Luxman 507z

Has anyone had a chance to hear this integrated ? If so, what are your thoughts ? thinking about picking one up 


Appreciate both of your input, as i am new to this hobby/obsession . Looks Likes its the Luxman .. Keep you posted on my impressions !! Thanks Again 

I have what I think is now 2 generations older, the 507ux. Fabulous performer with normal speakers (i.e. min impedance just around 4 Ohms, or a bit lower).

I found it significantly better than the AR SVi75.  Extention at the top and bottom octaves, and a mellower, sweeter midrange.  The Luxman sounded more like tubes to me than the SVi75 in terms of mid to treble output.

I was listening to the Luxman 509 with Sonus Faber Olympica speakers yesterday. Beautiful component… solidly built, something anyone would be proud to display.

The sound is very detailed, quiet, good tonal balance and bass. Imaging excellent. It is not too far over to the detailed side to be unmusical. It is on the other size from a warm Audio Research Classic ( I/50) or not as much but still on the end of the spectrum from the Audio Research VSi75. The sound of the Pass INT-60 is a small amount more refined and in the same league as the Luxman. I would probably buy the Luxman on looks… because of how small the difference is in performance between them… and, at least for me, I just don’t like the direction the looks have gone for Pass.

I am a warmer midrange bloom musical presentation kind of guy. So, I am in the ARC / CJ camp. But the flashier presentation of the Luxman will appeal to most.