Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.

Showing 7 responses by yerdjj

Hello everyone - I am quite interested in the Job INT to drive my ATC SCM19s but it is still very hard to find detailed information / feedback.

Of course there is the amazing review from 6moons but - to me at least - it is too good to be true... And I have read everything I could find on and

Devilboy, any news on your comparisons?

Anyone else who bought the INT and could provide feedback? Anything with ATCs would of course be particularly helpful.

Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot @devilboy that's really helpful! And impressive concerning the INT...

Would you say that you had any issue with the bass being prominent as one user mentioned in his review on

Also, could you please let us know the speakers you used for your comparisons?

I just noticed that the Job products came with a very short 1 year warranty... That's quite disappointing when you know that Goldmund products are covered during 3 years.

I'm wondering what happens if you have any issue after those 12 months...

Any thoughts on that? Any experiencing returning a Job product?

Congrats @joeinid for your purchase!

Could you please give us some more details on your impressions between your old setup with 225 and the new Int?

Very appreciated!
Thank you @joeinid ! Seems like a killer indeed...

Any negative feedback around? :)

I am quite surprised with your decision based on the feedback you provided and a little lost... Would you say the amp is more on the warm or the bright side?