Legacy Audio Focus versus Vienna Acoustics Liszt

Hello all
I have learned an enormous amount by reading posts here, so I am making my first posting in the hope that someone out there has an answer.

After reading extensively and checking numerous web pages, I am torn between these two speaker (Legacy Audio Focus and Vienna Acoustics Liszt). I cannot find a direct comparison between the two anywhere.
Has anyone heard both of these and able to give an opinion?
thank you
When I went on a mission to upgrade my beethovens I bought and sold several highly regarded speakers that were 4-5 times the price and while they all could do some things better, specifically play louder with more bass, the va’s have a way of presenting the midrange and treble I’ve struggled to replicate with other brands. I would pick them for jazz while I would consider the legacy’s for rock 
Thank you. 
My thought was that given the sensitivities of the two (VA 91 db, Legacy 95 db) it wouldn't be a problem. In April starboard posted his experience with the Legacy focus and tube amps.
Interesting comments above. Bill Dudleston says he uses the Focus SE as his reference for tonality for other designs. I have heard others say that the Focus is the best speaker for the money in the line up. Everyone has different tastes but the Focus SE get rave reviews.
I've not heard the Liszt, but other Vienna speakers impressed me as being warm w/ softer dynamics. I wonder if this would be a good match w/ PrimaLuna. The Liszt may have higher resolution and work well w tubes. I'm not saying that it isn't a good match, just wondering.
I've auditioned the Liszts extensively.  I consider them extremely good speakers.  They are indeed still on a personal shortlist.  They are very balanced and yes, very musical (there's that word again).
I heard Legacy under less than optimal conditions at Capital Audio Fest.  They struck me as home theatre speakers that had crossed over into 2-channel audio, that is to say, somewhat overly "technicolor" in their acoustic presentation.  There are plenty of Legacy enthusiasts on this forum, so take that for what it's worth--my personal impression on a given place and time, with no offence intended.  Still, given the great profusion of brands and models out there, it was sufficient for me to decide not to pursue the Legacy brand further (rash perhaps, but when there are half a dozen models that one really likes on first listen, you have to start making cuts somewhere).