KEF Blade Two - Unbelieveable

I had a chance to demo the kef blade two today.  Each were powered by an Arcam mono-block.  Just unbelievable.  I never imagined music could sound this good.  I'm completely changed because of it.  

Here I thought my KEF LS50 w/ Parasound Hint6 & 2 subs was no slouch (and it still sounds good), but the Blades were on another planet.  I can't even describe it.  What a treat.  

So, now I come to you all to help me move on from the LS50s.  I just can't afford the Blades now - no way.  But i'm enamored by the dynamic and just. huge. soundstage.

I like the LS50s - Dynamics, soundstage, depth, detail.  I like how they image being co-axial.  Is there an interim step between the LS50s and Blades that I can step to??  I'd like to keep the Hint6 too.  


@martinman , where did you hear the demo? I am asking because the local Magnolia has a similar setup that I heard last year and the Blades sounded awesome.


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Well when you hear a product that you just have to have.....why do anything else? Start saving and make it so! Life is too short....

Spot on!!


.... or get them used for cheaper

Also I would expect the new technology that went into the ls50 meta's to start finding its way into other kef models over the next year or so.  That might help one get closer to the Blades for less perhaps.   We will see.

Blades are one design I could see myself living with were I to convince myself I needed to drop that much money on new speakers to be happy.

Well when you hear a product that you just have to have.....why do anything else? Start saving and make it so! Life is too short....

I see more and more zero interest finance options around these days as well, just be sure to pay it off in time to avoid getting zapped with interest....

@martinman , I have no idea what they would go for and there may not be any on the used market but it never hurts to keep an eye on it while you are saving. You never know what might come along! 

Interesting point about the Metas -- i demoed those too while I was there.  The detail and refinement were there, but man, the blades are an end-game setup.  

The blades were w/o sub - I just can't get over how great they sound.  I think @mijostyn is right - time to start saving.  I mean, an interim step will just delay the inevitable!  

Realistically though, can you find these on the used market?  How much can I expect to spend?  

Do you have ls50s or the newer metas? I have both. Metas are a step in that direction in regards to overall clarity and detail and might cut it in a smaller room with powered sub or two unless you require higher Spl say >90db approximately or so. Active crossover to offload more work to sub would improve that further. 

@martinman , The Blades are a brilliant design if you can get on with the looks. Don't compromise! Your Hint6 will drive them beautifully. An interim step is just a waste of money. Get out your cookie jar and start throwing money in there and save up. In the mean while look for a used pair and good deals like open box and demo units. It took me a decade to get the speakers I wanted. You know what you want. Go for it!

I also have the KEF LS50 in my big room with the KEF KC62 sub. I drive them with the Benchmark AHB2 monos. I would be curious to hear the Blades with these monos. They cannot drive my Thiel CS3.7 to the best levels but the Blades are likely easier to drive.

I recently replaced a Parasound A21+. It sounded OK but the Parasound JC5 maybe something to consider. It is supposed to be more refined (my complaint about the A21+) and more powerful. The Blades will like power.

I have heard Blades demoed with Hegel 360 integrated and Hegel mono blocks. Both were pretty good pairings.

The CODA #8 would also be a good amp with the Blades. As would a KRELL XD amp. I have both and I love both of them.

These amps I suggest are in the $6K-ish range which will help save money to buy the Blades.

People say that the REF line is a baby Blade but for me it is not like the Blades. The Blade is my fav speaker and I unfortunately cannot fit it in my house. The next place I move to will have space for the Blades.

The REF line does not disappear like the Blade, but then again nothing I heard does. I found the REF1 was my fav since it did a good job of disappearing.

My current office speaker is pretty good and only available used, it is the Thiel CS3.7 and sort of sounds like the Blades. 

I like the Yamaha NS5000 and will get that one if I continue to stay at my current residence. It is a fabulous speaker. Do not let the bookshelf designation fool you. It is like a floorstander. This is my replacement for the Blades.

The Vivid lineup also is Blade like. The Kaya 45 maybe affordable.

BTW - some used KEF Blades were selling for $10K to $13K in the recent past. KEF will be upgrading the tweeter and mid driver with the META design very soon. That may cause some more used models to show up.

I have heard the Reference 3 and it can’t be too far behind when played within their limits

I imagine you are used to the house sound and like it and imagine the Reference 3 or even Reference 1 would do the trick. The LS50 asks a lot of that tiny driver.