Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Thanks a lot @devilboy that's really helpful! And impressive concerning the INT...

Would you say that you had any issue with the bass being prominent as one user mentioned in his review on

Also, could you please let us know the speakers you used for your comparisons?

I don’t think the INT has a to prominent bass. In my small room I do have a problem with 54Hz bass. I had this problem in the same amount with my former Sonneteer and Rega amps. The INT is no different in that aspect.

I use digtal EQ to reduce 54Hz bass. Works well enough.

Recently upgraded my Pioneer N-30 streamer to Aries Mini. Big difference in spaciousness.
Hi everyone,
Been lurking for a while but this is my first post. I currently have a Schiit Yggdrasil DAC as part of my headphone setup and am looking to get a good set of speakers and amp. The Job 225 seems very well regarded here and reading through the INT thread it seems to be from similar DNA. A few users report that the INT holds its own against their separates but i just can't imagine another DAC touching the Yggdrasil (in my price bracket), let alone one that is part of an integrated unit.
As the 225 and INT are the same price, what should i be looking at here? If I get the 225 ill still need a passive pre / volume control coming from the Yggy, if i get the INT ill be bypassing my DAC which has a sound i really enjoy.
I guess what I'm asking here is, will the INT be surpassed by a great DAC and Pre into the 225? Both setups will cost me the same (ill get a bit more location flexibility with the INT though).

Speakers vary but at the moment I'm using B&W 684's, nothing fancy.
@ alaarx, like I said in my post, I'm fine with using the INT's dac instead of my Hex. BUT, from what I gather, your Yggy is in a different league.  I never heard it but seems like it's an end game dac.
Job has a 20% (ouch), restocking fee. $340 to audition the INT if you don't like it.
Added pics of new room layout and the INTegrated.
Unfortunately INT has to go on the floor for now. Right speaker cable won't reach rack.
Please forgive my complete ignorance.  I have noticed that you have rightfully ignored it.  The INT sound like a very good deal.  If I had a place for it I might have bought  one for myself.  I am a tube-o-phile so I might be happier with the JOB power amps with a tube pre amp.
I just noticed that the Job products came with a very short 1 year warranty... That's quite disappointing when you know that Goldmund products are covered during 3 years.

I'm wondering what happens if you have any issue after those 12 months...

Any thoughts on that? Any experiencing returning a Job product?

I am sure you will not have any problems. Job/Goldmund strives for quality. Any issue will likely manifest within the first year, otherwise a short trip to Geneva will be required. Unless you abuse your gear, you will have nothing to worry about.


I placed my order yesterday for the INTegrated. Can't wait to get mine! Thank you for all the excitement/advice.
You bet Joe. I just put a core power technologies CPT 150 power cord on the INT and it's a phenominal addition.
If they did strive for quality then they would have confidence in their products for longer than a year.
If they did strive for quality then they would have confidence in their products for longer than a year.

Job has been out for many years, have you heard of anyone complaining of broken amps?


How many other manufacturers only offer 1 year warranty? Look at the price point, if you are that worried, don’t buy one.

My Job INTegrated will be here next week.
Please forgive my complete ignorance. I have noticed that you have rightfully ignored it. The INT sound like a very good deal. If I had a place for it I might have bought one for myself. I am a tube-o-phile so I might be happier with the JOB power amps with a tube pre amp.


If you do pair a tube preamp with Job amps, please look for a preamp with low gain. 10db of gain or under is preferred.
@jafant, a core power technologies pct 150 is giving balanced AC and speaker cables are Audience AU24 SE.
My Job INTegrated arrived and is playing. For $1699 delivered, this has to be the deal of the century. I am feeding it right now with a W4S modified Sonos and it sounds wonderful.
@joeinid, welcome to the club! Although you're no stranger to the Job club actually. Lol. Nice little piece, isn't it.
@joeinid, welcome to the club! Although you're no stranger to the Job club actually. Lol. Nice little piece, isn't it.


I thought the Job 225 was good, this is freaking outstanding. You are 100% correct. Thank you for the vote of confidence.
Congrats @joeinid for your purchase!

Could you please give us some more details on your impressions between your old setup with 225 and the new Int?

Very appreciated!
Congrats @joeinid for your purchase!

Could you please give us some more details on your impressions between your old setup with 225 and the new Int?

Very appreciated!

Thank you so much.

It has been a while since I had the 225 in my system but with the high gain of that amp, it was finicky to match a proper preamp.

Honestly, the best preamp for that amp was the Dartzeel NHB-18NS, dead quiet, low gain, and wonderfully sweet. No one in their right mind would use that combo because of the price mismatch, but we are not "normal".  Another great preamp, rather I should say passive, was built for me by Richard Becker of AUM Acoustics. He was able to tailor the piece to my taste. Other preamps recommended are low gain, eg. 0-6db gain, like the Primaluna preamp work extremely well, based on friends recommendations.

I was able to get the 225 to sing extremely well.

