Well, I have listened to the VR-1's. I also listened to the Big Boys the $6,000 a pair VS's. Yes, the bass was really good. But for $6 grand I would rather spend the money on a real good subwoofer and stands and enjoy the Spicas.
I purchased my first pair of TC 50's over 19 years ago. I had my boss over during the mid 80's to listen. He had spent over $40k on exotic gear in Europe. His main speakers were the then HOT Snell Type A III's. He listened to my modest system: Spica TC 50's with 1 Spica sub. A Sota Turntable with a JS TEchnology Air Bearing tonearm and a Talisman S LO moving coil and a PS Audio 4H preamp and a Vintage Dynaco Stereo 70. That Stereo 70's was one of several amps owned in a 6 month period. I went from Hafler HD 220, to Moscode 150 Maxi, to VSP Laps to Audire, to a PS audio 2C and several more. The Stereo 70 made the Spicas sing. My tonearm interconnect was Straightwire LSI and all my other interconnect was Straightwire Flexconnect. My boss brought his own stash of Really rare classical records and he sat for over 3 hours listening. He played record after record. He said to me, "it's a DamN shame that a system sound this good".
Well, I spent about 5 years with that system. It took be about 2 to get it to that point. Well I'm probably on my sixty something system of gear that I have owned. I know that sounds like allot but just within the last year I have owned at least a dozen pair of different speakers. None of them actually gave me the pleasure my Spica TC 50's have given me. The pair I own right now I purchased from a guy in Florida last summer. The condition wasn't' that great just good, but the sound was solid. I recapped the crossover and once things settled in I had achieved something special. When I listen to the Spica's I hear music, tempo, pace, drive and rhythm. Some of us call it SOUL! I actually call it "Foot Tapping Quotient". The mark of a great speaker will make you pat your feet and sing along. And before you know it you are playing air guitar, air drums and air microphone. This is what the Spica's deliver. If you match them with a real good subwoofer and crossover you will discover depth that you would have to pay 10 times the original retail price to get. But the seductiveness of the voice and the accuracy of the highs along with the weight of each instrument makes the TC 50 one of my all time favorites. The VR 1's are good but they don't deliver the "FTQ" or the SOUL that the TC 50 delivers. I hope I have explained how I feel about a really fine speaker. Some people say the TC 50 is bright. Yes, the wrong speaker cable and amp can cause the speakers to sound bright. The TC 50's are revealing of equipment quality and you can actually hear the differences in cables and other devices. Once you have the synergy you are seeking you will know. Stereo 70's are a very good match for these speakers. As are Quicksilver, Cary Audio, Creek, Naim ( what the power though). The funny thing here is that we all hear different things. You may hear what you want in the VR-1's. But I like the TC 50 better. Enjoy!!!