Klipsch Cornwall IV

Hello all,

I'm interested in what people who have heard the speaker feel about it. I currently run spatial M3 turbos and have an all tube analog setup ( line magnetic, hagerman ) with an oppo 105 being the digital front end.

Previous speakers have been acoustic zen, reference 3A, Maggie 3.6, and triangles. I am more concerned with a huge immersive sound stage than I am with pinpoint imagery. I have a big room and have plenty of space between the back wall and my speakers if I need it.

Any thoughts?

Showing 25 responses by simao

@jjss49 I would love to try a pair of 0/96's or 93's; however, they rarely come up for sale on the used market for a price I can entertain.
@kcpellethead.     They should be fine in my room. The room's main weakness is its low, 7' ceilings, but length and width are fine. See virtual system pics:
@chorus.   My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK4 with a Hana ML running to a Hagerman Trumpet phono pre - which just arrived a few days ago and is breaking in.

And yes, Decware is right up the road from me and is always an option. I've visited Steve's workshop and place a few times along the audition road.

Interesting about the Oppo - some say it is indeed a consummate swiss army knife of a player that sounds terrific on its own, and others deplore its sound. Compared to my analog rig it sounds a bit thin, but I have many times more money and time invested in my analog rig.
@wrm57 assume I'm ignorant of what you're saying, even when 20 years experience in this hobby. My line magnetic 518 has taps for four, eight, and 16 ohms. Would that make a difference with those triangles?
Hmm. There's also a pair of Triangle Magellan Cellos for sale here that would be a divorce-inducer if I bough them. But it's tempting.

To address your questions:1. I loved the Reference 3A de Capos, especially after I installed the BE tweeters. They might possibly have been the best sounding speakers I’ve heard; however, they were in a much smaller room than I have now. The imaged well and enveloped me in soundstage. Weakness is a lack of depth. I also had a pair of Veenas and those didn’t do anything in my room - small and diminished sound

2. Maggies were indeed fast and open but, as you said, a bit thin in sound.

3. The Adagios were quite good: accurate and pinpoint but not as immersive, not as good with washing a soundscape over me.

4. I owned Triangle Celius’s too many years ago to have any reliable sonic memory; however, I’ve always liked the Triangle sound (with both Celius and Titus having been in my collections: clear and transparent without being clinical). I would be open to a set of good Triangle floorstanders if it comes to that.

@wrm57 Thank you for the explanation. That makes sense especially with the vacillating impedance from the triangles. I've had triangles before, but they were powered with much higher powered amplifiers, like an arc vs 110, or rogue m180 monoblocks.
@wolf_garcia luckily there’s a triangle dealer right across the river in Collinsville. The nearest Klipsch Heritage dealer, I think is up near Springfield Illinois? That’s not too far for me either, relatively speaking. So I could definitely log the line magnetic to either place to see what the sound would be like.

I know the feeling you mentioned. Because when you hear the new speaker there is an instant visceral reaction to the new sound; like tasting a new flavor. And hopefully you like the taste, but if you don't you know it pretty soon
@ozzy62 no worries. I’ve been around this forum long enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. And to make myself seem older than I am by using phrases like " separate the wheat from the chaff." And I appreciate all the advice I get on here. I’m actually kind of worried that Miller carbon hasn’t chimed in. Is he okay?

If I ever do get rid of my spatial m3s, it won’t be until this summer at the very least. An update however I find myself being drawn back to Triangles. Specifically the Delta’s or the cellos. I know, I know; a completely different sound than the cornwalls.

One more update: in my listening room/ 1/2 of the finished basement, I can put the speakers wherever I want in terms of spacing. What I can’t move is my listening position: My listening loveseat backs up against one of the support pillars for the basement, you know, those pillars at extend between the floor and the I-beam. I mean, I could go behind that, but then I have this unavoidable, albeit pleasantly camouflaged, pillar right in front of me. All this means that my speaker to listening position distance is pretty rigid
I'm also not worried about their physical presence. I mean, if you're going to have speakers, then have speakers. As long as they are aesthetically pleasing, that I can make them work aesthetically in a room
@jjss49 fair enough. True but verify. I'll probably try out Triangles before Cornwalls unless I get a good deal on the latter. 
So...... It sounds like people are saying I should hear them before I buy them?
@sounds_real_audio Thanks for the jolt of reality - truly. You're right in that I should enjoy what I have and stop trying to reside in Xanadu.

Although I do wish a bit more bass than the Spatials can deliver.
@atmasphere Not that I can tell - unless I stand against the back wall, of course. But it's something I can look into more. @jjss49 How much more of an improvement on this is the Sapphire over the Turbo?
@jbhiller Yes, live venues use Crown because they're powerful and bombproof. They will work amidst cigarette smoke and spilled beer and whatnot.
@dbarger That's a good point about the variety of amps that can drive these things with ease. My LM 518 shouldn't have a problem at all.

So far, it's down to these or Triangle Cellos. Maybe a Rethm model?
Okay, an update. I had the chance to listen to the Cornwalls today at The Sound Room here in st. Louis. It was a Klipsch Heritage event complete with artisan whiskey tastings. 

Impressions: the room was nicely treated acoustically. And Much Too Small for these speakers. The bass boom squelched the imaging I knew these speakers ard capable of. So e recordings I could sense their magic, but most others everything blendef into a haze of projection. 

And I could tellsomething was up when the sound rep kept pushing live Floyd and Eagles recordings as test tracks. Eff that. I had to insist on well-produced Tears for Fears and Dominique Fils-aime in there. 

I'll be demo-ing the Triangle Cellos next week. 

I've owned Triangles before. These Cornwalls in this room just seemed too muddy and smeary. YMMV
In this room, the Cornwalls were tightly cornered with little to no space between front and side walls. A McIntosh MA352 was the amplification and some streaming/iPad platform was the source. I have the feeling these speakers weren't presented as well as they could have been. 
@wrm57 my space could easily accommodate the CW4s. It's just a matter of finding the circumstances to audition them at my place. 
I was surprised when the store employees started dialing in song selections from their iPads. There was a McIntosh turntable in the room and I had brought some vinyl, but at no time did the store emps ask about it or offer to play. They said they had a four song playlist that Klipsch recommended for a sound test. 

They also insisted on playing each track at huge volumes. Nothing wrong with that, per se, but there were no jazz or classical offerings. They seemed really excited to play The Eagles and, considering the demographic most likely to buy these, I'm not surprised. But it turned me off completely. 

Another listener suggested a Nils lufgren track and the 3D imaging was quite good, but every other iPad track was bombastic and one dimensional. 

$6K is enough money to that I would be suddenly single if I actually spent it. And yes, @chuke076 , if I did ever drop this much on speakers, I would expect to fart around with toe-in and sucb but not actually modify any hardware. Then again, for some that's part of the fun. I get it. I'm slowly rebuilding an ancient set of Coral speakers just for fun. But those are free.