hi I have a  LINN LINTO  please i would like to know if the noise bump during shutdown is normal ? o is a defect....

thanks luigi


Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @lewm  : " I mute the preamp and then I always shut down amplifiers before preamplifier. "

I know is system dependent of its electronic items and in my case I don't need to mute nothing before shut down amplifiers and I shut down my preamp first  with no single kind of noise coming from the speakers.



@luigilamarca  : Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?  Do you contact Linn ?


No? then which your problem? . 


Dear @luigilamarca  :  I think that the precise answer could comes by Linn directly:

because maybe the problem could be between the Linto and the line stage where is connected , I don´'t know. In any case is better if you make the direct Linn contact:



Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