Out of the box, the Job INTegrated is such a great package, no tweaking necessary. Sure it performs best fed by a digital signal because the RCA "analog" inputs are converted to digital and back to analog. Not a concern for me because of the way I intend to use it.

The Job INTegrated, I think, works so well because it is tightly integrated, meaning the preamp/amp/dac work as one. No gain mismatch to worry about. No additional cables necessary, no additional pieces to worry about matching and wondering if they will work together properly.

The sound of the Job INTegrated has a slight sweetness that typical solid state does not. It has a big sound stage, tremendous separation, wonderful vocals that are clearly heard that are right there in front of you. Bass is supremely articulate and when called upon, delivers powerfully. Image depth is surprising for solid state. You’d swear that this "system" cost 10X what you paid.

For $1699 delivered, you can not only taste, but actually own an "audiophile" system that delivers in spades. As long as your speakers are not monsters to drive and are reasonably efficient, you are golden.

The Job INTegrated is killer.

Thank you @joeinid ! Seems like a killer indeed...

Any negative feedback around? :)

@devilboy  I saw you sold you're INT, what happened? Sounded like you were really in love with that little giant killer.
@jond, yes I did sell it. It still is a giant killer IMO. The only reason I sold it is because my speakers are a bit bright and the INT, as wonderful and "warm" as it is, in the end was still too much of a good thing. Rather than open a whole new can of worms with shopping for new speakers, worrying about selling mine, etc, I chose to keep the speakers and get a new amp. I just didn’t want to roll those dice.
@jond, highly unlikely anyone will know them but they are Source Technologies 1.7 SL Reference. It's a floor standing two way with Scanspeak Revelator tweeter and 7"Revelator woofer with Mundorf silver/oil caps. You can see them in my virtual system.
I am quite surprised with your decision based on the feedback you provided and a little lost... Would you say the amp is more on the warm or the bright side?
Hmm, I read this thread with great interest a couple of times now and it bothers me a little that within a two month period, devilboy transitioned from what seemed "very satisfied" to "dissatisfied" to the point of selling the unit. I understand his speakers’ incompatibility aspect to this and I acknowledge how it often takes time, once the initial excitement wanes, to form clear evaluations of equipment in system and room context with other components. It’s just that, coupled with the 6 Moon’s review and the initial excitement for an integrated that has "analog" inputs universally agreed as completely unsuited for analog sources, I find it fascinating how, yet again, there seems to be the first grade soccer (all the kids run toward the ball) element to all this excitement. My conclusion is that the INT is a niche market integrated that may not be suited for everyone, despite the apparent high value of the unit relative to other Goldmund’ efforts. Not trying to rain on anyone’s parade here, only making an observation of how sometimes initial excitement can sometimes temper with time and further evaluation. Hey, I’m not immune, it’s happened to me too.

But, "Analog Input: ADC conversion for DSP correction." Sorry, that’s not an integrated amp. It’s a DAC-amp with a cheap ADC.
I have no plans at all to sell mine. It's an amazing unit for the digital only user. Not crazy about the analog input. Although if you are a primarily digital/streaming based user, the Job INTegrated is superb. I have SF Strads and JBL 4367's as well as Klipsch and KEF bookshelf speakers and I love my Job.
@devilboy Nice looking speakers and they look fairly easy to drive at 89 db and 6 ohms. Are you looking for another integrated? If you don't issues with tubes they look like a nice match for a pushpull tube amp or integrated.
@jond, thanks. Yeah, I’ve had tubes on them before and they sounded wonderful. I had a wyred4sound STI-500 on them a couple years ago and the warmish characteristic of that integrated sounded great with my speakers. I’m awaiting another one. Should be here in a week.

I’ve had them for a long time and even before I had them, the most happy I’ve been in all my 20 years in audio came twice, both times with these speakers. First time was with the Wyred4sound integrated. The second was with a Clones Audio 25i integrated. Crazy to think that the hundreds, yes HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars worth of equipment (around 200K actually), I’ve had come through my hands on 20 years in audio, the happiest and most content I’ve been was with the Wyred and Clones integrateds.

I need to have my head examined.

I’m not so sure that’s even necessary. The Job INTegrated is a wonderful all in one solution for someone who wants a modest system that plays way higher than its price. Especially if someone is an all digital user, the Job INTegrated is spectacular. Sweet, articulate, wonderful tone, surprising bass and a deep sound stage. For the price of admission, it does not get any better than this. As long as your speakers are not too difficult to drive, give it a shot, you’ll be amazed.

I have a feeling that devilboy might have been able to optimize his system with a different speaker cable choice. Some think cables don't matter, I absolutely believe they can make a huge difference. They can make or break a system.

Would be really interesting to have an additional "professional review"...

