and tipped up for "my taste". But then again, I prefer the V series to the Q series so personal preferences may come into play (I never like the Berrylium tweeter, whether on Rockport or Magico). I am a V series owner itching for an upgrade. Still looking...
I heard the s5 in munich with devialet in May and I had a long session with them today. I am doing my best to like these speakers and for a while considered purchasing them but the highs are so forward and detached from everything else that it is almost mid-fi to my ears. The mini as well as the v & q series are much more balanced speakers IMHO not to mention the m5. I am looking forward to hearing from owners what their longer term impressions are
Podeschi, congrats on your new toys. Your system must sound WONDERFUL. I have a VAC Sig MKIIa pre so I understand your enthusiam.

Depending on my next speakers, I'm considering the VAC 450 monos and FINALLY call it a day too. :-)
I am a VAC addict. The 450S is incredible...last amp I will own. The VAC Renaissance MK III preamp is incredible as well. Beautifully built, and superbly functional. I recently owned the Conrad Johnson GAT preamp. I ran the VAC and GAT side by side with different amps (VAC tubes, CJ Premier 350 solid state). The VAC won every time. Not to take away from the great CJ GAT, but the VAC is even better.
I agree. The Novas have a great midrange and a very detailed tweeter and I think its weakest point is its bass.....good but not great.
I am using the VAC 450S which is incredible,
especially with Magicos.
Tell me what doesn't sound incredible with VAC? :-)

I believe VAC is one of the companies Alon Wolf use to develop Magicos.
Thanks - I did not hear them in the same system or same room. The Q series struck me as having a tiny bit of a bleached analytical emphasis in comparison to S - Q definitley is super detailed and fast like a planar speaker and huge sound stage with exceptional imaging. I prefer the S5 since its center of gravity is more in the midrange and bass but transparent and fast. Will have more to say in a few months when broken in and fully dialed.
Podeschi, Thanks for posting and congratulations on your new speakers. Could you describe how the two Qs sounded different from the S5 and why you decided to buy the latter? Did you hear them in the same system? The S5 is the least expensive of the three and as you prefer the sound of the S5, it surely is a great value.
Not to criticize your very well written review, but I just wanted to note that in the 3 instances I heard the Nova Utopia Be speakers I strongly felt the bass was a weak point, a bit overblown and diffuse. I actually liked the bass of the original Utopia better, which seemed tighter and less of something that called attention to itself.
Just my 2 cents since you mentioned that the bass was much better in the Magico than the Nova Utopia.
Thanks again for the great review.
I have heard the Q3 and the Q5 and the S5. I bought the S5. All Magicos
are state of the art IMHO. I currently own new Magnepans. I will be selling
them. Might sound like S5 speaker almost beats two
magnepans, and I didn't think I would find anything that would sound better
than my maggies. Amazing clarity and extension, absolute fidelity, without
any edge/analytic sound. I am using the VAC 450S which is incredible,
especially with Magicos.
For those who are thinking SS amps aren't right for Magicos, I assure you the large Pass Labs XA.5 series are a very good match. If you prefer large tube amps, the XA.5 are certainly an alternative to the Solution/Spectral sound.

I'm still curious to hear from those who have heard both the Q3 and the S5. How does their sound differ? Thanks.
Hi Hickory,

Thanks a lot for your info on the paint of S5. It's reassuring. And the Titanium colour looks great for sure!

How probable will an optional grill be released? Any release schedule/date?
It's very important for protecting the drivers from my careless kids.

We had seriously considered black, but fortunately the dealer demo pair was in titanium (dark grey), which both my wife (an important opinion given the expense) and I liked and agreed would fit nicely into our reasonably well furnished family room without being visually too offensive. The S5's are significantly larger than the Avalons, which arguably looked like nice furniture. If we had a more informal listening room, I might have opted for another color; likely the dark red. What is most interesting, my wife even commented that she hardly notices the speakers since the sound field behind and between the speakers is so well resolved (i.e. the 'disappearing speaker phenom). I have had no indication the paint might peel or flake off as it seems like a very hard clearcoat finish. I wonder if Mreapoe's experience might have been due to a flaw at which the speakers might have been struck. Finally, I am pushing to get front grills, mainly to protect the speaker cones. The optional grills have yet to be released.
Hi Hickory,


I am very interested in the S5 too and am considering the choice of colour.

Is the titanium paint of your pair OK? It's scary that the paint of Mreapoe100's pair came off so easily.

Many thanks!