Isolation stands: snakeoil?

I understand that turntables are uniquely effected by vibrations due thier sensitivity to that kind of energy. But here’s the thing: most turntables, especially decent ones, have vibration control measures built into them via footers and various construction techniques. So, the question is: are turntable stands / shelves with isolation features actually beneficial or are they just horrendously overpriced accessories for audiophiles?
clearthink - gdhal has all the appearances of a Nigeream scammer he has promoted a phony $25,000 USD scam fraud on these forums.

Appearances can be deceiving. Never judge a book by its cover. Nothing was promoted. You gladly accepted a genuine challenge that you're unable and/or unwilling to participate in. And why? Because *YOU CANNOT* audibly hear a difference if ordinary speaker wire is reversed. So what we have here in fact isn't about anything fraudulent on my part but the exposure of you as a liar.
gdhal"Appearances can be deceiving. Never judge a book by its cover. Nothing was promoted."

You promoted a phony $25,000 USD listening challenge that was revealed to be extortion and a fraud and you then sought my personal information like the famous Nigerean scam.

An advance-fee scam is a form of fraud and one of the most common types of confidence trick. The scam typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment, which the fraudster requires in order to obtain the large sum. If a victim makes the payment, the fraudster either invents a series of further fees for the victim or simply disappears. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), "An advance fee scheme occurs when the victim pays money to someone in anticipation of receiving something of greater value—such as a loan, contract, investment, or gift—and then receives little or nothing in return." [1]

There are many variations of this type of scam, including the 419 scam, the Spanish Prisoner scam, the black money scam, Fifo's Fraud and the Detroit-Buffalo scam.[2] The scam has been used with fax and traditional mail, and is now prevalent in online communications like emails.

While Nigeria is most often the nation referred to in these scams, they originate in other nations as well. In 2006, 61% of internet criminals were traced to locations in the United States,

Please let me know that business's name. Im searching for a good used Minus K.
The Symposium Ultra Stealth turntable shelf gives better bass detail,better detail,better imaging,cleaner highs etc.Why would you say snake oil which is a very over used word.Good luck though!!

It was several years ago now, and the firm was a random "capital asset disposition" firm in Silicon Valley, whose name I do not recall.  What I do recall was that I trolled Ebay for months in search of active vibration isolation tables, and then I stumbled on these that were somehow improperly classified or mis-named, and they had no bids on them.  So, I snapped them up for almost nothing.  That is the path that worked for me.
Even when the stand is leveled, there’s still some wobble due to the flexibility of the stand posts which are just screw-in legs and such. Is this solution just not viable for a proper turntable setup?

I put the turntable on top of a 27 lbs maple butcher block which is sitting on a trio of Symposium Rollerblocks — this seemed to significantly improve performance. The StudioDeck itself isn’t very heavy, only around 17-18 lbs.
Wow this thread has gone in quite a few directions.  I have a Artisan Fidelity Lenco based table which weights 90+ lbs and is solid as a rock.  My Lenco sits on two 1" granite slabs with a 3" maple block on top of the granite.  I have experimented with my other devices and my current stand is great.  This cost me about $500. Sure there might be an improvement with some very expensive stands but I am quite happy with my tt setup.

The ultimate in isolation

Kevin works on resonance in nuclear submarines

i notice a distinct isolation of notes separated in time instead of smeared

think of a pianist rolling across the keys
and hearing each separate note
Has perhaps hit the nail on the head with the OP questions.

Turntables are essentially engineering measuring devices - as such an improvement in the suspension - provided it is properly tuned and matched to the rest of the replay ought to improve this function. Microscopes serve as an excellent comparison.

Have a read up on Dinsdale White papers that led to the inception of the Townshend Rock, or anything relating to EMT turntables.

There’s a lot to be said for very massive granite slab type set ups in terms of resistance to bending forces and plain old inertia. Yet, the fact remains the entire house is vibrating according to the local seismic type forces like traffic, subways, Earth crust motion. Therefore, the granite slabs are also obviously moving right along with everything else at low seismic frequencies. For this reason using springs along with the granite slabs is suggested. Mass-on-spring. Yeah!
Though since high end audio is rife with snake oil I have little doubt this applies to some (or many) isolation products.

This is emphatically - not true.

Some just have limited reach pear shaped brains, full of flat earth projections and musings, the kind that are formed and informed by that given pear shaped limited reach.

Some keep trying to sneak factualizing into their internal echo projections. I will continue to call them out on it.