It has been a while but I still love my Job integrated. It has a midband airiness nothing else comes close to. BUT two things are mandatory: replace the power chord with something decent and you need to add footers.I have tried Cereballs (no difference) and then MagicHexa isolation pods Mk2 - $59 - night and day transformation for me. The amp just just frees itself. I have Pass Labs and Rogers amps at 10x the price but the integrated can do things these others cannot. One reviewer noted a bass hump and he is correct. The volume at a certain position suddenly pumps the bass. For 1700 it is phenomenal and I won't be selling mine. 
Hmm,.. still got mine on the standard power cord. I'm skeptical. 299 USD is a lot of money compared to the amp itself. Could you recommend a power cord that does the trick and doesn't break the bank? Thanks.
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@jaaptina I would suggest investing in a good power cord for the INT as I have tried a variety of cords on it, and it really scales up in performance when paired with the right one. The sweetcord is good, but IMO there are other cords out there that offer better sound. Think of it this way. You’re supplying power to a dac+pre+power, essentially 3 components. Take the money you would have spent for 3 cords and use that budget for a good one :)

Cords that I have tried the INT with include:
Cabledyne Reference, VDH Mainsserver, Acrolink 6n 4030ii, Ansuz Mainz X and Ceramic series, Triode Wire Labs 7+, 10+ and Gold Statement, Zonotone flagship, Job Sweetcord and Telos Branda Signature.
Thanks for your response. I'll look them up.

Got a DIY Teflon tubed twisted powercord from a friend. Is does have a positive effect. 

Next comes a LPS-1 power supply for microRendu. 
Can anyone plz compare Hegel h80 with Job integrated coz they have similar price n functions. I believe both are great products n I'm looking for an integrated amp at this price point. Btw my speakers are Usher mini-x, tyvm

And its not possible to have a audition on the Job int..
therefore have to hear from u guys, thx

If your Mini-X are these specs: sensitivity: 87 dB @ 1 watt / 1m, nominal impedance: 8 ohms, then the Job will be able to drive them well. Job amps are not crazy about loads of 3 ohms or less. With that said, I like the Hegel H30 but prefer Pass and Ayre over any Hegel at this point. I only say that because I have and love the Job INTegrated and would pick that in a heartbeat over the Hegel. I've owned a total of two H30 in the past but have moved on from any Hegel amp. If you ONLY have a digital source, the Job INTegrated is superb but with your speakers, I am not sure you will get enough volume to satisfy your needs. I don't play loud and will NEVER give up my Job INTegrated.
I just received my new Job Integrated, and have to say it is spectacular.  I am pairing it with Vandersteen Treo CT's, and am streaming from Tidal via Roon and have a Sonore Microrendu fronting the JobInt.  I have been using a Hegel H160 with the Vandy's, but it pales in comparison to the Job.  The Hegel seems overly polite, less "out there" and certainly less exciting.  Of course, over time, the Hegel may prove easier to live with, but I doubt it.  Just wanted to provide one more data point.  

Don Ivey

Congratulations Don. I still absolutely love my Job INTegrated. I am glad you do too. Give it some time and it will only get better.
I have a problem with jobsys: they told me that you could return an amp back for free and for 20% after 10 days. Now they tell me it is 20% (and then 10% because i complained).

I would like to know if i'am a isolated case or not.

And before you ask: the job int is good but not better than a much cheaper audiosource amp + a bitfrost. 
As stated on their website, "If you return one of our products within 10 days of shipping date, we apply a restocking fee of 20% before returning your payment.", has always been in effect. Unless you have an email or communication stating differently, that's the policy.

I am sorry you feel the need to return it. Job has been great to me and my friends in regards to questions and help. Never needed service from them so far.
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Hello folks,

Realize I'm late to this conversation, but feel compelled to shake the tree a little bit. :) I've been trying lots of different electronics the past couple of years and have given serious thought to the Job INT. Looks like a pretty cool package. I had a Job 225 a while back and was flabbergasted by its performance but had trouble matching it with a pre due to its tremendous gain. I do have a soft spot for integrateds, they just seem to sound more coherent to me, and was thinking about giving the INT a whirl.

That said, I became concerned about it's single analog input being converted to digital and amplified in the digital realm. Figure I can expand the number of inputs with a good switch, but saw all of the comments about the analog input losing something versus the digital inputs. So, I wrote to Job. Come to find out, the INT no longer does the conversion on the analog input. I was told that earlier versions did the ADC but new versions's analog input goes directly to the volume control, and that may be enough to get me to pull the trigger on one.

So, anyone own or hear one of the latest and greatest versions of the INT? Not sure if there's a serial number cutoff or version stamp anywhere, but I'd imagine it would be something purchased recently.

Oh, and does ANYBODY know... is it pronounced "job", as in "I have a job in the city", or is it pronounced "Job" as in, "There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job"? It's the little things....
Well that's good news. Especially for those with only an analog source. I liked mine when I had it.
Double checked with Job and everything shipping does indeed do pure analog, no ADC any longer.... So what the heck, I took the plunge! Should have the INT on the way.
By any chance, did they tell you when they dropped the digitization of the analog input? I got my amp in November, and I'm wondering if mine is analog. I put my SACD player through it to see if I could hear the purported "silvery veil" and quite the opposite, it sounded clear as a bell to me. I was thinking of experimenting with an outboard DAC, but I fear it will need a fairly expensive one to outdo the onboard one.