Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.

Showing 14 responses by joeinid

Dear JOB customers and followers, hereafter more technical specs about the new JOB INTegrated.
Nominal line voltage: 117 or 234 V (switchable)
Fuse 8A for 110V and 220V
Input voltage range: +/- 10 %
Rated Power Consumption:
IEC 60065, 1/8 Output Power at 8 Ω: 240 W (per unit)
Max Power Consumption:
IEC 60065 at 8 Ω /1% THD: 700 W
FPP at 8 Ω: 190 W
IEC 60065 at 8 Ω / 1 % THD+N: 2 x 175 W
USB device:
- Audio Class 2.0 (no driver required on Mac OS X as of v.10.6.4 nor on
Linux, driver required only for Windows)
- Sample rate up to 384 kHz/Bit depth up to 32
- DSD over PCM capabilities
1 x Toslink Optical or Digital S/PDIF coaxial RCA 75 Ohms
1 x Analog RCA (Left & Right): ADC conversion for DSP correction
2 x output binding posts Left & Right
Voltage input selector
RS232 Command connector
20 Hz - 20 kHz, unloaded: +/- 0.5 dB
THD+N, unloaded: < 0.08 % from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at 30 VRMS output
IMD (SMPTE), unloaded: < 0.02 % before clipping
Inputs terminated with RCA Shorting Caps, unloaded: < 10 µV from 20 Hz to 20 kH
22 kHz measurement bandwidth (flat): > 100 dB
35 dB
220 at 1 kHz, 8 Ω
In case you have any questions please use our email address No technical questions will be answered from this page. Have a nice evening !!
I am sure you will not have any problems. Job/Goldmund strives for quality. Any issue will likely manifest within the first year, otherwise a short trip to Geneva will be required. Unless you abuse your gear, you will have nothing to worry about.


I placed my order yesterday for the INTegrated. Can't wait to get mine! Thank you for all the excitement/advice.
If they did strive for quality then they would have confidence in their products for longer than a year.

Job has been out for many years, have you heard of anyone complaining of broken amps?


How many other manufacturers only offer 1 year warranty? Look at the price point, if you are that worried, don’t buy one.

My Job INTegrated will be here next week.
Please forgive my complete ignorance. I have noticed that you have rightfully ignored it. The INT sound like a very good deal. If I had a place for it I might have bought one for myself. I am a tube-o-phile so I might be happier with the JOB power amps with a tube pre amp.


If you do pair a tube preamp with Job amps, please look for a preamp with low gain. 10db of gain or under is preferred.
My Job INTegrated arrived and is playing. For $1699 delivered, this has to be the deal of the century. I am feeding it right now with a W4S modified Sonos and it sounds wonderful.
@joeinid, welcome to the club! Although you're no stranger to the Job club actually. Lol. Nice little piece, isn't it.


I thought the Job 225 was good, this is freaking outstanding. You are 100% correct. Thank you for the vote of confidence.
Congrats @joeinid for your purchase!

Could you please give us some more details on your impressions between your old setup with 225 and the new Int?

Very appreciated!

Thank you so much.

It has been a while since I had the 225 in my system but with the high gain of that amp, it was finicky to match a proper preamp.

Honestly, the best preamp for that amp was the Dartzeel NHB-18NS, dead quiet, low gain, and wonderfully sweet. No one in their right mind would use that combo because of the price mismatch, but we are not "normal".  Another great preamp, rather I should say passive, was built for me by Richard Becker of AUM Acoustics. He was able to tailor the piece to my taste. Other preamps recommended are low gain, eg. 0-6db gain, like the Primaluna preamp work extremely well, based on friends recommendations.

I was able to get the 225 to sing extremely well.

Out of the box, the Job INTegrated is such a great package, no tweaking necessary. Sure it performs best fed by a digital signal because the RCA "analog" inputs are converted to digital and back to analog. Not a concern for me because of the way I intend to use it.

The Job INTegrated, I think, works so well because it is tightly integrated, meaning the preamp/amp/dac work as one. No gain mismatch to worry about. No additional cables necessary, no additional pieces to worry about matching and wondering if they will work together properly.

The sound of the Job INTegrated has a slight sweetness that typical solid state does not. It has a big sound stage, tremendous separation, wonderful vocals that are clearly heard that are right there in front of you. Bass is supremely articulate and when called upon, delivers powerfully. Image depth is surprising for solid state. You’d swear that this "system" cost 10X what you paid.

For $1699 delivered, you can not only taste, but actually own an "audiophile" system that delivers in spades. As long as your speakers are not monsters to drive and are reasonably efficient, you are golden.

The Job INTegrated is killer.

I have no plans at all to sell mine. It's an amazing unit for the digital only user. Not crazy about the analog input. Although if you are a primarily digital/streaming based user, the Job INTegrated is superb. I have SF Strads and JBL 4367's as well as Klipsch and KEF bookshelf speakers and I love my Job.

I’m not so sure that’s even necessary. The Job INTegrated is a wonderful all in one solution for someone who wants a modest system that plays way higher than its price. Especially if someone is an all digital user, the Job INTegrated is spectacular. Sweet, articulate, wonderful tone, surprising bass and a deep sound stage. For the price of admission, it does not get any better than this. As long as your speakers are not too difficult to drive, give it a shot, you’ll be amazed.

I have a feeling that devilboy might have been able to optimize his system with a different speaker cable choice. Some think cables don't matter, I absolutely believe they can make a huge difference. They can make or break a system.

Would be really interesting to have an additional "professional review"...

If your Mini-X are these specs: sensitivity: 87 dB @ 1 watt / 1m, nominal impedance: 8 ohms, then the Job will be able to drive them well. Job amps are not crazy about loads of 3 ohms or less. With that said, I like the Hegel H30 but prefer Pass and Ayre over any Hegel at this point. I only say that because I have and love the Job INTegrated and would pick that in a heartbeat over the Hegel. I've owned a total of two H30 in the past but have moved on from any Hegel amp. If you ONLY have a digital source, the Job INTegrated is superb but with your speakers, I am not sure you will get enough volume to satisfy your needs. I don't play loud and will NEVER give up my Job INTegrated.
Congratulations Don. I still absolutely love my Job INTegrated. I am glad you do too. Give it some time and it will only get better.
As stated on their website, "If you return one of our products within 10 days of shipping date, we apply a restocking fee of 20% before returning your payment.", has always been in effect. Unless you have an email or communication stating differently, that's the policy.

I am sorry you feel the need to return it. Job has been great to me and my friends in regards to questions and help. Never needed service from them so far.
I am using a Shunyata with the built in digital filtering because the Job INTegrated has a dac/digital section. Seems to work extremely well. I don't remember the series name. I'll try and find out.