Klipsch K Horns (the new AK6)

At $15k, eeek!!!!! and their hard to drive, forget your 2A3's on these

Cheers George
Bad measurements for sure, but they sound very good. I know because I owned a pair for years and used both tube and SS. No surprise that georgehifi started a thread trashing them. He's a well known horn hater.
By the way George, you should learn when to use "their" and they're".

I dont disagree with anything you wrote, but often it is the higher efficiency speakers that have a higher and more stable impedance curve for use with tube amps. 
Had a pair of LaScalas in a huge living room powered by a custom made SE EL84 amp from Don Allen- RIP. Kicked a-- on anything from solo guitar to jazz trios to symphonies to rock. FWIW.
High efficiency and load are of course two different things.

Getting a good match is always critical but the speakers that will work well with the widest variety of amps are those with an easy load, like Daedulus and Fritz, not necessarily those that are high efficiency.

Efficiency only determines how loud things can get per watt.

An easy load also means "better mileage" per watt which can translate to speakers going louder better than others with difficult load yet similar efficiency specs.

High efficiency speakers often get a bad rap because they have potential to easily sound the most wrong if not driven by the right amp. But with the right amp....... Not for the faint of heart.

I too am a bit surprised that a high efficiency speaker like these would have such a dubious impedance curve. As to the other peculiarities, these should come as no surprise to any hobbyist that has even a elementary knowledge of this design. 
I read the review and there are obvious issues like the front panel resonating and the phase distortion between drivers. I would love to triamp K horns, and correct the phase issues and frequency response with DSP control. Add subwoofers below 100 Hz and I bet they would be in serious contention for best sound ever. 

 just not as easy for a 2a3 flea watt tube amp.

The old K-Horns,  La-Scala ect were and that's what they had going for them even though their sound was questionable to me.
 Now they're just as hard as anything and have quite miserable measurements, lose lose on both counts for $15K.

Cheres George
George, what is your point ? I do not feel, reading the measurements, that they are harder to drive than many others, just not as easy for a 2a3 flea watt tube amp. An 8wpc tube amp seemed to sound good, to Art. It would not, to me, that is for sure. For my listening tastes, I would need MORE. As far as drive ability, a simple example would be, an Adcom 535 series II ( a Pass design ), as it would get them going pretty nicely, without a problem driving them ( although, some might not like the overall sound of this pairing ). How many other 15 K speakers ( other than horns, could be driven the same. Using a 15 inch driver would require a bit more power to get them moving. I find the same with my Lascala’s. If you are indicating, in your special way, they are not a good speaker, Art Dudley stated they are a steal at their 15 K price. I think so, also. As every speaker designer has to make certain compromises with each design ( nothing is perfect ), I would easily rather live with these, over other 15K speakers, because what I want, and expect, out of a speaker, these would do it. There is no slowing down at the Klipsch factory, as the Khorn, after 70 years of manufacture, are still going strong, many of them selling to overseas listeners. I believe the review, and the measurements, are both beneficial, to potential customers. YMMV. Enjoy ! MrD.