Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.

Showing 19 responses by devilboy

I almost pulled the trigger on the INTegrated. The thought of digitizing my vinyl turned me off though. Had a 225, foolishly sold it. Now I'm picking up a used 225 at FedEx this afternoon....(hee hee). I have a Tortuga LDR on order. I'm sure the INTegrated sounds sweet.
What I don't get is, Srajean said when fed a digital signal, the INTegrated is just as good as a Metrum Hex, passive pre, and the 225. In some ways, better. 
I have the Hex, Tortuga LDR passive and the 225.
Now, I'm no scientist or engineer, but common sense tells me you can't beat the laws of physics. How can a 3 in 1 which shares the same power supply for everything, be better than the 3 pieces mentioned? Ok, shorter signal paths and other benefits, etc. 
It just doesn't make sense.
Actually hoping Srajean chimes in here, which he has done in the past.
The preamp section of the INT is active but the biggest turnoff for me is its digital volume control. Plus, I believe it only has one input. Even if it had two inputs, the thought of digitizing my vinyl is a deal breaker for me. 
Personally. I think It would be redundant to use an outboard dac with the INT. So if somone wants to simplify or sell everything off, then this seems like the best 3 in 1 on the market today (at a reasonable price anyway). 
I just find it very difficult to believe that it will be just as good as the Hex, Tortuga, 225 separates.
I just put an order in for the INTegrated.  We'll see how it stacks up against my separates.

My INT arrived and is burning in on the floor with a cdp on repeat.
I will compare it to my current setup: Metrum Hex, Tortuga LDR passive and Job 225. Interconnects are Hidiamond D9 and D4.  
I'm also demoing a John Hillig modified Hafler dh200 from Musical Concepts.
Stay tuned.....
Good question, zizione.
Also, I haven't forgotten about this thread. I will post my comparisons of the INT vs Hex, Tortuga and 225 soon.
Okay, let me try this one more time. For some reason audiogon isn't allowing me to type a response on my computer so I have to do it via cell phone. Forgive me in advance for any grammatical errors as I do not feel like going back in correcting my phone's spell check. I simply don't have the patience for it. I have a lot to say regarding the similarities and differences between the job integrated and the separates I used to own. I will not go in-depth as much as I would like because again, this is from a phone. If anyone has any questions, you can p.m. me

Let me say first that I don't want to over inflate the INT (going forward, I will refer to the INT as the "integrated" ....again, the spell check on my phone), to this Almighty giant killer. You may listen to it and disagree with my over-enthusiastic opinion. The integrated was fed digital via my Audiophellio 2 sub/spdif converter with outboard power supply. I still have not tried going directly into the integrated via USB. I was more concerned about comparisons to the separates, not so much the A2 vs. The integrated's USB input. All of my impressions are versus the Metrum hex, Tortuga passive preamp, job 225, and between them all were the high diamond D9 and D7 interconnects. So we have $1,700 up against $9,500 ish if you include two power cords versus just one for the integrated. I put about 300 hours on the integrated before writing this message.

I must say, I missed nothing of the separates. Not one bit actually. When I first listened critically I was actually looking for a flaw Kama something to say, the separates do this or that, better. But no, in fact I think the integrated has more air and is more open than the separates. This was my number one concern about going this route. I even emailed Srajan telling him of my concern regarding this. He basically told me I needn't worry. I've sent emailed him again which he has posted on his letters feedback page, telling him I stand corrected. I simply don't understand how this three in one piece has more air and transparency then the separates. And that's not the only thing, I think the integrated is somehow more articulate in the mid-range and bass. It has that same job attack, which I love. Highs are extremely detailed, and like Srajan said in his review, the integrated is actually warmer and more mellow than said separates.

I'm shaking my head as to how this is possible, especially considering the price. The integrated has three sections sharing one power supply. I have been in this for a while and have spent an enormous amount of money over 20 years so let's face it, $1,700 isn't much in this madness we are in. Even if and I mean IF the separates were slightly better than the integrated, I would still keep the integrated and sell off everything else for two reasons. Number one, I cannot justify the price difference. Number too, this system is so simple now. Less crap and clutter.

So, money aside, I still prefer the INT  over the separates. It's warmer, more articulate, more Airy and open (this still baffles me), and I was able to sell off my other stuff and get money back.
I'm going to change my component list and pictures in my "virtual system" soon, just have to get time. 
I sold off so much stuff going to the INT that I actually have room in my rack for my tv's cable box. 
GASP!.....non audio related components in an audio rack?........Sacrilege.
@ alaarx, like I said in my post, I'm fine with using the INT's dac instead of my Hex. BUT, from what I gather, your Yggy is in a different league.  I never heard it but seems like it's an end game dac.
Job has a 20% (ouch), restocking fee. $340 to audition the INT if you don't like it.
Added pics of new room layout and the INTegrated.
Unfortunately INT has to go on the floor for now. Right speaker cable won't reach rack.
You bet Joe. I just put a core power technologies CPT 150 power cord on the INT and it's a phenominal addition.
@jafant, a core power technologies pct 150 is giving balanced AC and speaker cables are Audience AU24 SE.
@joeinid, welcome to the club! Although you're no stranger to the Job club actually. Lol. Nice little piece, isn't it.
@jond, yes I did sell it. It still is a giant killer IMO. The only reason I sold it is because my speakers are a bit bright and the INT, as wonderful and "warm" as it is, in the end was still too much of a good thing. Rather than open a whole new can of worms with shopping for new speakers, worrying about selling mine, etc, I chose to keep the speakers and get a new amp. I just didn’t want to roll those dice.
@jond, highly unlikely anyone will know them but they are Source Technologies 1.7 SL Reference. It's a floor standing two way with Scanspeak Revelator tweeter and 7"Revelator woofer with Mundorf silver/oil caps. You can see them in my virtual system.
@jond, thanks. Yeah, I’ve had tubes on them before and they sounded wonderful. I had a wyred4sound STI-500 on them a couple years ago and the warmish characteristic of that integrated sounded great with my speakers. I’m awaiting another one. Should be here in a week.

I’ve had them for a long time and even before I had them, the most happy I’ve been in all my 20 years in audio came twice, both times with these speakers. First time was with the Wyred4sound integrated. The second was with a Clones Audio 25i integrated. Crazy to think that the hundreds, yes HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars worth of equipment (around 200K actually), I’ve had come through my hands on 20 years in audio, the happiest and most content I’ve been was with the Wyred and Clones integrateds.

I need to have my head examined.

Well that's good news. Especially for those with only an analog source. I liked mine when I had it.