Line Magnetic 518 + Piano, special?

I find my LM 518 does a nice job highlighting some of the natural sonorities of a piano and was wondering if other members have identified amps / components / systems that do the same. Cheers :)
Thank you. I would like a more definitive answer if anyone has it. Regarding the topology of the preamp circuit and the pre- in input.  I have the same product. And am only asking for my sake.   

For whatever reason, the preamp tubes in the LM 518 are not bypassed when using the pre -input.
Yes. Sorry should have specified that it is to be used with a preamp. Tube preamp in my system was better than solid state. I have been under the impression the preamp tubes were bypassed when using the pre in input. Do you feel otherwise? Or is the circuit still in play otherwise?


I have the LM 518, yes to upgraded tubes if one hasn't done so. Forget using it as a power amp with a separate preamp; despite having the hookup to do so the LM 518s preamp circuit stays in play so you don't get the full benefit.
Fellow local Audiogon member hauled his 518 over to my place to run 86 db Vandersteen Treo CT - he was considering-  very relaxed and natural sounding amplifier rich in harmonic overtones - lovely sustain. Certainly not the last word in SPL but would be fine for my purposes.
Have fun, enjoy!
I had not done direct comparison of Lm 508 and 518.

But I am happy with LM 508 with 48 watts twice of LM 518.

It is also a dream amp for tube rolling using pair of 805, 300B, 6sn7 and single 6sl7.


Your LM 518 is regarded as  a well made and implemented 845 SET amplifier, so your listening impression is not surprising. Pure class A  run in a simple signal pathway is going to   result in very high quality 'natural' sound. You made a good choice in selectioning this amplifier.


I have been thinking about a Line Magnetic Amp for a third system, probably a SET amp. Wondering if it would power a pair of the new JBL L100 speakers?
Piano is hard to get right. There's just so much going on. Of course tubes excel, especially when connected through quality circuits and transformers. And wires. With good power. When fed from a quality analog front end. So its all of them.
My old Jadis JA80s and Lamm ML1.1s and my current VAC Phi 200 all have that same effect.  Gotta be the tubes!