hi I have a  LINN LINTO  please i would like to know if the noise bump during shutdown is normal ? o is a defect....

thanks luigi


 : 😀I received a reply from linn support.......

Dear Luigi


Thank you for your e-mail.


When powering off or on the Linto whilst the remainder of the hifi system is still powered on, it is normal to hear a slight ‘thump/noise bump’ sound through the loudspeakers. Provided that you do not hear a similar ‘thump/noise bump’ sound during normal operation whilst playing LP records, I do not believe there is any issue with your Linto.


Best regards



Customer Support

Linn Products Limited

Tel:     +44 (0) 141 303 5003

Fax:     +44 (0) 141 644 4262




I think I can help. I've run a Linn Linto for 15 years and hear a light bump if I turn it off before the amp. It is certainly not a "thump" but there is an audible noise.

You have nothing to worry about.

As an aside, as I put the Linto back in my system to do the test, I remembered the beautiful and pretty music it makes. However, my heavily modded EAR834p brings lifelike voices and full instruments right into my room. The Linto is great but the EAR is to die for.



 it has a switching power supply and a highly compact-ized audio section using SMDs and op amps.  

Like anything Linn there are a multitude of versions and upgrades.


Try here - make sure you advise them the serial number so they know which version you have. 

Raul, Good to know I could shut down my 3160 before amplifiers, but I will continue to do the normal routine; amplifiers first.  It's not a hardship.

I took a look at the Stereophile review of the Linto.  Apparently it has a switching power supply and a highly compact-ized audio section using SMDs and op amps.  It's a simple box construction, and the S'phile reviewer made no mention of a muting function.  Not much to go on.

Dear @lewm  : " I mute the preamp and then I always shut down amplifiers before preamplifier. "

I know is system dependent of its electronic items and in my case I don't need to mute nothing before shut down amplifiers and I shut down my preamp first  with no single kind of noise coming from the speakers.



@luigilamarca  : Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?


No? then which your problem? . 


Post removed 

very thanks for your answer .....but I'm incredulous but how many linto have been sold ? I think thousands ..... has anyone ever turned off the linto before and heard a small buum in the speakers?  has anyone ever turned off the linto before and heard a small buum in the speakers?  please try .... thanks luigi

While I agree that the preamp should be muted, the Linto manual states that the output is well “de-thumped” (an unusual term by a manufacturer) so there should be no issues turning it on or off.  Whether this means total silence or just nothing horrific I don’t know. Mine is out for service right now. It is over 2o years old and I happen to like it, but good luck getting someone to work on it. 

Luigi only wants to know whether other owners of the Linto have had a similar experience to his. Since my dear mom often used to call me Luigi, I am empathetic.

Personally, I’m a belt and suspenders kind of guy. I mute the preamp and then I always shut down amplifiers before preamplifier.

All phono stages should have a readily accessible mute switch which should be used whenever manipulating the tonearm. If you have a mute switch on your preamp, that can be used in stead but, every system that plays records needs that mute switch. 

It sounds to me that the Lingo does not have a relay on it's output and the OP is just hearing the power supply run down. If there is no noise in normal operation i is not a problem at all.

. I would like to know who has the LINTO mc phono if when he turns off the phono without turning off first the amplifier hears the noise bumb in the speakers.

The answer to your question is -

Nobody knows, because nobody would turn a phono stage off unless they either muted the preamp/amplifer, changed the input, or turned the preamp or amp off first.

I you change the input selector off of phono, and you get a thump the Lingo is putting a spike into the system on turnoff which should not happen in a competently designed component.

I do not know if the Lingo is competently designed.

Dear @luigilamarca  :  I think that the precise answer could comes by Linn directly:

because maybe the problem could be between the Linto and the line stage where is connected , I don´'t know. In any case is better if you make the direct Linn contact:



Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


thanks to you for your answers

but that's not what I asked .. I didn't ask what turns off before.. .the amplifier or the Linto..

. I would like to know who has the LINTO mc phono if when he turns off the phono without turning off first the amplifier hears the noise bumb in the speakers.

 Thank you. Luigi

It's not at all uncommon to hear a thump or other brief noise if you shut down a preamplifier ahead of shutting down the amplifier.  Some more expensive preamplifiers protect against that phenomenon by employing a relay that clamps the output when power goes down, but not all do that.  Consequently, I always shut down amplifiers first.  In an extreme instance, you may damage a speaker otherwise.  Shut down amplifier first is your solution.

hi, dear.....but if you shut down first the Linto have the noise nuum jes or not ??


I have a Linto, but I never shut it down before shutting the amp down first, or at least changing the input selector. Many products have a turn-off thump and one of the things we learn is to turn the amp on last and off first to avoid the thumps being amplified