My Cornwall experience:
I went from Harbeth SHL5+ to Klipsch Forte III and ultimately to Cornwall IV.
Going from the Harbeth to the Forte III, I immediately appreciated the increase in dynamics and having way more amplifier choices (in my experience, matching an amp to Harbeth is critically important--and not only from the perspective of power).
I drove the Forte with solid state and tubes, liked both. I enjoyed the Forte so much that I wondered what the Cornwall could add so when a pair popped up for sale locally I jumped on them.
Unlike the Forte, I wasn’t enamored right away. First, they are physically enormous--which I did not fully appreciate until they were in my room. They also required significantly more time and attention to properly set up.
I almost gave up after the second day, however, after a few hours of tweaking, and lots of blue painters tape, I got them dialed in. Finally, I was rewarded with the sound that owners rave about. The soundstage is absolutely massive, they are dynamic and I can listen for hours.
While not ruthlessly revealing, they are not as kind to poor recordings as the Forte are.
I’ve powered them with a Naim Uniti Nova and an Audio Note Cobra. Each have their respective strengths but I prefer the Cobra.
At the end of the day, the CW IV sound fantastic and I’m glad I stuck it out through the set up period.